< Numbers 1 >

1 And the Lord spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sina, in the tabernacle of witness, on the first day of the second month, in the second year of their departure from the land of Egypt, saying,
TUHAN berfirman kepada Musa di padang gurun Sinai, dalam Kemah Pertemuan, pada tanggal satu bulan yang kedua dalam tahun yang kedua sesudah mereka keluar dari tanah Mesir:
2 Take the sum of all the congregation of Israel according to their kindred, according to the houses of their fathers' families, according to their number by their names, according to their heads: every male
"Hitunglah jumlah segenap umat Israel menurut kaum-kaum yang ada dalam setiap suku mereka, dan catatlah nama semua laki-laki di Israel
3 from twenty years old and upwards, every one that goes forth in the forces of Israel, take account of them with their strength; you and Aaron take account of them.
yang berumur dua puluh tahun ke atas dan yang sanggup berperang, orang demi orang. Engkau ini beserta Harun harus mencatat mereka menurut pasukannya masing-masing.
4 And with you there shall be each one of the rulers according to the tribe of each: they shall be according to the houses of their families.
Dari tiap-tiap suku harus ada satu orang yang mendampingi kamu, yakni orang yang menjadi kepala dari suku yang diwakilinya itu.
5 And these are the names of the men who shall be present with you; of the tribe of Ruben, Elisur the son of Sediur.
Dan inilah nama semua orang yang harus mendampingi kamu. Dari suku Ruben: Elizur bin Syedeur;
6 Of Symeon, Salamiel the son of Surisadai.
dari suku Simeon: Selumiel bin Zurisyadai;
7 Of Juda, Naasson the son of Aminadab.
dari suku Yehuda: Nahason bin Aminadab;
8 Of Issachar, Nathanael the son of Sogar.
dari suku Isakhar: Netaneel bin Zuar;
9 Of Zabulon, Eliab the son of Chaelon.
dari suku Zebulon: Eliab bin Helon;
10 Of the sons of Joseph, of Ephraim, Elisama the son of Emiud: of Manasses, Gamaliel the son of Phadasur.
dari keturunan Yusuf: Elisama bin Amihud dari suku Efraim, dan Gamaliel bin Pedazur dari suku Manasye;
11 Of Benjamin, Abidan the son of Gadeoni.
dari suku Benyamin: Abidan bin Gideoni;
12 Of Dan, Achiezer the son of Amisadai.
dari suku Dan: Ahiezer bin Amisyadai;
13 Of Aser, Phagaiel the son of Echran.
dari suku Asyer: Pagiel bin Okhran;
14 Of Gad, Elisaph the son of Raguel.
dari suku Gad: Elyasaf bin Rehuel;
15 Of Nephthali, Achire the son of Aenan.
dari suku Naftali: Ahira bin Enan."
16 These were famous men of the congregation, heads of the tribes according to their families: these are heads of thousands in Israel.
Itulah orang-orang yang dipilih dari umat itu, masing-masing sebagai pemimpin dari suku bapa leluhurnya; mereka inilah kepala-kepala pasukan Israel.
17 And Moses and Aaron took these men who were called by name.
Lalu Musa dan Harun memanggil orang-orang yang tertunjuk namanya itu,
18 And they assembled all the congregation on the first day of the month in the second year; and they registered them after their lineage, after their families, after the number of their names, from twenty years old and upwards, every male according to their number:
dan pada tanggal satu bulan yang kedua mereka menyuruh segenap umat berkumpul. Kemudian silsilah orang-orang Israel disusun menurut kaum-kaum yang ada dalam setiap suku mereka, sedang nama-nama mereka yang berumur dua puluh tahun ke atas dicatat orang demi orang,
19 as the Lord commanded Moses, so they were numbered in the wilderness of Sina.
seperti yang diperintahkan TUHAN kepada Musa. Demikianlah Musa mencatat mereka di padang gurun Sinai.
20 And the sons of Ruben the firstborn of Israel according to their kindred, according to their divisions, according to the houses of their families, according to the number of their names, according to their heads, were—all males from twenty years old and upward, every one that went out with the host—
Ketika silsilah bani Ruben, yaitu keturunan anak sulung Israel, disusun menurut kaum-kaum yang ada dalam suku mereka, maka dicatatlah nama semua laki-laki yang berumur dua puluh tahun ke atas, semua orang yang sanggup berperang, orang demi orang.
21 the numbering of them of the tribe of Ruben, was forty-six thousand and four hundred.
Jumlah yang dicatat dari suku Ruben ada empat puluh enam ribu lima ratus orang.
