< Leviticus 23 >

1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
OLELO mai la hoi o Iehova ia Mose, i mai la,
2 Speak to the children of Israel, and you shall say to them, The feasts of the Lord which you shall call holy assemblies, these are my feasts.
E olelo aku i na mamo a Iseraela, a e i aku ia lakou, o na ahaaina a oukou e kala ai he mau houluulu hoano, no'u no ia mau ahaaina.
3 Six days shall you do works, but on the seventh day is the sabbath; a rest, a holy convocation to the Lord: you shall not do any work, it is a sabbath to the Lord in all your dwellings.
I na la eono, e hanaia'i ka hana, aka o ka hiku o ka la, he Sabati e hoomaha'i ia, he houluulu hoano: aole oukou e hana: he Sabati ia no Iehova maloko o ko oukou mau hale a pau.
4 These [are] the feasts to the Lord, holy convocations, which you shall call in their seasons.
Eia na ahaaina a Iehova, na houluulu hoano a oukou e kala ai i ko lakou wa pono.
5 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, between the evening times is the Lord's passover.
I ka la umikumamaha o ka malama mua, i ke ahiahi, ilaila ka moliaola a Iehova.
6 And on the fifteenth day of this month is the feast of unleavened bread to the Lord; seven days shall you eat unleavened bread.
A i ka la umikumamalima o ia malama no, ka ahaaina o ka berena huole, no Iehova; ehiku la e ai ai oukou i ka berena huole.
7 And the first day shall be a holy convocation to you: you shall do no servile work.
I ka la mua, he houluulu hoano ko oukou, aole oukou e hana i ka hana e luhi ai ilaila:
8 And you shall offer whole burnt offerings to the Lord seven days; and the seventh day shall be a holy convocation to you: you shall do no servile work.
Aka e kaumaha oukou i ka mohai puhi ia Iehova i na la ehiku: a i ka hiku o ka la, he houluulu hoano, aole oukou e hana i ka hana e luhi ai.
9 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Olelo mai la hoi o Iehova ia Mose, i mai la,
10 Speak to the children of Israel, and you shall say to them, When you shall enter into the land which I give you, and reap the harvest of it, then shall you bring a sheaf, the first fruits of your harvest, to the priest;
E olelo aku i na mamo a Iseraela, a e i aku ia lakou, Aia komo oukou i ka aina a'u e haawi aku ai ia oukou, a okioki hoi i ka ai ona, alaila e lawe mai oukou i ka pua hua mua o ka oukou ai i ke kahuna.
11 and he shall lift up the sheaf before the Lord, to be accepted for you. On the morrow of the first day the priest shall lift it up.
A e hoali ae oia i ka pua imua i ke alo o Iehova, e maliuia'i ia no oukou: i ka la e noa ai ka Sabati, e hoali ai ke kahuna.
12 And you shall offer on the day on which you bring the sheaf, a lamb without blemish of a year old for a whole burnt offering to the Lord.
A e kaumaha oukou ia la o oukou i hooluli ai i ka pua, i keikihipakane kina ole o ka makahiki hookahi, i mohaikuni no Iehova.
13 And its meat-offering two tenth portions of fine flour mingled with oil: it is a sacrifice to the Lord, a smell of sweet savor to the Lord, and its drink-offering the fourth part of a hin of wine.
A o kona mohai ai, elua hapa umi dila o ka palaoa wali i hui pu me ka aila, he mohai puhi no Iehova, i mea ala ono: a o kona mohai inu, he waina, he hapa ha o ka hina.
14 And you shall not eat bread, or the new parched corn, until this same day, until you offer the sacrifices to your God: [it is] a perpetual statute throughout your generations in all your dwellings.
A o ka berena, a o ka hua palaoa moa, a o ka hua maka, aole oukou e ai a hiki i ka la i lawe mai ai oukou i ka mohai i ko oukou Akua; he kanawai mau loa ia i ko oukou mau hanauna, iloko o ko oukou mau hale a pau loa,
15 And you shall number to yourselves from the day after the sabbath, from the day on which you shall offer the sheaf of the heave-offering, seven full weeks:
A e helu oukou no oukou iho mai ka la e noa ai ka Sabati, mai ka la i lawe mai ai oukou i ka pua i mohai hoali; ehiku Sabati e pau ai.
16 until the morrow after the last week you shall number fifty days, and shall bring a new meat-offering to the Lord.
