< Numbers 2 >

1 Jehovah spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying,
Markaasaa Rabbigu la hadlay Muuse iyo Haaruun, oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
2 "The children of Israel shall camp every man by his own standard, with the banners of their fathers' houses: at a distance from the Tent of Meeting shall they camp around it."
Reer binu Israa'iil waa in nin waluba teendhadiisa ka ag dhistaa calankiisa, iyagoo ag jooga bandiiradihii reerka aabbahood, oo waa inay teendhooyinkooda ka dhistaan meel teendhada shirka ka hor jeedda oo hareeraheeda ah.
3 Those who camp on the east side toward the sunrise shall be of the standard of the camp of Judah, according to their divisions: and the prince of the people of Judah shall be Nahshon the son of Amminadab.
Oo kuwa ka dhistaa xagga bari dhanka qorrax ka soo baxa waa inay ahaadaan kuwa calanka xerada reer Yahuudah sida ciidammadoodu yihiin, oo amiirka reer Yahuudahna waa inuu ahaadaa Naxshoon ina Cammiinaadaab.
4 His division, and those who were numbered of them, were seventy-four thousand six hundred.
Oo ciidankiisii kuwii laga tiriyey waxay ahaayeen afar iyo toddobaatan kun iyo lix boqol.
5 Those who camp next to him shall be the tribe of Issachar: and the prince of the people of Issachar shall be Nethanel the son of Zuar.
Oo kuwa ku xiga oo agtiisa ka dhistaana waa inay ahaadaan qabiilka reer Isaakaar, oo amiirka reer Isaakaarna waa inuu ahaadaa Netaneel ina Suucaar.
6 His division, and those who were numbered of it, were fifty-four thousand four hundred.
Oo ciidankiisii kuwii laga tiriyey waxay ahaayeen afar iyo konton kun iyo afar boqol.
7 The tribe of Zebulun: and the prince of the people of Zebulun shall be Eliab the son of Helon.
Qabiilka reer Sebulunna, oo amiirka reer Sebulunna waa inuu ahaadaa Elii'aab ina Xeelon.
8 His division, and those who were numbered of it, were fifty-seven thousand four hundred.
Oo ciidankiisii kuwii laga tiriyeyna waxay ahaayeen toddoba iyo konton kun iyo afar boqol.
9 All who were numbered of the camp of Judah were one hundred eighty-six thousand four hundred, according to their divisions. They shall set out first.
Oo kulli intii xerada reer Yahuudah laga tiriyey oo dhammu waxay ahaayeen boqol iyo lix iyo siddeetan kun iyo afar boqol, siday ciidammadoodu yihiin, oo iyagu waa inay marka hore baxaan.
10 "On the south side shall be the standard of the camp of Reuben according to their divisions. The prince of the people of Reuben shall be Elizur the son of Shedeur.
Oo xagga koonfureedna waa inuu ahaadaa calanka xerada reer Ruubeen, siday ciidammadoodu yihiin, oo amiirka reer Ruubeenna waa inuu ahaadaa Eliisuur ina Shedeeyuur.
11 His division, and those who were numbered of it, were forty-six thousand five hundred.
Oo ciidankiisii kuwii laga tiriyey waxay ahaayeen lix iyo afartan kun iyo shan boqol.
12 "Those who camp next to him shall be the tribe of Simeon. The prince of the people of Simeon shall be Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai.
Oo kuwa ku xigaana waa inay ahaadaan qabiilka reer Simecoon. Oo amiirka reer Simecoonna waa inuu ahaadaa Shelumii'eel ina Suuriishadday.
13 His division, and those who were numbered of them, were fifty-nine thousand three hundred.
Oo ciidankiisii kuwii laga tiriyey waxay ahaayeen sagaal iyo konton kun iyo saddex boqol.
14 "The tribe of Gad: and the prince of the people of Gad shall be Eliasaph the son of Reuel.
Qabiilka reer Gaadna, oo amiirka reer Gaadna waa inuu ahaadaa Eliyaasaaf ina Recuu'eel.
15 His division, and those who were numbered of them, were forty-five thousand six hundred fifty.
Oo ciidankiisii kuwii laga tiriyey waxay ahaayeen shan iyo afartan kun iyo lix boqol iyo konton.
16 "All who were numbered of the camp of Reuben were one hundred fifty-one thousand four hundred fifty, according to their armies. They shall set out second.
Oo kulli intii xeradii reer Ruubeen laga tiriyey waxay ahaayeen boqol iyo kow iyo konton kun iyo afar boqol iyo konton, siday ciidammadoodu ahaayeen. Oo iyana waa inay marka labaad baxaan.
17 "Then the Tent of Meeting shall set out, with the camp of the Levites in the midst of the camps. As they camp, so shall they set out, every man in his place, by their standards.
Dabadeedna teendhada shirku waa inay baxdaa, iyadoo kooxda reer Laawi ku dhex jirta kooxaha kale, oo siday u degaan waa inay u baxaan, nin kasta oo meeshiis ku jira oo calankooda ag jooga.