22 For the children of Symeon according to their kindred, according to their divisions, according to the houses of their families, according to the number of their names, according to their polls, all males from twenty years old and upward, every one that goes out with the host,
Ketika silsilah bani Simeon disusun menurut kaum-kaum yang ada dalam suku mereka, maka dicatatlah nama semua laki-laki yang berumur dua puluh tahun ke atas, semua orang yang sanggup berperang, orang demi orang.
23 the numbering of them of the tribe of Symeon, was fifty-nine thousand and three hundred.
Jumlah yang dicatat dari suku Simeon ada lima puluh sembilan ribu tiga ratus orang.
24 For the sons of Juda according to their kindred, according to their divisions, according to the houses of their families, according to the number of their names, according to their polls, all males from twenty years old and upward, every one that goes forth with the host,
Ketika silsilah bani Gad disusun menurut kaum-kaum yang ada dalam suku mereka, maka dicatatlah nama orang-orang yang berumur dua puluh tahun ke atas, semua orang yang sanggup berperang.
25 the numbering of them of the tribe of Juda, was seventy-four thousand and six hundred.
Jumlah yang dicatat dari suku Gad ada empat puluh lima ribu enam ratus lima puluh orang.
26 For the sons of Issachar according to their kindred, according to their divisions, according to the houses of their families, according to the number of their names, according to their polls, all males from twenty years old and upward, every one that goes forth with the host,
Ketika silsilah bani Yehuda disusun menurut kaum-kaum yang ada dalam suku mereka, maka dicatatlah nama orang-orang yang berumur dua puluh tahun ke atas, semua orang yang sanggup berperang.
27 the numbering of them of the tribe of Issachar, was fifty-four thousand and four hundred.
Jumlah yang dicatat dari suku Yehuda ada tujuh puluh empat ribu enam ratus orang.
28 For the sons of Zabulon according to their kindred, according to their divisions, according to the houses of their families, according to the number of their names, according to their polls, all males from twenty years old and upward, every one that goes out with the host,
Ketika silsilah bani Isakhar disusun menurut kaum-kaum yang ada dalam suku mereka, maka dicatatlah nama orang-orang yang berumur dua puluh tahun ke atas, semua orang yang sanggup berperang.
29 the numbering of them of the tribe of Zabulon, was fifty-seven thousand and four hundred.
Jumlah yang dicatat dari suku Isakhar ada lima puluh empat ribu empat ratus orang.
30 For the sons of Joseph, the sons of Ephraim, according to their kindred, according to their divisions, according to the houses of their families, according to the number of their names, according to their polls, all males from twenty years old and upward, every one that goes out with the host,
Ketika silsilah bani Zebulon disusun menurut kaum-kaum yang ada dalam suku mereka, maka dicatatlah nama orang-orang yang berumur dua puluh tahun ke atas, semua orang yang sanggup berperang.
31 the numbering of them of the tribe of Ephraim, was forty thousand and five hundred.
Jumlah yang dicatat dari suku Zebulon ada lima puluh tujuh ribu empat ratus orang.
32 For the sons of Manasse according to their kindred, according to their divisions, according to the houses of their families, according to the number of their names, according to their polls, all males from twenty years old and upward, every one that goes out with the host,
Mengenai keturunan Yusuf: Ketika silsilah bani Efraim disusun menurut kaum-kaum yang ada dalam suku mereka, maka dicatatlah nama orang-orang yang berumur dua puluh tahun ke atas, semua orang yang sanggup berperang.
33 the numbering of them of the tribe of Manasse, was thirty-two thousand and two hundred.
Jumlah yang dicatat dari suku Efraim ada empat puluh ribu lima ratus orang.
34 For the sons of Benjamin according to their kindred, according to their divisions, according to the houses of their families, according to the number of their names, according to their polls, every male from twenty years old and upward, every one that goes forth with the host,
Dan ketika silsilah bani Manasye disusun menurut kaum-kaum yang ada dalam suku mereka, maka dicatatlah nama orang-orang yang berumur dua puluh tahun ke atas, semua orang yang sanggup berperang.
35 the numbering of them of the tribe of Benjamin, was thirty-five thousand and four hundred.
Jumlah yang dicatat dari suku Manasye ada tiga puluh dua ribu dua ratus orang.
36 For the sons of Gad according to their kindred, according to their divisions, according to the houses of their families, according to the number of their names, according to their polls, all males from twenty years old and upward, every one that goes forth with the host,
Ketika silsilah bani Benyamin disusun menurut kaum-kaum yang ada dalam suku mereka, maka dicatatlah nama orang-orang yang berumur dua puluh tahun ke atas, semua orang yang sanggup berperang.
37 the numbering of them of the tribe of Gad, was forty and five thousand and six hundred and fifty.
Jumlah yang dicatat dari suku Benyamin ada tiga puluh lima ribu empat ratus orang.