A hiki i ka la e noa ai ka Sabati ahiku, e helu ai oukou i na la he kanalima, a e haawi hou i mohaiai hou ia Iehova.
17 You shall bring from your dwelling loaves, as a heave-offering, two loaves: they shall be of two tenth portions of fine flour, they shall be baked with leaven of the first fruits to the Lord.
E lawe mai hoi oukou i elua popo berena hooluli elua hapa umi dila, he palaoa wali ia, e hoomoaia ia me ka hu; he mau hua mua ia no Iehova.
18 And you shall bring with the loaves seven unblemished lambs of a year old, and one calf of the herd, and two rams without blemish, and they shall be a whole burnt offering to the Lord: and their meat-offerings and their drink-offerings [shall be] a sacrifice, a smell of sweet savor to the Lord.
A e kaumaha oukou me ka berena, i ehiku keikihipa kina ole o ka makahiki mua, a i hookahi bipikane opiopio, a i elua hipakane: e lilo ia i mohaikuni no Iehova, me ko lakou mohai ai, me ko lakou mohai inu, he alana e kaumahaia ma ke ahi, he mea ala ono no Iehova.
19 And they shall sacrifice one kid of the goats for a sin-offering, and two lambs of a year old for a peace-offering, with the loaves of the first fruits.
Alaila e kaumaha oukou i hookahi keikikao, i mohailawehala, a i elua keikihipa o ka makahiki mua, i alana o ua mohaihoomalu.
20 And the priest shall place them with the loaves of the first fruits an offering before the Lord with the two lambs, they shall be holy to the Lord; they shall belong to the priest that brings them.
A e hoali ke kahuna ia mau mea me ka berena o na hua mua i mohai hoali ma ke alo o Iehova, me na keikihipa elua: e laa ia no Iehova na ke kahuna.
21 And you shall call this day a convocation: it shall be holy to you; you shall do no servile work on it: it is a perpetual ordinance throughout your generations in all your habitations.
E hai aku oukou ia la i'houluulu hoano no oukou: aole oukou e hana i ka hana e luhi ai. He kanawai mau loa iloko o ko oukou mau hale a pau, i ko oukou mau hanauna.
22 And when you shall reap the harvest of your land, you shall not fully reap the remainder of the harvest of your field when you reap, and you shall not gather that which falls from your reaping; you shall leave it for the poor and the stranger: I [am] the Lord your God.
Aia e okioki oukou i ka ai o ko oukou aina, mai oki loa i na kihi o kau mahinaai, i kou oki ana. aole hoi oe e ohi i na haulena o kau ai: e waiho no oe pela na ka poe ilihune, a na ka malihini; owau no Iehova ko oukou Akua.
23 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Olelo mai la hoi o Iehova ia Mose, i mai la,
24 Speak to the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a rest, a memorial of trumpets: it shall be to you a holy convocation.
E olelo aku oe i na mamo a Iseraela, penei, I ka hiku o ka malama, i ka la mua o ka malama, he Sabati ko oukou, he la laa e hookani ai i na pu, he houluulu hoano:
25 You shall do no servile work, and you shall offer a whole burnt offering to the Lord.
Mai hana i ka hana e luhi ai, aka e kaumaha i ka mohai puhi ia Iehova.
26 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Olelo mai la hoi o Iehova ia Mose, i mai la,
27 Also on the tenth day of this seventh month is a day of atonement: it shall be a holy convocation to you; and you shall humble your souls, and offer a whole burnt offering to the Lord.
A i ka umi o ka la o ua malama ahiku nei, he la kalahala; he houluulu hoano ia no oukou, a e hookaumaha oukou i ko oukou mau uhane, a e kaumaha i ka mohai puhi ia Iehova.
28 You shall do no work on this self-same day: for this is a day of atonement for you, to make atonement for you before the Lord your God.
Aole hana a oukou e hana'i i ua la la; no ka mea, he la kalahala ia, e hana'i i kalahala no oukou ma ke alo o Iehova ko oukou Akua.
29 Every soul that shall not be humbled in that day, shall be cut off from among its people.
O kela uhane keia uhane i hookaumaha ole ia i ua la la, e okiia'ku ia maiwaena aku o kona poe kanaka.
30 And every soul which shall do work on that day, that soul shall be destroyed from among its people.
A o kela kanaka keia kanaka e hana i ka hana i ua la la, o ia kanaka ka'u e hooki aku ai maiwaena aku o kona poe kanaka.
