< 2 Peter 1 >

1 Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus (the) Messiah, to those who have obtained a like precious faith with us in the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus (the) Messiah:
Simoon Phexros garbichaa fi ergamaa Yesuus Kiristoos irraa, Gara warra karaa qajeelummaa Waaqa keenyaa fi Fayyisaa keenya Yesuus Kiristoosiin amantii akkuma amantii keenyaa gatii guddaa qabu sana argattaniitti:
2 Grace to you and peace be multiplied in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord,
Beekumsa Waaqaatii fi beekumsa Gooftaa keenya Yesuusiin ayyaannii fi nagaan isiniif haa baayʼatu.
3 seeing that his divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and virtue;
Humni waaqummaa isaa karaa isa ulfina isaatii fi gaarummaa isaatiin nu waame sana beekuu keenyaatiin waan jireenyaa fi Waaqatti buluuf nu barbaachisu hundumaa nuuf kenneera.
4 by which he has granted to us his precious and exceedingly great promises; that through these you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world by lust.
Kennaa kanaanis isin badiisa sababii hawwii hamaatiin addunyaa keessa jiru jalaa baatanii akka amala waaqummaa isaa sana keessatti hirmaattaniif jedhee karaa kennaa kanaatiin waadaa isaa guddaa fi kan gatii guddaa qabu nuuf galeera.
5 Yes, and for this very cause adding on your part all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence; and in moral excellence, knowledge;
Sababuma kanaaf amantii keessan irratti gaarummaa, gaarummaa irrattis beekumsa dabalachuuf waan isinii dandaʼame hunda godhaa;
6 and in knowledge, self-control; and in self-control, perseverance; and in perseverance, godliness;
akkasuma beekumsa irratti of qabuu, of qabuu irratti obsaan dhaabachuu, obsaan dhaabachuu irratti Waaqatti buluu,
7 and in godliness, brotherly affection; and in brotherly affection, love.
Waaqatti buluu irratti jaalala obbolummaa, jaalala obbolummaa irratti immoo jaalala dhugaa dabaladhaa.
8 For if these things are yours and abound, they make you to be not idle nor unfruitful to the knowledge of our Lord Jesus (the) Messiah.
Yoo isin waan kana hunda qabaattanii ittuma isinii baayʼachaa deeme, wanni kun akka isin Gooftaa keenya Yesuus Kiristoos beekuu keessatti dadhaboo fi buʼaa dhabeeyyii hin taane isin godha.
9 For he who lacks these things is blind, seeing only what is near, having forgotten the cleansing from his old sins.
Garuu namni waan kana hin qabne kam iyyuu jaamaa dha; fagoottis arguu hin dandaʼu; cubbuu isaa durii sana irraa qulqulleeffamuu isaa irraanfateera.
10 Therefore, brothers, be more diligent to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never stumble.
Kanaaf yaa obboloota ko, waamamuu fi filatamuu keessan mirkaneeffachuuf caalaatti hinaaffaa qabaadhaa. Yoo waan kana gootan isin hin gufattan;
11 For thus you will be richly supplied with the entrance into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus (the) Messiah. (aiōnios g166)
akkasiin gara mootummaa bara baraa kan Gooftaa keenyaa fi Fayyisaa keenya Yesuus Kiristoositti galuun guutummaatti isiniif kennama. (aiōnios g166)
12 Therefore I will be ready always to remind you of these things, though you know them, and are established in the present truth.
Kanaafuu isin wantoota kanneen beektanii, dhugaa amma qabdan kanatti jabaatanii dhaabattanii iyyuu ani yeroo hunda wantoota kanneen isin yaadachiisuu nan barbaada.
13 I think it right, as long as I am in this tent, to stir you up by reminding you;
Ani hamman dunkaana kana keessa jirutti waan kana isin yaadachiisuudhaan isin dammaqsuu koo qajeelaa nan seʼa;
14 knowing that the putting off of my tent comes swiftly, even as our Lord Jesus (the) Messiah made clear to me.
ani akka Gooftaan keenya Yesuus Kiristoos naaf ibsetti, dunkaana koo kana akkan dafee of irraa baasu beekaatii.
15 Yes, I will make every effort that you may always be able to remember these things even after my departure.
Ani akka isin erguma ani isin biraa godaanee booddee yeroo hunda waan kana yaadachuu dandeessan gochuuf nan carraaqa.
16 For we did not follow cunningly devised tales, when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus (the) Messiah, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
Nu yommuu waaʼee humnaa fi dhufaatii Gooftaa keenya Yesuus Kiristoos isinitti himnetti, surraa isaa ijuma keenyaan argineeti malee oduu haxxummaadhaan uumame duukaa buunee miti.
17 For he received from God the Father honor and glory, when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
Innis yommuu sagaleen, “Kun Ilma koo isa ani jaalladhuu dha; ani isatti baayʼee nan gammada” jedhu sun Ulfina Surra qabeessa sana biraa dhufeefitti, Waaqa Abbaa biraa kabajaa fi ulfina argateeraatii.
18 We heard this voice come out of heaven when we were with him on the holy mountain.
Nu mataan keenya iyyuu yeroo isa wajjin tulluu qulqulluu irra turretti, utuu sagaleen kun samii irraa dhufuu dhageenye.
19 We have the more sure word of prophecy; and you do well that you heed it, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns, and the morning star arises in your hearts:
Kanaafuu dubbiin raajonni dubbatan sun ittuma caalee nuuf mirkaneeffame; isinis hamma boruun baqaqee bakkalchi barii garaa keessan keessatti baʼutti yoo akkuma ibsaa dukkana keessatti ibsuutti dubbii kanaaf xiyyeeffannoo kennitan waan gaarii gochuu keessan.
20 knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of private interpretation.
Raajiin Katabbii Qulqulluu kam iyyuu hiikkaa raajichaa kan mataa isaatiin akka hin dhufin duraan dursitanii beekuu qabdu.
21 For no prophecy ever came by human will, but people spoke from God, being moved by the Holy Spirit.
Raajiin takkumaa fedhii namaatiin hin dhufneetii; garuu namoota Waaqaatu Hafuura Qulqulluudhaan geggeeffamee dubbate.

< 2 Peter 1 >