< Proverbs 7 >

1 My son, keep my words. Lay up my commandments within you.
我儿,你要遵守我的言语, 将我的命令存记在心。
2 Keep my commandments and live. Guard my teaching as the apple of your eye.
遵守我的命令就得存活; 保守我的法则, 好像保守眼中的瞳人,
3 Bind them on your fingers. Write them on the tablet of your heart.
系在你指头上, 刻在你心版上。
4 Tell wisdom, "You are my sister." Call understanding your relative,
对智慧说:你是我的姊妹, 称呼聪明为你的亲人,
5 that they may keep you from the strange woman, from the foreigner who flatters with her words.
她就保你远离淫妇, 远离说谄媚话的外女。
6 For at the window of my house, I looked out through my lattice.
我曾在我房屋的窗户内, 从我窗棂之间往外观看:
7 I saw among the simple ones. I discerned among the youths a young man void of understanding,
见愚蒙人内,少年人中, 分明有一个无知的少年人,
8 passing through the street near her corner, he went the way to her house,
从街上经过,走近淫妇的巷口, 直往通她家的路去,
9 in the twilight, in the evening of the day, in the middle of the night and in the darkness.
在黄昏,或晚上, 或半夜,或黑暗之中。
10 Look, there a woman met him with the attire of a prostitute, and with crafty intent.
看哪,有一个妇人来迎接他, 是妓女的打扮,有诡诈的心思。
11 She is loud and defiant. Her feet do not stay in her house.
这妇人喧嚷,不守约束, 在家里停不住脚,
12 Now she is in the streets, now in the squares, and lurking at every corner.
有时在街市上,有时在宽阔处, 或在各巷口蹲伏,
13 So she caught him, and kissed him. With an impudent face she said to him:
拉住那少年人,与他亲嘴, 脸无羞耻对他说:
14 "Sacrifices of peace offerings are with me. This day I have paid my vows.
平安祭在我这里, 今日才还了我所许的愿。
15 Therefore I came out to meet you, to diligently seek your face, and I have found you.
因此,我出来迎接你, 恳切求见你的面,恰巧遇见了你。
16 I have spread my couch with carpets of tapestry, with striped cloths of the yarn of Egypt.
我已经用绣花毯子 和埃及线织的花纹布铺了我的床。
17 I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.
我又用没药、沉香、桂皮 薰了我的榻。
18 Come, let's take our fill of loving until the morning. Let's solace ourselves with loving.
你来,我们可以饱享爱情,直到早晨; 我们可以彼此亲爱欢乐。
19 For my husband isn't at home. He has gone on a long journey.
20 He has taken a bag of money with him. He will come home at the full moon."
21 With persuasive words, she led him astray. With the flattering of her lips, she seduced him.
淫妇用许多巧言诱他随从, 用谄媚的嘴逼他同行。
22 He followed her immediately, as an ox goes to the slaughter, as a stag leaping into a trap,
少年人立刻跟随她,好像牛往宰杀之地; 又像愚昧人带锁链去受刑罚,
23 till an arrow strikes through his liver, as a bird hurries to the snare, and doesn't know that it will cost his life.
直等箭穿他的肝; 如同雀鸟急入网罗,却不知是自丧己命。
24 Now therefore, son, listen to me. Pay attention to the words of my mouth.
众子啊,现在要听从我, 留心听我口中的话。
25 Do not let your heart turn to her ways. Do not go astray in her paths,
你的心不可偏向淫妇的道, 不要入她的迷途。
26 for she has thrown down many wounded. Yes, all her slain are a mighty army.
因为,被她伤害仆倒的不少; 被她杀戮的而且甚多。
27 Her house is the way to Sheol, going down to the chambers of death. (Sheol h7585)
她的家是在阴间之路, 下到死亡之宫。 (Sheol h7585)

< Proverbs 7 >