< Isaiah 18 >

1 Ah, the land of the rustling of wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia;
Hør, Land med de surrende Vinger hinsides Ætiopiens Strømme,
2 that sends ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of papyrus on the waters, saying, "Go, you swift messengers, to a nation tall and smooth, to a people feared near and far, a nation strong and conquering, whose land the rivers divide."
du, som sender Bud over Havet i Baade af Siv paa Vandspejlet: Gaa, I hastige Bud, til det ranke, glinsende Folk, til Folket, som frygtes saa vide, Kraftens og Sejrens Folk, hvis Land gennemstrømmes af Floder.
3 All you inhabitants of the world, and you dwellers on the earth, when a banner is lifted up on the mountains, look. When the trumpet is blown, listen.
Alle I Jorderigs Folk, som bygger paa Jord: Rejses Banner paa Bjerge, saa se, naar der stødes i Horn, saa hør!
4 For Jehovah said to me, "I will be still, and I will see from my dwelling place, like the clear heat in sunshine, like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest."
Thi saa sagde HERREN til mig: »Rolig ser jeg til fra mit Sæde som glødende Luft i Solskin, som Dugsky i Høstens Tid.«
5 For before the harvest, when the blossom is over, and the flower becomes a ripening grape, he will cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks, and he will cut down and take away the spreading branches.
Thi før Høst, naar Blomstring er endt, naar Blomst sætter modnende Drue, afskærer han Rankerne med Knive, og Skuddene kapper han bort.
6 They will be left together for the ravenous birds of the mountains, and for the animals of the earth. The ravenous birds will summer on them, and all the animals of the earth will winter on them.
De gives alle til Bjergenes Fugle og Jordens Dyr, om Somren Føde for Fugle, om Vintren for al Jordens Dyr.
7 In that time, a present will be brought to Jehovah of hosts from a people tall and smooth, even from a people awesome from their beginning onward, a nation that measures out and treads down, whose land the rivers divide, to the place of the name of Jehovah of hosts, Mount Zion.
Til hin Tid skal der bringes Hærskarers HERRE Gave fra et rankt og glinsende Folk, et Folk, som frygtes saa vide, Kraftens og Sejrens Folk, hvis Land gennemstrømmes af Floder, til Stedet, hvor Hærskarers HERRES Navn bor, til Zions Bjerg.

< Isaiah 18 >