31 You shall do no manner of work: it is a perpetual statute throughout your generations in all your habitations.
Mai hana iki oukou i ka hana: he kanawai mau loa i ko oukou mau hanauna iloko o ko oukou mau hale a pau.
32 It shall be a holy sabbath to you; and you shall humble your souls, from the ninth day of the month: from evening to evening you shall keep your sabbaths.
E lilo ia i Sabati e hoomaha ai, a e hookaumaha oukou i ko oukou mau uhane; i ka iwa o ka la o ka malama, i ke ahiahi, mai ke ahiahi a hiki i ke ahiahi, e malama ai oukou i ko oukou Sabati.
33 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Olelo mai la hoi o Iehova ia Mose, i mai la,
34 Speak to the children of Israel, saying, On the fifteenth day of this seventh month, there shall be a feast of tabernacles seven days to the Lord.
E olelo aku oe i na mamo a Iseraela, penei, I ka la umikumamalima o ua malama ahiku nei, he ahaaipa kauhalelewa i na la ehiku no Iehova.
35 And on the first day shall be a holy convocation; you shall do no servile work.
I ka la mua, he houluulu hoano, mai hana oukou i ka hana e luhi ai.
36 Seven days shall you offer whole burnt offerings to the Lord, and the eighth-day shall be a holy convocation to you; and you shall offer whole burnt offerings to the Lord: it is a time of release, you shall do no servile work.
I na la ehiku e kaumaha ai oukou i ka mohai puhi ia Iehova: i ka walu o ka la he houluulu hoano ia oukou, a e kaumaha oukou i ka mohai puhi ia Iehova, he anaina hoano, aole hoi oukou e hana i ka hana e luhi ai.
37 These [are] the feasts to the Lord, which you shall call holy convocations, to offer burnt offerings to the Lord, whole burnt offerings and their meat-offerings, and their drink-offerings, that for each day on its day:
Oia na ahaaina a Iehova, a oukou e hai aku ai he mau houluulu hoano, e kaumaha ai i ka mohai puhi ia Iehova, i ka mohaikuni, i ka mohaiai, i ka alana a me na mohaiinu, kela mea keia mea i kona la iho:
38 besides the sabbaths of the Lord, and besides your gifts, and besides all your vows, and besides your free will offerings, which you shall give to the Lord.
Okoa na Sabati o Iehova; okoa hoi ko oukou mea haawi; okoa hoi ka oukou mau mea hoohiki a pau; okoa hoi ka oukou mau mohai na ka makemake, a oukou e haawi wale ia Iehova.
39 And on the fifteenth day of this seventh month, when you shall have completely gathered in the fruits of the earth, you shall keep a feast to the Lord seven days; on the first day there shall be a rest, and on the eighth day a rest.
A i ka la umikumamalima o ka malama ahiku, aia houluulu oukou i ka hua o ka aina, e ahaaina oukou no Iehova i na la ehiku; i ka la mua, he Sabati, a i ka la awalu, he Sabati.
40 And on the first day you shall take goodly fruit of trees, and branches of palm trees, and thick boughs of trees, and willows, and branches of osiers from the brook, to rejoice before the Lord your God seven days in the year.
E lawe hoi oukou no oukou iho i ka la mua i na lala o na laau maikai, i na lala o na laau pama, a me na lala o na laau momona, a me na wilou o ke kahawai; a e hauoli ae oukou ma ke alo o Iehova ko oukou Akua i na la ehiku.
41 [It is] a perpetual statute for your generations: in the seventh month you shall keep it.
E malama oukou ia i ahaaina no. Iehova, i na la ehiku o ka makahiki; he kanawai mau loa i ko oukou mau hanauna; i ka hiku o ka malama e ahaaina ai oukou ia.
42 Seven days you shall dwell in tabernacles: every native in Israel shall dwell in tents,
E noho oukou iloko o na halelalalaau i na la ehiku; o na mea a pau i hanau he poe Iseraela, e noho no lakou iloko o ua halelalalaau:
43 that your posterity may see, that I made the children of Israel to dwell in tents, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I [am] the Lord your God.
I ike ko oukou mau hanauna, ua hoonoho au i na mamo a Iseraela iloko o na halelalalaan, i ka wa i lawe mai ai au ia lakou mai ka aina mai o Aigupita: owau no Iehova ko oukou Akua.
44 And Moses recounted the feasts of the Lord to the children of Israel.
A hai aku la o Mose i na ahaaina a Iehova i na mamo a Iseraela.

< Leviticus 23 >