< Leviticus 27 >

1 Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying,
Waaqayyo Museedhaan akkana jedhe;
2 "Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them, 'When a man makes a vow, the persons shall be for Jehovah by your valuation.
“Akkana jedhii Israaʼelootatti himi: ‘Namni yoo gatii wal madaalu kennuudhaan Waaqayyoof nama kennuuf wareega addaa godhe,
3 Your valuation shall be of a male from twenty years old even to sixty years old, even your valuation shall be fifty shekels of silver, after the shekel of the sanctuary.
dhiira umuriin isaa waggaa digdamaa hamma jaatamaa taʼeef, akka safartuu saqilii iddoo qulqulluutti herregni isaa meetii saqilii shantama haa taʼu.
4 If it is a female, then your valuation shall be thirty shekels.
Yoo dubartii taate immoo herregni ishee meetii saqilii soddoma haa taʼu.
5 If the person is from five years old even to twenty years old, then your valuation shall be for a male twenty shekels, and for a female ten shekels.
Yoo nama umuriin isaa waggaa shanii fi digdama gidduu taʼe, herregni dhiiraa meetii saqilii digdamatti, kan dubartii immoo meetii saqilii kudhanitti haa herregamu.
6 If the person is from a month old even to five years old, then your valuation shall be for a male five shekels of silver, and for a female your valuation shall be three shekels of silver.
Nama umuriin isaa jiʼa tokkoo hamma waggaa shanii taʼe immoo herregni isaa, dhiiraaf meetii saqilii shan, durbaaf immoo meetii saqilii sadii haa taʼu.
7 If the person is from sixty years old and upward; if it is a male, then your valuation shall be fifteen shekels, and for a female ten shekels.
Namni umuriin isaa waggaa jaatama yookaan sanaa ol taʼe dhiirri meetii saqilii kudha shanitti, dubartiin immoo meetii saqilii kudhanitti haa herregamu.
8 But if he is poorer than your valuation, then he shall be set before the priest, and the priest shall value him; according to the ability of him who vowed shall the priest value him.
Namni wareega wareegu hiyyoomee gatii murtaaʼe sana yoo baasuu dadhabe, Museen nama sana lubatti haa fidu; lubni immoo akkuma dandeettii namicha wareega wareege sanaatti gatii isaa haa herreguuf.
9 "'If it is an animal, of which men offer an offering to Jehovah, all that any man gives of such to Jehovah becomes holy.
“‘Wanni namichi sun wareege horii fuula Waaqayyoo duratti aarsaa fudhatama qabu yoo taʼe horiin Waaqayyoof kenname kan akkasii hundi ni qulqullaaʼa.
10 He shall not alter it, nor change it, a good for a bad, or a bad for a good: and if he shall at all change animal for animal, then both it and that for which it is changed shall be holy.
Namichis horii sana geeddaruu yookaan horii gaarii horii jibbamaan yookaan horii jibbamaa horii gaarii iddoo hin buusin; yoo inni horii tokko horii biraa iddoo buuse horiin lamaanuu qulqulluu taʼu.
11 If it is any unclean animal, of which they do not offer as an offering to Jehovah, then he shall set the animal before the priest;
Yoo horiin inni wareege sun akka seeraatti xuraaʼaa jechuunis kan Waaqayyoof aarsaa taʼee dhiʼaachuu hin dandeenye taʼe namichi sun horii sana gara lubatti haa fidu;
12 and the priest shall value it, whether it is good or bad. As you the priest values it, so shall it be.
lubichis akka horiin sun gaarii yookaan jibbamaa taʼe haa madaalu. Gatiin lubni madaale akkasuma haa taʼu.
13 But if he will indeed redeem it, then he shall add the fifth part of it to its valuation.
Namichi sun yoo horii sana furachuu barbaade gatii herregame sanatti harka shan keessaa harka tokko itti dabaluu qaba.
14 "'When a man dedicates his house to be holy to Jehovah, then the priest shall evaluate it, whether it is good or bad: as the priest shall evaluate it, so shall it stand.
“‘Yoo namni tokko mana ofii Waaqayyoof qulqulleesse, akka manni sun gaarii yookaan gadhee taʼe lubichi gatii isaa haa herregu. Gatiin lubni madaale akkasuma haa taʼu.
15 If he who dedicates it will redeem his house, then he shall add the fifth part of the money of your valuation to it, and it shall be his.
Namichi mana isaa Waaqaaf qulqulleesse sun yoo mana ofii furachuu barbaade, gatii herregame sanatti harka shan keessaa harka tokko itti dabaluu qaba; manni sunis deebiʼee kan isaa taʼa.
16 "'If a man dedicates to Jehovah part of the field of his possession, then your valuation shall be according to the seed for it: the sowing of a homer of barley shall be valued at fifty shekels of silver.
“‘Yoo namni lafa dhaalaan argate irraa Waaqayyoof qulqulleesse gatiin lafa sanaa akkuma baayʼina sanyii lafa sanaaf barbaachisuutti jechuunis garbuun safartuun homeerii tokko meetii saqilii shantamatti herregama.
17 If he dedicates his field from the Year of Jubilee, according to your valuation it shall stand.
Yoo inni lafa qotiisaa isaa Waggaa Iyyoobeeliyyuu keessa qulqulleesse gatiin duraan hedame sun hin geeddaramu.
18 But if he dedicates his field after the Jubilee, then the priest shall reckon to him the money according to the years that remain to the Year of Jubilee; and an abatement shall be made from your valuation.
