< Proverbs 25 >

1 These are the miscellaneous instructions of Solomon, which the friends of Ezekias king of Judea copied out.
Tahae Solomon kah thuidoeknah rhoek he Judah manghai Hezekiah kah hlang rhoek loh a puen uh bal.
2 The glory of God conceals a matter: but the glory of a king honors business.
Pathen kah thangpomnah loh olka te a thuh tih, manghai kah thangpomnah long tah olka te a khe.
3 Heaven is high, and earth is deep, and a king's heart is unsearchable.
Buhuengpomnah he vaan ah, a laedil bal khaw diklai ah. Te dongah manghai rhoek kah lungbuei he khenah om pawh.
4 Beat the drossy silver, and it shall be made entirely pure.
Ngun te a aek met pah. Te daengah ni hnopai aka saii ham khaw a poeh pa eh.
5 Slay the ungodly from before the king, and his throne shall prosper in righteousness.
Halang khaw manghai mikhmuh lamkah loh haek uh. Te daengah ni a ngolkhoel loh duengnah dongah a ngol eh.
6 Be not boastful in the presence of the king, and remain not in the places of princes;
Manghai mikhmuh ah namah pom uh boeh, a hmuen tuenglue ah khaw pai boeh.
7 for [it is] better for you that it should be said, Come up to me, than that [one] should humble you in the presence of the prince; speak of that which your eyes have seen.
Na mik loh a hmuh vanbangla, hlangcong mikhmuh ah na kunyun lakah, “Nang pahoi yoeng dae,” a ti te then ngai.
8 Get not suddenly into a quarrel, lest you repent at last.
Toe koeloe ham khaw khuen boeh. Metlam khaw, na hui neh na hmai a thae vaengah a bawtnah ah na saii ve.
9 Whenever your friend shall reproach you, retreat backward, despise [him] not;
Namah lamkah oelhtaihnah te na hui neh tuituk uh rhoi. Tedae baecenol he tah a tloe la puek sak boeh.
10 lest your friend continue to reproach you, so your quarrel and enmity shall not depart, but shall be to you like death. Favour and friendship set [a man] free, which do you keep for yourself, lest you be made liable to reproach; but take heed to your ways peaceably.
Uepom loh nang n'ya vetih nang taengah theetnah loh paa tlaih pawt ve.
11 [As] a golden apple in a necklace of sardius, so [is it] to speak a [wise] word.
A buelhmaih la a thui olka tah cak ben dongkah sui thaihthawn la om.
12 In an ear-ring of gold a precious sardius is also set; [so is] a wise word to an obedient ear.
Hlang cueih a tluung vaengah aka hnatun kah a hna dongah sui hnaii, sui himbai la a om pah.
13 As a fall of snow in the time of harvest is good against heat, so a faithful messenger [refreshes] those that send him; for he helps the souls of his employers.
Cangah tue vaengkah vuelsong a dingsuek bangla, uepom laipai long tah amah aka tueih kung taeng neh a boei te khaw a hinglu a caih sak.
14 As winds and clouds and rains are most evident [objects], so is he that boasts of a false gift.
Khomai neh khohli khaw om dae khonal a om pawt bangla, aka yan uh hlang kah kutdoe khaw a honghi ni.
15 In longsuffering is prosperity to kings, and a soft tongue breaks the bones.
Thinsen rhangneh rhalboei a hloih thai tih, mongkawt ol loh songrhuh a khaem thai.
16 Having found honey, eat [only] what is enough, lest haply you be filled, and vomit it up.
Khoitui na hmuh te a rhoeh ah na caak mako, n'lawt vetih na lok ve.
17 Enter sparingly into your friend's house, lest he be satiated with your company, and hate you.
Na kho te na hui im ah a rhoeh la hawn sak aih, nang n'hnuenah vetih namah te m'hmuhuet ve.
18 [As] a club, and a dagger, and a pointed arrow, so also is a man who bears false witness against his friend.
A hui taengah a hong laipai la aka phoe hlang tah caemboh, cunghang neh thaltang aka haat bangla om.
19 The way of the wicked and the foot of the transgressor shall perish in an evil day.
Citcai tue vaengah hnukpoh pangtungnah ngawn tah, no hom, kho aka haeh banghui pawn ni.
20 As vinegar is bad for a sore, so trouble befalling the body afflicts the heart. As a moth in a garment, and a worm in wood, so the grief of a man hurts the heart.
Boethae lungbuei te laa neh aka hlai khaw, khosik tue vaengah himbai aka pit, a thuui dongkah lunghuem bangla om.
21 If your enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink;
Na lunguet khaw a pongnaeng atah buh cah lamtah, a halh bal atah tui tul.
22 for so doing you shall heap coals of fire upon his head, and the Lord shall reward you [with] good.
Te vaengah ni nang kah hmai-alh te a lu dongla poep uh coeng tih, BOEIPA loh nang yueng la a thuung ni.
23 The north wind raises clouds; so an impudent face provokes the tongue.
Tlangpuei yilh loh khonal a kilkul sak A huephael kah olka loh a mikhmuh ah kosi a sah.
24 [It is] better to dwell on a corner of the roof, than with a railing woman in an open house.
Imkhui ah huta kah olpungkacan neh hohmuhnah hloih dongkah lakah tah, imphu kah yael ah khosak he then ngai.
25 As cold water is agreeable to a thirsting soul, so is a good message from a land far off.
Khohla bangsang kho lamkah olthang then khaw buhmueh rhathih vaengkah hinglu ham tui ding bangla om.
26 As if one should stop a well, and corrupt a spring of water, so [is it] unseemly for a righteous man to fall before an ungodly man.
Tuisih loh rhong tih thunsih loh a nu banghui la, aka dueng loh halang mikhmuh ah a yalh pah.
27 [It is] not good to eat much honey; but it is right to honor venerable sayings.
Khoitui muep caak ham neh, thangpomnah loh a thangpomnah neh khenah he then pawh.
28 As a city whose walls are broken down, and which is unfortified, so is a man who does anything without counsel.
Vongtung aka tal khopuei neh, a mueihla kah tungaepnah aka tal hlang tah sut rhawp.

< Proverbs 25 >