38 For the sons of Dan according to their kindred, according to their divisions, according to the houses of their families, according to the number of their names, according to their polls, all males from twenty years old and upward, every one that goes forth with the host,
Ketika silsilah bani Dan disusun menurut kaum-kaum yang ada dalam suku mereka, maka dicatatlah nama orang-orang yang berumur dua puluh tahun ke atas, semua orang yang sanggup berperang.
39 the numbering of them of the tribe of Dan, was sixty and two thousand and seven hundred.
Jumlah yang dicatat dari suku Dan ada enam puluh dua ribu tujuh ratus orang.
40 For the sons of Aser according to their kindred, according to their divisions, according to the houses of their families, according to the number of their names, according to their polls, every male from twenty years old and upward, every one that goes forth with the host,
Ketika silsilah bani Asyer disusun menurut kaum-kaum yang ada dalam suku mereka, maka dicatatlah nama orang-orang yang berumur dua puluh tahun ke atas, semua orang yang sanggup berperang.
41 the numbering of them of the tribe of Aser, was forty and one thousand and five hundred.
Jumlah yang dicatat dari suku Asyer ada empat puluh satu ribu lima ratus orang.
42 For the sons of Nephthali according to their kindred, according to their divisions, according to the houses of their families, according to the number of their names, according to their polls, every male from twenty years old and upward, every one who goes forth with the host,
Ketika silsilah bani Naftali disusun menurut kaum-kaum yang ada dalam suku mereka, maka dicatatlah nama orang-orang yang berumur dua puluh tahun ke atas, semua orang yang sanggup berperang.
43 the numbering of them of the tribe of Nephthali, was fifty-three thousand and four hundred.
Jumlah yang dicatat dari suku Naftali ada lima puluh tiga ribu empat ratus orang.
44 This is the numbering which Moses and Aaron and the rulers of Israel, being twelve men, conducted: there was a man for each tribe, they were according to the tribe of the houses of their family.
Itulah jumlah orang-orang yang dicatat oleh Musa dengan Harun dan dengan kedua belas pemimpin Israel yang masing-masing mewakili sukunya.
45 And the whole numbering of the children of Israel with their host from twenty years old and upward, every one that goes out to set himself in battle array in Israel, came to
Jadi semua orang Israel yang dicatat menurut suku-suku mereka, yaitu orang-orang yang berumur dua puluh tahun ke atas dan yang sanggup berperang di antara orang Israel,
46 six hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty.
berjumlah enam ratus tiga ribu lima ratus lima puluh orang.
47 But the Levites of the tribe of their family were not counted among the children of Israel.
Tetapi mereka yang menurut suku bapa leluhurnya termasuk orang Lewi, tidak turut dicatat bersama-sama dengan mereka itu.
48 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Sebab TUHAN telah berfirman kepada Musa:
49 See, you shall not muster the tribe of Levi, and you shall not take their numbers, in the midst of the children of Israel.
"Hanya suku Lewi janganlah kaucatat dan janganlah kauhitung jumlahnya bersama-sama dengan orang Israel,
50 And do you set the Levites over the tabernacle of witness, and over all its furniture, and over all things that are in it; and they shall do service in it, and they shall encamp round about the tabernacle.
tetapi tugaskanlah mereka untuk mengawasi Kemah Suci, tempat hukum Allah dengan segala perabotan dan perlengkapannya; mereka harus mengangkat Kemah Suci dengan segala perabotannya; mereka harus mengurusnya dan harus berkemah di sekelilingnya.
51 And in removing the tabernacle, the Levites shall take it down, and in pitching the tabernacle they shall set it up: and let the stranger that advances [to touch it] die.
Apabila berangkat, Kemah Suci harus dibongkar oleh orang Lewi, dan apabila berkemah, Kemah Suci harus dipasang oleh mereka; sedang orang awam yang mendekat harus dihukum mati.
52 And the children of Israel shall encamp, every man in his own order, and every man according to his company, with their host.
Orang Israel haruslah berkemah masing-masing di tempat perkemahannya dan masing-masing dekat panji-panjinya, menurut pasukan mereka,
53 But let the Levites encamp round about the tabernacle of witness fronting it, and [so] there shall be no sin among the children of Israel; and the Levites themselves shall keep the guard of the tabernacle of witness.
tetapi orang Lewi haruslah berkemah di sekeliling Kemah Suci, tempat hukum Allah supaya umat Israel jangan kena murka; orang Lewi haruslah memelihara Kemah Suci, tempat hukum itu."
54 And the children of Israel did according to all that the Lord commanded Moses and Aaron, so did they.
Maka orang Israel berbuat demikian; tepat seperti yang diperintahkan TUHAN kepada Musa, demikianlah diperbuat mereka.

< Numbers 1 >