< Job 29 >

1 And Job continued and said in his parable,
OLELO hou mai la o Ioba i kana olelonane, i mai la,
2 Oh that I were as in months past, wherein God preserved me!
Ina e like au me na malama mamua, I na la a ke Akua i malama mai ai ia'u!
3 As when his lamp shone over my head; when by his light I walked through darkness.
I ka wa i lilelile ai kona kukui maluna o kuu poo, A ma kona malamalama hele no au mawaena o ka pouli!
4 [As] when I steadfastly pursued my ways, when God took care of my house.
E like me au i na la o kuu oo ana, I ka wa i kuka pu ai me ke Akua ma kuu halelewa!
5 When I was very fruitful, and my children were about me;
I ka wa o ka Mea mana me au, I ka wa e hoopuni ana kuu poe keiki ia'u!
6 when my ways were moistened with butter, and the mountains flowed for me with milk.
I ka wa a'u i holoi ai i kuu mau wawae i ka waiu, A hookahe mai ka pohaku no'u i na kahawai aila!
7 When I went forth early in the city, and the seat was placed for me in the streets.
I kuu hele ana'ku ma ka pukapa i ke kulanakauhale, Ma ke alanui hoomakaukau iho au i kuu wahi noho!
8 The young men saw me, and hid themselves: and all the old men stood up.
Ike mai ka poe kanaka opio ia'u, a pee iho la; A o ka poe kahiko, ala mai lakou a ku iluna.
9 And the great men ceased speaking, and laid their finger on their mouth.
Noho malie na luna i ka olelo aku, A kau lakou i ka lima maluna o ko lakou waha.
10 And they that heard [me] blessed me, and their tongue clave to their throat.
O ka leo o na'lii ua hunaia, Pipili ko lakou alelo me ko lakou kileo.
11 For the ear heard, and blessed me; and the eye saw me, and turned aside.
A lohe ka pepeiao, hoomaikai no ia ia'u; A ike ka maka, hoike mai ia no'u:
12 For I saved the poor out of the hand of the oppressor, and helped the fatherless who had no helper.
No ka mea, ua hoopakele au i ka poe hune e uwe ana, A me ka mea makua ole, aole ana mea kokua.
13 Let the blessing of the perishing one come upon me; yes, the mouth of the widow has blessed me.
O ka hoomaikai o ka mea ane make i kau mai maluna o'u: A hoohauoli no au i ka naau o ka wahinekanemake.
14 Also I put on righteousness, and clothed myself with judgment like a mantle.
Aahu iho no au i ka pono, a ua uhi mai ia ia'u; E like me ka aahu a me ke kaei poo, pela kuu olelohoopono.
15 I was the eye of the blind, and the foot of the lame.
Ua lilo au i maka no ka makapo, I wawae hoi no ka oopa.
16 I was the father of the helpless; and I searched out the cause which I knew not.
He makua hoi au no ka poe ilihune; A o ka mea hakaka a'u i ike ole ai, ua huli aku au ia.
17 And I broke the jaw teeth of the unrighteous; I plucked the spoil out of the midst of their teeth.
Ua haki ia'u na kui o ka mea hewa, A ua kaili aku au i ka waiwai hao mai kona mau niho aku.
18 And I said, My age shall continue as the stem of a palm tree; I shall live a long while.
Alaila i iho la au, e make auanei au iloko o kuu punana, A me he one la e hoonui auanei au i na la.
19 [My] root was spread out by the water, and the dew would lodge on my crop.
Manamana ae la kuu aa ma na wai, A kau iho la ka hau, a ao ka po, maluna o kuu lala.
20 My glory was fresh in me, and by bow prospered in his hand.
Ua hou ko'u nani iloko o'u, A o ka'u kakaka, ua hooulu hou ia ma kuu lima.
21 [Men] heard me, and gave heed, and they were silent at my counsel.
Hoolohe lakou ia'u a kakali hoi, A noho malie lakou i kau oleloao.
22 At my word they spoke not again, and they were very gland whenever I spoke to them.
Mahope o ka'u olelo ana, aole lakou i olelo hou, A kulu iho ka'u olelo maluna iho o lakou.
23 As the thirsty earth expecting the rain, so they [waited for] my speech.
Kakali lakou ia'u e like me ka ua; A hamama loa lakou i ko lakou waha, no ke kuaua hope.
24 Were I to laugh on them, they would not believe [it]; and the light of my face has not failed.
A akaaka au ia lakou, aole lakou i manao he oiaio; A o ka malamalama o kuu maka aole lakou i hookulou ilalo ia.
25 I chose out their way, and sat chief, and lived as a king in the midst of warriors, as one comforting mourners.
Ua wae aku au i ko lakou aoao, a noho me he luna la, A noho au me he alii la maluna o ka poe kaua, E like me ka mea hooluolu i ka poe e uwe ana.

< Job 29 >