< Job 34 >

1 Moreover Elihu answered,
Zaidi ya hayo, Elihu aliendelea kusema:
2 "Hear my words, you sages. Give ear to me, you who have knowledge.
“Sikilizeni maneno yangu, ninyi watu wenye hekima; nisikieni, ninyi mlio na maarifa.
3 For the ear tries words, as the palate tastes food.
Kwa kuwa sikio huyajaribu maneno kama ambavyo kaakaa huonja chakula.
4 Let us choose for us that which is right. Let us know among ourselves what is good.
Na tujichagulie sisi wenyewe yale yenye adili: na tujigundulie miongoni mwetu yale yaliyo mazuri.
5 For Job has said, 'I am righteous, God has taken away my right:
Kwa kuwa Ayubu amesema, 'mimi ni mwenye haki, lakini Mungu ameondoa haki zangu.
6 Notwithstanding my right I am considered a liar. My wound is incurable, though I am without disobedience.'
Pamoja na haki zangu, ninaangaliwa kama mwongo. Kidonda changu hakiponyeki, ingawa mimi sina dhambi.'
7 What man is like Job, who drinks scorn like water,
Ni mtu gani aliye kama Ayubu ambaye hunywa dharau kama maji,
8 Who goes in company with evildoers, and walks with wicked men?
ambaye huzunguka katika ushirika wa watu ambao ni waovu, na ambaye hutembea pamoja na watu waovu?
9 For he has said, 'It profits a man nothing that he should delight himself with God.'
Kwa kuwa anasema, ' Hakuna faida kwa mtu kujifurahisha kwa kufanya mambo ambayo Mungu anayataka.'
10 "Therefore listen to me, you men of understanding: far be it from God, that he should do wickedness, from Shaddai, that he should commit iniquity.
Basi nisikilizeni mimi, enyi watu wenye ufahamu: na iwe mbali na Mungu kwamba atatenda uovu;
11 For the work of a man he will render to him, and cause every man to find according to his ways.
na iwe mbali na Mwenye enzi kwamba atatenda dhambi. Kwa kuwa humlipa mtu kutokana na kazi yake; na humfanya mtu apate thawabu za njia zake mwenyewe.
12 Yes surely, God will not do wickedly, neither will Shaddai pervert justice.
Kwa hakika, Mungu hatendi uovu, wala Mwenye nguvu hajaIpotosha haki.
13 Who put him in charge of the earth? or who has appointed him over the whole world?
Ni nani aliyemweka kuwa mtawala wa dunia? Ni nani aliyeiweka dunia yote chini yake?
14 If he set his heart on himself, If he gathered to himself his spirit and his breath,
Ikiwa aliweka makusudio yake juu yake mwenyewe, na kama amejikusanyia mwenyewe nafsi yake na pumzi yake,
15 all flesh would perish together, and man would turn again to dust.
basi miili yote itateketea pamoja; mwanadamu angerudi mavumbini tena.
16 "If now you have understanding, hear this. Listen to the voice of my words.
Kama sasa mna ufahamu, sikilizeni haya; sikilizeni sauti ya maneno yangu.
17 Shall even one who hates justice govern? Will you condemn him who is righteous and mighty?
Je yeye anayeichukia haki aweza kutawala? Je mtamhukumu Mungu kuwa ni mwenye makosa, ambaye ni mwenye haki na mwenye nguvu?
18 Who says to a king, 'Vile.' or to nobles, 'Wicked.'?
Mungu ambaye humwambia mfalme, ' Wewe ni mbaya; au huwaambia wenye kuheshimiwa, 'Ninyi ni waovu'?
19 Who doesn't respect the persons of princes, nor regards the rich more than the poor; for they all are the work of his hands.
Mungu ambaye haoneshi upendeleo kwa viongozi na ambaye hawakubali zaidi watu matajiri kuliko masikini, kwa kuwa wote ni kazi ya mikono yake.
20 In a moment they die, even at midnight. The people are shaken and pass away. The mighty are taken away without a hand.
