< Psalms 32 >

1 [A Psalm] of instruction by David. Blessed [are they] whose transgressions are forgiven, and who sins are covered.
Salimo la Davide. Malangizo. Ngodala munthu amene zolakwa zake zakhululukidwa; amene machimo ake aphimbidwa.
2 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin, and whose mouth there is no guile.
Ngodala munthu amene machimo ake Yehova sawawerengeranso pa iye ndipo mu mzimu mwake mulibe chinyengo.
3 Because I kept silence, my bones waxed old, from my crying all the day.
Pamene ndinali chete, mafupa anga anakalamba chifukwa cha kubuwula kwanga tsiku lonse.
4 For day and night your hand was heavy upon me: I became thoroughly miserable while a thorn was fastened in [me]. (Pause)
Pakuti usana ndi usiku dzanja lanu linandipsinja; mphamvu zanga zinatha monga nthawi yotentha yachilimwe. (Sela)
5 I acknowledged my sin, and hid not mine iniquity: I said, I will confess mine iniquity to the Lord against myself; and you forgave the ungodliness of my heart. (Pause)
Kotero ine ndinavomereza tchimo langa kwa Inu, sindinabise mphulupulu zanga. Ndinati, “Ine ndidzawulula zolakwa zanga kwa Yehova, ndipo Inu munandikhululukira mlandu wa machimo anga.” (Sela)
6 Therefore shall every holy one pray to you in a fit time: only in the deluge of many waters they shall not come near to him.
Choncho aliyense okhulupirika apemphere kwa Inuyo pomwe mukupezeka; ndithu pamene madzi amphamvu auka, sadzamupeza.
7 You are my refuge from the affliction that encompasses me; my joy, to deliver me from them that have compassed me. (Pause)
Inu ndi malo anga obisala; muzinditeteza ku mavuto ndipo muzindizinga ndi nyimbo zachipulumutso. (Sela)
8 I will instruct you and guide you in this way wherein you shall go: I will fix mine eyes upon you.
Ndidzakulangiza ndi kukuphunzitsa njira imene udzayendamo; ndidzakupatsa uphungu ndi kukuyangʼanira.
9 Be you not as horse and mule, which have no understanding; [but you must] constrain their jaws with bit and curb, lest they should come near to you.
Usakhale ngati kavalo kapena bulu, zimene zilibe nzeru, koma ziyenera kuwongoleredwa ndi zitsulo za mʼkamwa ndi pamutu, ukapanda kutero sizibwera kwa iwe.
10 Many are the scourges of the sinner: but him that hopes in the Lord mercy shall compass about.
Zowawa ndi zambiri za anthu oyipa koma chikondi chosatha cha Yehova chimamuzinga munthu amene amadalira Iye.
11 Be glad in the Lord, and exult, you righteous: and glory, all you that are upright in heart.
Kondwerani mwa Yehova inu olungama; imbani, inu nonse amene muli owongoka mtima!

< Psalms 32 >