< Psalms 73 >

1 A Psalm for Asaph. How good is God to Israel, to the upright in heart!
Zabura ta Asaf. Tabbatacce Allah mai alheri ne ga Isra’ila, ga waɗanda suke masu tsabta a zuciya.
2 But my feet were almost overthrown; my goings very nearly slipped.
Amma game da ni, ƙafafuna suna gab da yin santsi; tafin ƙafana ya yi kusan zamewa.
3 For I was jealous of the transgressors, beholding the tranquility of sinners.
Gama na yi kishin masu girman kai sa’ad da na ga cin gaban da masu mugunta suke yi.
4 For there is no sign of reluctance in their death: and [they have] firmness under their affliction.
Ba sa yin wata fama; jikunansu lafiya suke da kuma ƙarfi.
5 They are not in the troubles of [other] men; and they shall not be scourged with [other] men.
Ba sa shan wata wahalar da sauran mutane ke sha; ba su da damuwa irin na’yan adam.
6 Therefore pride has possessed them; they have clothed themselves with their injustice and ungodliness.
Saboda girman kai ya zama musu abin wuya; tā da hankali ya zama musu riga.
7 Their injustice shall go forth as out of fatness: they have fulfilled their intention.
Daga mugayen zukatansu laifi kan fito mugaye ƙulle-ƙullen da suke cikin zukatansu ba su da iyaka.
8 They have taken counsel and spoken in wickedness: they have uttered unrighteousness loftily.
Suna ba’a, suna faɗin mugayen abubuwa; cikin girman kan suna barazana yin danniya.
9 They have set their mouth against heaven, and their tongue has gone through upon the earth.
Bakunansu na cewa sama na su ne, kuma harsunansu sun mallaki duniya.
10 Therefore shall my people return hither: and full days shall be found with them.
Saboda haka mutanensu sun juya gare su suna kuma shan ruwa a yalwace.
11 And they said, How does God know? and is there knowledge in the Most High?
Suna cewa, “Yaya Allah zai sani? Mafi Ɗaukaka yana da sani ne?”
12 Behold, these [are] the sinners, and they that prosper always: they have possessed wealth.
Ga yadda mugaye suke, kullum ba su da damuwa, arzikinsu yana ta ƙaruwa.
13 And I said, Verily in vain have I justified my heart, and washed my hands in innocency.
Tabbatacce a banza na bar zuciyata da tsabta; a banza na wanke hannuwa don nuna rashin laifi.
14 For I was plagued all the day, and my reproof [was] every morning.
Dukan yini na sha annoba; an hukunta ni kowace safiya.
15 If I said, I will speak thus; behold, I [should] have broken covenant with the generation of your children.
Da na ce, “Zan faɗa haka,” da na bashe’ya’yanka.
16 And I undertook to understand this, [but] it is too hard for me,
Sa’ad da na yi ƙoƙari in gane wannan, sai ya zama danniya a gare ni
17 until I go into the sanctuary of God; [and so] understand the latter end.
sai da na shiga wuri mai tsarki na Allah; sa’an nan na gane abin da ƙarshensu zai zama.
18 Surely you have appointed [judgments] to them because of their crafty dealings: you have cast them down when they were lifted up.
Tabbatacce ka sa su a ƙasa mai santsi; ka jefar da su ga hallaka.
19 How have they become desolate! suddenly they have failed: they have perished because of their iniquity.
Duba yadda suka hallaka farat ɗaya, razana ta share su gaba ɗaya!
20 As the dream of one awakening, O Lord, in your city you will despise their image.
Kamar yadda mafarki yake sa’ad da mutum ya farka, haka yake sa’ad da ka farka, ya Ubangiji, za ka rena su kamar almarai.
21 For my heart has rejoiced, and my reins have been gladdened.
Sa’ad da zuciyata ta ɓaci hankalina kuma ya tashi,
22 But I [was] vile and knew not: I became brutish before you.
na zama marar azanci da jahili; na zama kamar dabba a gabanka.
23 Yet I am continually with you: you have holden my right hand.
Duk da haka kullum ina tare da kai; ka riƙe ni a hannun damana.
24 You have guided me by your counsel, and you have taken me to yourself with glory.
Ka bishe ni da shawararka, bayan haka kuma za ka kai ni cikin ɗaukaka.
25 For what have I in heaven [but you]? and what have I desired upon the earth beside you?
Wa nake da shi a sama in ba kai ba? Ba na kuma sha’awar kome a duniya in ban da kai.
26 My heart and my flesh have failed: [but] God [is the strength] of my heart, and God is my portion for ever.
Jikina da zuciyata za su iya raunana, amma Allah ne ƙarfin zuciyata da kuma rabona har abada.
27 For, behold, they that remove themselves far from you shall perish: you have destroyed every one that goes a whoring from you.
Waɗanda suke nesa da kai za su hallaka; kakan hallaka dukan waɗanda suke maka rashin aminci.
28 But it is good for me to cleave close to God, to put my trust in the Lord; that I may proclaim all your praises in the gates of the daughter of Sion.
Amma game da ni, yana da kyau in kasance kusa da Allah. Na mai da Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka mafakata; zan yi shelar dukan ayyukanka.

< Psalms 73 >