< Leviticus 26 >

1 I [am] the Lord your God: you shall not make to yourselves gods made with hands, or graven; neither shall you rear up a pillar for yourselves, neither shall you set up a stone [for] an object in your land to worship it: I am the Lord your God.
Ye shall not make yourselves any idols, and a graven image, or a standing image shall ye not rear up unto you, and any carved stone shall you not place in your land, to bow down upon it; for I am the Eternal your God.
2 You shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuaries: I am the Lord.
My sabbaths shall ye keep, and my sanctuary shall ye reverence: I am the Lord.
3 If you will walk in my ordinances, and keep my commandments, and do them,
If in my statutes ye walk, and if my commandments ye keep, and do them:
4 then will I give you the rain in its season, and the land shall produce its fruits, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.
Then will I give you rains in their due season, and the earth shall yield her products, and the tree of the field shall yield its fruit.
5 And your threshing time shall overtake the vintage, and your vintage shall overtake your seed time; and you shall eat your bread to the full; and you shall dwell safely upon your land, and war shall not go through your land.
And the threshing shall reach with you unto the vintage, and the vintage shall reach unto sowing-time; and ye shall eat your bread to the full, and ye shall dwell in safety in your land.
6 And I will give peace in your land, and you shall sleep, and none [shall] make you afraid; and I will destroy the evil beasts out of your land,
And I will give peace in the land, and ye shall lie down, with none to make you afraid; and I will remove evil beasts out of the land, and the sword shall not pass through your land.
7 and you shall pursue your enemies, and they shall fall before you with slaughter.
And ye shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you by the sword.
8 And five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall chase tens of thousands; and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.
And five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall chase ten thousand; and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.
9 And I will look upon you, and increase you, and multiply you, and establish my covenant with you.
And I will turn myself unto you, and make you fruitful, and multiply you; and I will establish my covenant with you.
10 And you shall eat that which is old and very old, and bring forth the old to make way for the new.
And ye shall eat very old store, and the old shall ye remove away because of the new.
11 And I will set my tabernacle among you, and my soul shall not abhor you;
And I will set my dwelling among you; and my soul shall not loath you.
12 and I will walk among you, and be your God, and you shall be my people.
And I will walk among you, and I will be to you a God, and ye shall be to me a people.
13 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, where you were slaves; and I broke the band of your yoke, and brought you forth openly.
I am the Eternal your God, who have brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, that ye should not be their bond-men; and I have broken the bands of your yoke, and caused you to walk upright.
14 But if you will not listen to me, nor obey these my ordinances,
But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments;
15 but disobey them, and your soul should loathe my judgments, so that you should not keep all my commands, so as to break my covenant,
And if my statutes ye despise, and if my ordinances your soul loath, so as not to do all my commandments, in that ye break my covenant:
16 then will I do thus to you: I will even bring upon you perplexity and the itch, and the fever that causes your eyes to waste away, and [disease] that consumes your life; and you shall sow your seeds in vain, and your enemies shall eat them.
Then will I also do this unto you, and I will inflict on you terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart; and ye shall sow in vain your seed, for your enemies shall eat it.
17 And I will set my face against you, and you shall fall before your enemies, and they that hate you shall pursue you; and you shall flee, no one pursuing you.
And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be struck down before your enemies: and they that hate you shall bear rule over you; and ye shall flee while there is no one pursuing you.
18 And if you still refuse to listen to me, then will I chasten you yet more even seven times for your sins.
And if with these things even ye will not yet hearken unto me: then will I chastise you yet more, sevenfold for your sins.
19 And I will break down the haughtiness of your pride; and I will make your heaven iron, and your earth as it were brass.
And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as copper:
20 And your strength shall be in vain; and your land shall not yield its seed, and the tree of your field shall not yield its fruit.
And in vain shall your strength be spent; for your land shall not yield her products, and the tree of the land shall not yield its fruit.
21 And if after this you should walk perversely, and not be willing to obey me, I will further bring upon you seven plagues according to your sins.
And if ye walk yet contrary unto me, and if you refuse to hearken unto me: then will I bring more plagues upon you, sevenfold according to your sins.
22 And I will send upon you the wild beasts of the land, and they shall devour you, and shall consume your cattle: and I will make you few in number, and your ways shall be desolate.
And I will send out against you the beasts of the field, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and diminish yourselves; so that your roads shall be desolate.
23 And if hereupon you are not corrected, but walk perversely towards me,
And if notwithstanding these things ye will not be reformed by me, and walk contrary unto me:
24 I also will walk with you with a perverse spirit, and I also will strike you seven times for your sins.
Then will I also walk contrary unto you, and I also will punish you, sevenfold for your sins.
25 And I will bring upon you a sword avenging the cause of [my] covenant, and you shall flee for refuge to your cities; and I will send out death against you, and you shall be delivered into the hands of your enemies.
And I will bring over you the sword, avenging the quarrel of my covenant, so that ye shall be gathered together within your cities; and then will I send the pestilence among you, that ye shall deliver yourselves into the hand of the enemy;
26 When I afflict you with famine of bread, then ten women shall bake your loaves in one oven, and they shall render your loaves by weight; and you shall eat, and not be satisfied.
