< Psalms 53 >

1 [For the Chief Musician. To the tune of "Mahalath." A contemplation by David.] The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, and have done abominable iniquity. There is no one who does good.
Neghmichilerning béshigha tapshurulup oqulsun dep, Maxalat ahangida Dawut yazghan «Masqil»: Exmeq kishi könglide: «Héchbir Xuda yoq» — deydu. Ular chirikliship, Nepretlik qebih ishlarni qilishti; Ularning ichide méhribanliq qilghuchi yoqtur.
2 God looks down from heaven on the descendants of Adam, to see if there are any who are wise, who seek after God.
Xuda ershte turup, insan balilirini közitip: «Bu insanlarning arisida, insapni chüshinidighan birersi barmidu? Xudani izdeydighanlar barmidu?
3 Every one of them has gone back. They have become filthy together. There is no one who does good, no, not one.
Hemme adem yoldin chiqti, Hemme adem chirikliship ketti, Méhribanliq qilghuchi yoqtur, hetta birimu.
4 Have evildoers no knowledge, who eat up my people as they eat bread, and do not call on God?
Nanni yégendek Méning xelqimni yutuwalghan, Qebihlik qilghuchilarning bilimi yoqmidu?» — deydu. Ular Perwerdigargha héchbir iltija qilmaydu.
5 There they will be in great fear, where no fear had been, for God will scatter the bones of those who encamp against you. You will put them to shame, because God has rejected them.
Qorqqudek héch ish bolmisimu, Mana ularni ghayet zor qorqunch basti; Chünki Xuda séni qorshawgha alghanlarning ustixanlirini parchilap chéchiwetti; Sen ularni xijilliqqa qoydung; Chünki Xuda ularni neziridin saqit qildi.
6 Oh that the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion. When God brings back his people from captivity, may Jacob rejoice, may Israel be glad.
Ah, Israilning nijatliqi Ziondin chiqip kelgen bolsa idi! Xuda Öz xelqini asaritidin chiqirip, azadliqqa érishtürgen chaghda, Yaqup shadlinidu, Israil xushal bolidu!

< Psalms 53 >