< Matthew 20 >

1 "For the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who went out at dawn to hire workmen for his vineyard.
Pwe wein nanlan rajon kaun pan im amen, me jankonai on raparapaki toundodok kai nan a mat en wain.
2 "And when he had agreed with the workmen for two shillings a day, he sent them into his vineyard.
Irail lao inauki pena, me denar eu ni ran eu, ap kadar ir ala nan a mat en wain.
3 "About nine o’clock he went out and noticed some other workmen standing idle in the market-place;
A pil kotila ni auer kajilu, ap majani akai, me momod mal nan deun jaunet akan,
4 "and he said to them, "‘Do you also go into the vineyard, and whatever is just I will pay you.’
Ap majani on irail: Komail pil kola nan mat en wain o, o meakot me pun, i pan pwain on komail; irail ari kola.
5 "So they went. Again at noon, and about three o’clock, he went out and did the same thing.
A pil kola ni auer kawonu o kaduau o wiadar dueta.
6 "When he went out about five o’clock, he found others standing around, and said to them, "‘Why have you been standing here idle, all the day long?’
A pil kotila ni auer eijokeu, ap diaradar akai, me momod mal, ap majani on irail: Da me komail momodeki mal ranpon?
7 "‘Because no one has hired us,’ they replied. "He said to them, ‘Do you also go into the vineyard.’
Irail potoan on: Aki jota amen, me kadokeki kit. Ap majani on irail: Komail pil kola nan mat en wain o, komail pan ale me pun.
8 "And when evening came, the Lord of the vineyard said to his steward, "‘Call the workmen and pay them their wages, beginning with the last hired and ending with the first.’
A lao jautik penaer monjap en mat en wain majani on a jaunkoa: Kapokon pena toundodok kan o pwain on irail. Tapiada jan ren men pwand oko lao kokodo lei men madan kan,
9 "When those came who had begun at five o’clock, they received two shillings apiece;
Me kadodokier ni klok eijokeu kan ap kodo, amen amen ap ale denar eu.
10 "and when the first came they supposed that they would get more, but they also received each two shillings.
A men maj akan lao kodo, rap kiki on, me re pan ale jiki jan, a re pil aleer denar ta ieu.
11 "And as they took it they began to grumble against the master of the house.
Irail lao ale, rap lipaned on monjap o.
12 "‘Those last men,’ they said, ‘have toiled only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the burning heat of the day.’
Indada: Mepukat dodok auer ta ieu, a komui karajai kit pena; kit me dodokki apwal en ran o karakar en katipin.
13 "In reply he said to one of them. ‘My friend, I am doing no wrong. Did you not agree with me for two shillings?
A ap kotin japen majani on amen re’rail: Kompoke pai, kaidin me japun, me i wiai on uk. Kita jota inauki pena denar eu?
14 "Take your wage and begone! I chose to give to this last man the same as to you.
Ale me om, kowei, i men pwain on me pwand pukat rajon uk.
15 "Have I not the right to do what I choose with my own property? Or is your eye evil because I am generous?’
De iaduen, a jota pun, i en wiaki me udan ai, me i mauki? De por en maj om me jued pweki ai kadek?
16 "So the last shall be first, and the first, last."
Ari, me pwand akan pan moa, a me moa kan pan pwand, pwe me toto paeker, a me malaulau me piladar.
17 When Jesus was about to go up to Jerusalem, he took the Twelve aside by themselves, and as they went he said to them.
Iejuj lao kotin kodala Ierujalem, a kotin kelepe kila tounpadak ekriamen pon al a, majani on irail:
18 "Look! We are on the way up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man will be betrayed to the chief priests and the scribes. They will condemn him to death,
Kilan, kitail kin kodalan Ierujalem o Nain aramaj pan ko on ren jamero lapalap o jaunkawewe kan, o irail pan kadeikada, en kamela i.
19 "and hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and scourged and crucified; and on the third day he will rise from the grave."
O re pan panala i ren men liki kan, pwen kapikapiti i, o kaloke, o kalopuela, a ni ran kajilu a pan maureda.
20 Then came to him the mother of the sons of Zebedee, with her sons, kneeling down and begging a favor of him.
In en nain Jepedauj ap poto don i, a na putak riamen ian i, poni i o poeki okotme re a.
21 "What is it you wish?" he said. She answered, "Command that these my two sons may sit upon your right hand and your left in your kingdom."
A ap kotin majani on i: Da me koe mauki? A potoan on i: Re kotin mueid on ai tunol putak riamen, en mondi re ir, amen ni pali maun omui, amen ni pali main omui nan omui wei.
A lejuj kotin japen majani: Koma jota aja, me koma poeki. Koma kak nim dal me I pan nim? Ira potoan on: Je kak.
23 "None of you indeed shall drink," he answered, "but to sit at my right hand or at my left is not mine to grant, but belongs to those for whom it has been prepared by my Father."
A kotin majani on ira: Melel, komail pan tunole ai dal, a momod ni pali maun o main i, I jota kak mueid on, pwe pwaij en irail me a onop oner jan ren Jam ai.
24 When the ten heard of this, they were indignant at the two brothers;
Ni en ek oko ar ronadar, ap juede kidar pirien o.
25 but Jesus called them to him and said. "You know how the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them.
A lejuj kotin molipe ir do majani: Komail aja, duen jaupeidi en wei pokon ar kin poe irail edi, o me lapalap akan kin manaman on irail.
26 "Not so shall it be among you. But whoever among you wishes to become great, shall be your minister,
A duen met a jota pan wiaui nan pun omail. A me men laud nan pun omail, en papa komail.
27 "and whoever wishes to be first among you, shall be your slave;
O meamen re omail, me men jaumaj, i en lidui komail.
28 "just as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Dueta Nain aramaj, me kaidin kodo, pwe aramaj en papa, a pwii i on papa o kida maur a wiliandi mo toto.
29 Now as they were leaving Jericho a great crowd followed him.
Ni arail kotila jan Ieriko, pokon kalaimun idauen la i.
30 And two blind men, sitting by the side of the road, heard that it was Jesus who was passing by, and cried out, "Have pity on us, Master, Son of David!"
A kilan, ol majkun riamen momod ni kailan al o. Ni ara ronadar, me lejuj kotin daulul, ira ap likelikwir indada: Main kupura kit, ir me japwilim en Dawid!
31 But the crowd checked them, to make them keep still. They cried out all the louder, saying, "Master, have pity on us, Son of David!"
A pokon o kidau ira da, pwen nenenla. A ira kalaudela ara likelikwir indada: Main, kupura kit, ir me japwilim en Dawid!
32 Then Jesus stopped and called to them, "What do you want me to do for you?"
lejuj ari kotin udi, molipe ira do majani: Da me koma mauki, I en wiai on koma?
33 "Master," they answered, "let our eyes be opened."
Ira potoan on: Main, maj at en kapad pajan!
34 Then Jesus, moved with compassion, touched their eyes, and they saw at once, and followed him.
lejuj ari kupuro kin ira dar o kotin jair maj ara. Maj ara ari madan pad pajaner; ira ap idauenla i.

< Matthew 20 >