Watakufa kwa muda mfupi; wakati wa usiku watu watatikiswa na watapita; watu wenye nguvu watatwaliwa mbali, lakini si kwa mikono ya wanadamu.
21 "For his eyes are on the ways of a man. He sees all his goings.
Kwa kuwa macho ya Mungu yako juu ya njia za mtu; anaziona hatua zake zote.
22 There is no darkness, nor thick gloom, where evildoers may hide themselves.
Hakuna giza, wala hakuna weusi mzito ambao watenda mabaya wanaweza kujificha wao wenyewe.
23 For he doesn't need to consider a man further, that he should go before God in judgment.
Kwa kuwa Mungu hahitaji kumchunguza mtu zaidi; wala hakuna haja kwa mtu yeyote kwenda mbele zake kwa hukumu.
24 He breaks in pieces mighty men in ways past finding out, and sets others in their place.
Huwavunja vipande vipande watu wenye nguvu kwa ajili ya njia zao ambazo hazihitaji uchunguzi zaidi; huwaweka watu wengine katika nafasi zao.
25 Therefore he takes knowledge of their works. He overturns them in the night, so that they are destroyed.
Kwa namna hii ana maarifa juu ya matendo yao; huwatupa watu hawa wakati wa usiku; nao wameangamizwa.
26 He strikes them as wicked men in the open sight of others;
Huwaua kwa matendo yao mabaya kama wakosaji dhahiri mbele za watu wengine
27 because they turned aside from following him, and wouldn't pay attention to any of his ways,
kwasababu wamegeuka na kuacha kumfuata yeye na wamekataa kuzisadiki njia zake zozote.
28 so that they caused the cry of the poor to come to him. He heard the cry of the afflicted.
Na kwa namna hii, wamekifanya kilio cha watu masikini kimfikie; amekisikia kilio cha watu walioteswa.
29 When he gives quietness, who then can condemn? When he hides his face, who then can see him? Alike whether to a nation, or to a man,
Na wakati akaapo kimya, nani aweza kumhukumu kuwa mkosaji? Kama akiuficha uso wake, ni nani awezaye kumjua? Anatawala sawa sawa juu ya taifa na mtu pia,
30 that the godless man may not reign, that there be no one to ensnare the people.
ili kwamba watu wasiomjua Mungu wasije wakatawala, ili kwamba asiwepo mtu wa kuwanasa watu.
31 "For has any said to God, 'I am guilty, but I will not offend any more.
Fikiria mtu akimwambia Mungu, ' Mimi ni mwenye hatia kabisa, lakini sitatenda dhambi tena;
32 Teach me that which I do not see. If I have done iniquity, I will do it no more'?
nifunze kile ambacho siwezi kukiona; nimetenda dhambi, lakini sitafanya tena.'
33 Shall his recompense be as you desire, that you refuse it? For you must choose, and not I. Therefore speak what you know.
Je unadhani kwamba Mungu ataiadhibu dhambi ya mtu huyo, kwa kuwa unayachukia yale ambayo Mungu huyatenda? Ni lazima uchague, siyo mimi. Basi sema yale ambayo unayajua.
34 Men of understanding will tell me, yes, every wise man who hears me:
Watu wenye ufahamu wataniambia, kwa kweli, kila mtu mwenye hekima ambaye hunisikia atasema,
35 'Job speaks without knowledge. His words are without wisdom.'
Ayubu anazungumza bila maarifa; maneno yake hayana hekima.'
36 I wish that Job were tried to the end, because of his answering like wicked men.
Kama Ayubu alijaribiwa kwa kitu kidogo kabisa katika kesi yake kwasababu ya kuongea kwake kama watu waovu.
37 For he adds rebellion to his sin. He claps his hands among us, and multiplies his words against God."
Kwa kuwa anaongeza uasi juu ya dhambi yake; anapiga makofi ya dharau kati yetu; anaweka maneno kinyume na Mungu.”

< Job 34 >