18 "On the west side shall be the standard of the camp of Ephraim according to their divisions: and the prince of the people of Ephraim shall be Elishama the son of Ammihud.
Oo dhanka galbeedna waa inuu ahaadaa calanka xerada reer Efrayim siday ciidammadoodu yihiin, oo amiirka reer Efrayimna waa inuu ahaadaa Eliishaamaac ina Cammiihuud.
19 His division, and those who were numbered of them, were forty thousand five hundred.
Oo ciidankiisii kuwii laga tiriyey waxay ahaayeen afartan kun iyo shan boqol.
20 "Next to him shall be the tribe of Manasseh: and the prince of the people of Manasseh shall be Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur.
Oo qabiilka reer Manaseh waa inuu ku xigaa; oo amiirka reer Manasehna waa inuu ahaadaa Gamalii'eel ina Fedaahsuur.
21 His division, and those who were numbered of them, were thirty-two thousand two hundred.
Oo ciidankiisii kuwii laga tiriyey waxay ahaayeen laba iyo soddon kun iyo laba boqol.
22 "The tribe of Benjamin: and the prince of the people of Benjamin shall be Abidan the son of Gideoni.
Qabiilkii reer Benyaamiinna, oo amiirka reer Benyaamiinna waa inuu ahaadaa Abiidaan ina Gidconii.
23 His army, and those who were numbered of them, were thirty-five thousand four hundred.
Oo ciidankiisii kuwii laga tiriyey waxay ahaayeen shan iyo soddon kun iyo afar boqol.
24 "All who were numbered of the camp of Ephraim were one hundred eight thousand one hundred, according to their divisions. They shall set out third.
Oo kulli intii xerada reer Efrayim laga tiriyey waxay ahaayeen boqol iyo siddeed kun iyo boqol, siday ciidammadoodii ahaayeen. Oo iyana waa inay marka saddexaad baxaan.
25 "On the north side shall be the standard of the camp of Dan according to their divisions: and the prince of the people of Dan shall be Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai.
Oo dhanka woqooyina waa inuu ahaadaa calanka xerada reer Daan siday ciidammadoodu yihiin, oo amiirka reer Daanna waa inuu ahaadaa Axiiceser ina Cammiishadday.
26 His division, and those who were numbered of them, were sixty-two thousand seven hundred.
Oo ciidankiisii kuwii laga tiriyey waxay ahaayeen laba iyo lixdan kun iyo toddoba boqol.
27 "Those who camp next to him shall be the tribe of Asher: and the prince of the people of Asher shall be Pagiel the son of Ochran.
Oo qabiilka reer Aasheer waa inuu ku xigaa, oo amiirka reer Aasheerna waa inuu ahaadaa Fagcii'eel ina Cokraan.
28 His division, and those who were numbered of them, were forty-one thousand and five hundred.
Oo ciidankiisii kuwii laga tiriyey waxay ahaayeen kow iyo afartan kun iyo shan boqol.
29 "The tribe of Naphtali: and the prince of the people of Naphtali shall be Ahira the son of Enan.
Qabiilkii reer Naftaalina, oo amiirka reer Naftaalina waa inuu ahaadaa Axiirac ina Ceynaan.
30 His division, and those who were numbered of them, were fifty-three thousand four hundred.
Oo ciidankiisii kuwii laga tiriyey waxay ahaayeen saddex iyo konton kun iyo afar boqol.
31 "All who were numbered of the camp of Dan were one hundred fifty-seven thousand six hundred. They shall set out last by their standards."
Oo kulli intii xerada reer Daan laga tiriyey waxay ahaayeen boqol iyo toddoba iyo konton kun iyo lix boqol. Oo iyagu waa inay baxaan marka ugu dambaysa, iyagoo calammadooda ag jooga.
32 These are those who were numbered of the children of Israel by their fathers' houses. All who were numbered of the camps according to their armies were six hundred three thousand five hundred fifty.
Kuwaasu waa intii laga tiriyey reer binu Israa'iil siday reerahoodu ahaayeen. Kulli intii xerooyinka laga tiriyey sidii ciidammadoodii ahaayeen waxay ahaayeen lix boqol iyo saddex kun iyo shan boqol iyo konton.
33 But the Levites were not numbered among the children of Israel; as Jehovah commanded Moses.
Laakiinse reer Laawi laguma tirin reer binu Israa'iil, waayo, sidaas ayaa Rabbigu Muuse ku amray.
34 Thus the children of Israel did. According to all that Jehovah commanded Moses, so they camped by their standards, and so they set out, everyone by their families, according to their fathers' houses.
Sidaasay reer binu Israa'iil yeeleen, oo kulli wixii Rabbigu Muuse ku amray, sidaasay dhammaan uga ag dhisteen calammadoodii, oo sidaasay ugu bexeen siday qoladoodii iyo reerahoodii ahaayeen.

< Numbers 2 >