When I break unto you the staff of bread; and ten women shall bake your bread in one oven, and they shall deliver your bread again by weight; and ye shall eat, and not be satisfied.
27 And if hereupon you will not obey me, but walk perversely towards me,
And if notwithstanding this ye will not hearken unto me, but walk contrary unto me:
28 then will I walk with you with a froward mind, and I will chasten you sevenfold according to your sins.
Then will I also walk contrary unto you in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you, sevenfold for your sins.
29 And you shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall you eat.
And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.
30 And I will render your pillars desolate, and will utterly destroy your wooden [images] made with hands; and I will lay your carcases on the carcases of your idols, and my soul shall loathe you.
And I will destroy your high-places, and cut down your sun-images, and cast your carcasses upon the carcasses of your idols; and my soul shall loath you.
31 And I will lay your cities waste, and I will make your sanctuaries desolate, and I will not smell the savor of your sacrifices.
And I will render your cities a waste, and I will make desolate your sanctuaries, and I will not smell the savor of your sweet odors.
32 And I will lay your land desolate, and your enemies who dwell in it shall wonder at it.
And I will surely make desolate the land: and your enemies who dwell therein shall be astonished at it.
33 And I will scatter you among the nations, and the sword shall come upon you and consume you; and your land shall be desolate, and your cities shall be desolate.
And you will I scatter among the nations, and I will draw out after you the sword; and your land shall be a desolate wild, and your cities shall be a waste.
34 Then the land shall enjoy its sabbaths all the days of its desolation.
Then shall the land satisfy its sabbaths, all the days of its desolation, when ye are in the land of your enemies: then shall the land rest, and satisfy its sabbaths.
35 And you shall be in the land of your enemies; then the land shall keep its sabbaths, and the land shall enjoy its sabbaths all the days of its desolation: it shall keep sabbaths which it kept not among your sabbaths, when you lived in it.
All the days of its desolation shall it rest, the time which it did not rest in your sabbaths, when ye dwelt upon it.
36 And to those who are left of you I will bring bondage into their heart in the land of their enemies; and the sound of a shaken leaf shall chase them, and they shall flee as fleeing from war, and shall fall when none pursues them.
And regarding those that are left of you, I will send a faintness into their hearts in the lands of their enemies; and the sound of a leaf shaken shall chase them; and they shall flee, as fleeing from the sword; and they shall fall with none pursuing.
37 And brother shall disregard brother as in war, when none pursues; and you shall not be able to withstand your enemies.
And they shall stumble one over the other, as before the sword, without one pursuing: and ye shall have no power to stand up before your enemies.
38 And you shall perish among the Gentiles, and the land of your enemies shall devour you.
And ye shall be lost among the nations, and the land of your enemies shall consume you.
39 And those who are left of you shall perish, because of their sins, and because of the sins of their fathers: in the land of their enemies shall they consume away.
And they that are left of you shall pine away in their iniquity in the land of your enemies; and also through the iniquities of their fathers shall they pine away with them.
40 And they shall confess their sins, and the sins of their fathers, that they have transgressed and neglected me, and that they have walked perversely before me,
And they shall then confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, [that] through their trespass which they trespassed against me, and also that [because] they had walked contrary unto me:
41 and I walked with them with a perverse mind; and I will destroy them in the land of their enemies: then shall their uncircumcised heart be ashamed, and then shall they acquiesce in [the punishment of] their sins.
I also had to walk contrary unto them, and to bring them into the land of their enemies; and then shall their uncircumcised heart be humbled, and then shall they satisfy their iniquity.
42 And I will remember the covenant of Jacob, and the covenant of Isaac, and the covenant of Abraam will I remember.
And I will then remember my covenant with Jacob, and also my covenant with Isaac, and also my covenant with Abraham will I remember; and the land will I remember.
43 And I will remember the land, and the land shall be left of them; then the land shall enjoy her sabbaths, when it is deserted through them: and they shall accept [the punishment of] their iniquities, because they neglected my judgments, and in their soul loathed my ordinances.
For the land shall be forsaken by them, and shall satisfy its sabbaths, while it lieth desolate without them, and they shall satisfy their iniquity; because, even because my ordinances they despised, and my statutes their soul loathed.
44 And yet not even thus, while they were in the land of their enemies, did I overlook them, nor did I loathe them so as to consume them, to break my covenant made with them; for I am the Lord their God.
And yet for all that, though they be in the land of their enemies, will I not cast them away, neither will I loath them, to destroy them utterly, to break my covenant with them; for I am the Lord their God.
45 And I will remember their former covenant, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage before the nation, to be their God; I am the Lord.
But I will remember for their sakes the covenant of their ancestors, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt before the eyes of the nations, that I might be unto them a God: I am the Lord.
46 These are my judgments and my ordinances, and the law which the Lord gave between himself and the children of Israel, in the mount Sina, by the hand of Moses.
These are the statutes and ordinances and laws, which the Lord made between him and the children of Israel on mount Sinai, by the hand of Moses.

< Leviticus 26 >