Garuu yoo inni waggaa Iyyoobeeliyyuu booddee lafa qotiisaa isaa qulqulleesse lubichi akkuma baayʼina waggoota hamma waggaa Iyyoobeeliyyuu itti aanuutti jiraniitti herrega; gatiin shallagame gad buʼa.
19 If he who dedicated the field will indeed redeem it, then he shall add the fifth part of the money of your valuation to it, and it shall remain his.
Yoo namichi lafa qotiisaa isaa Waaqaaf addaan baasu sun lafa qotiisaa isaa furachuu barbaade, inni gatii hedametti harka shan keessaa harka tokko haa dabalu; lafti qotiisaa sunis deebiʼee kan isaa taʼa.
20 If he will not redeem the field, or if he has sold the field to another man, it shall not be redeemed any more;
Taʼus yoo inni lafa qotiisaa sana furachuu baate, yookaan dabarsee nama biraatti gurgure, lafti qotiisaa sun deebiʼee furamuu hin dandaʼu.
21 but the field, when it goes out in the Jubilee, shall be holy to Jehovah, as a field devoted; it shall be owned by the priests.
Lafti qotiisaa sun yommuu Waggaa Iyyoobeeliyyuu keessa gad dhiifamutti akkuma lafa qotiisaa Waaqayyoof kennameetti addaan baafama; kunis qabeenya lubootaa taʼa.
22 "'If he dedicates to Jehovah a field which he has bought, which is not of the field of his possession,
“‘Yoo namni tokko lafa qotiisaa dhaalaan hin argatin kan ofii isaatii bitate Waaqayyoof qulqulleesse,
23 then the priest shall reckon to him the worth of your valuation up to the Year of Jubilee; and he shall give your valuation on that day, as a holy thing to Jehovah.
lubni gatii lafa qotiisaa sanaa hamma Waggaa Iyyoobeeliyyuutti herrega; namichis gatii herregame sana gaafuma sana kan Waaqayyoof qulqulleeffame godhee haa baasu.
24 In the Year of Jubilee the field shall return to him from whom it was bought, even to him to whom the possession of the land belongs.
Waggaa Iyyoobeeliyyuuttis lafti qotiisaa sun namichuma irraa bitame kan abbaa lafa qotiisaa sanaa tureef ni deebiʼa.
25 All your valuations shall be according to the shekel of the sanctuary: twenty gerahs to the shekel.
Gatiin hundinuu akka madaalii saqilii iddoo qulqulluutti jechuunis geeraan digdamni saqilii tokkootti herregama.
26 "'Only the firstborn among animals, which is made a firstborn to Jehovah, no man may dedicate it; whether an ox or sheep, it is Jehovah's.
“‘Taʼus namni tokko iyyuu horii hangafa qulqulleessuu hin dandaʼu; hangafti duraanuu Waaqayyoof qulqulleeffameeraatii; sangaas taʼu hoolaan hangafni kan Waaqayyoo ti.
27 If it is an unclean animal, then he shall buy it back according to your valuation, and shall add to it the fifth part of it: or if it isn't redeemed, then it shall be sold according to your valuation.
Yoo horiin sun xuraaʼaa taʼe inni gatii herregame irratti harka shan keessaa harka tokko dabalee deebisee bitachuu dandaʼa. Yoo inni furachuu baate immoo horiin sun gatii isaaf herregametti gurgurama.
28 "'Notwithstanding, no devoted thing, that a man shall devote to Jehovah of all that he has, whether of man or animal, or of the field of his possession, shall be sold or redeemed: every devoted thing is most holy to Jehovah.
“‘Garuu wanni namni qabu kan inni Waaqayyoof qulqulleessu tokko illee jechuunis namas taʼu horiin yookaan lafti dhaalaan argame hin gurguramu yookaan hin furamu. Wanni akkasiin qulqulleeffame hundinuu akka malee Waaqayyoof qulqulluudhaatii.
29 "'No one devoted, who shall be devoted from among men, shall be ransomed; he shall surely be put to death.
“‘Namni akka ajjeefamuuf murteeffame tokko illee hin furamu; inni ajjeefamuu qaba.
30 "'All the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the trees, is Jehovah's. It is holy to Jehovah.
“‘Wanni lafti baaftu kam iyyuu sanyiis taʼu ija mukaa harka kudhan keessaa harki tokko kan Waaqayyoo ti; kun waan Waaqayyoof qulqulleeffamee dha.
31 If a man redeems anything of his tithe, he shall add a fifth part to it.
Namni yoo kennaa isaa kan harka kudhan keessaa harka tokko taʼe sana furachuu barbaade inni gatii kennaa sanaaf herregame irratti harka shan keessaa harka tokko dabalee haa baasu.
32 All the tithe of the herds or the flocks, whatever passes under the rod, the tenth shall be holy to Jehovah.
Kennaan karra loonii fi bushaayee guutuu keessaa harka kudhan keessaa harka tokko taʼe jechuunis horiin ulee tiksee jala baʼee darbu hunda keessaa harka kudhan keessaa harki tokko Waaqayyoof qulqullaaʼa.
33 He shall not search whether it is good or bad, neither shall he change it: and if he changes it at all, then both it and that for which it is changed shall be holy. It shall not be redeemed.'"
Inni horii jibbamaa keessaa horii gaarii hin filatin yookaan iddoo hin buusin; yoo inni iddoo buuse horiin lamaanuu qulqulluu taʼu; furamuus hin dandaʼu.’”
34 These are the commandments which Jehovah commanded Moses for the children of Israel on Mount Sinai.
Kunneen ajajawwan Waaqayyo Gaara Siinaa irratti karaa Museetiin Israaʼelootaaf kennee dha.

< Leviticus 27 >