< Psalms 143 >

1 A Psalm of David, when his son pursued him. O Lord, attend to my prayer: listen to my supplication in your truth; hear me in your righteousness.
Psalm Davidov. O Gospod, sliši molitev mojo; ušesa nagni k prošnjam mojim; po zvestobi svoji usliši me, po pravici svoji.
2 And enter not into judgment with your servant, for in your sight shall no [man] living be justified.
In ne hodi v sodbo s hlapcem svojim, ker pravičen bi ne bil pred teboj nihče, ki živi.
3 For the enemy has persecuted my soul; he has brought my life down to the ground; he has made me to dwell in a dark [place], as those that have been long dead.
Sovražnik namreč preganja dušo mojo; tlači na tla krdelo moje; dela, da sedevam v teminah; smo, kakor mrliči nekdaj.
4 Therefore my spirit was grieved in me; my heart was troubled within me.
Tako, da duh moj v meni omaguje; sredi mene zdí se samo sebi zapuščeno srce moje.
5 I remembered the days of old; and I meditated on all your doings: [yes], I meditated on the works of your hands.
Spominjam se dnî nekdanjih, premišljujem vse delo tvoje, dejanje tvojih rok preudarjam.
6 I spread forth my hands to you; my soul [thirsts] for you, as a dry land. (Pause)
Roke svoje razprostiram proti tebi; duša moja, kakor zemlja razsušena, hrepeni po tebi:
7 Hear me speedily, O Lord; my spirit has failed; turn not away your face from me, else I shall be like to them that go down to the pit.
Hiti, usliši me, Gospod, duh moj hira; ne skrivaj mi obličja svojega, ker podoben postajam njim, ki gredó v grob dol.
8 Cause me to hear your mercy in the morning; for I have hoped in you; make known to me, O Lord, the way wherein I should walk; for I have lifted up my soul to you.
Daj, da slišim zgodaj milost tvojo, ker v té imam zaupanje; naznani mi pot, po kateri bodem hodil, ker do tebe povzdigujem srce svoje.
9 Deliver me from mine enemies, O Lord; for I have fled to you for refuge.
Otmi me sovražnikov mojih, Gospod; pri tebi sem skrit.
10 Teach me to do your will; for you are my God; your good Spirit shall guide me in the straight [way].
Uči me delati voljo tvojo, ker ti si moj Bog, z dobrim duhom svojim spremljaj me po ravni zemlji.
11 You shall quicken me, O Lord, for your name's sake; in your righteousness you shall bring my soul out of affliction.
Zavoljo imena svojega, Gospod, ohrani me živega; zavoljo pravice svoje izpelji iz stiske dušo mojo.
12 And in your mercy you will destroy mine enemies, and will destroy all those that afflict my soul; for I am your servant.
In zavoljo milosti svoje iztrebi sovražnike moje, pokončaj vse, ki stiskajo dušo; ker jaz sem hlapec tvoj.

< Psalms 143 >