< Esias 41 >

1 Hold a feast to me, you islands: for the princes shall renew [their] strength: let them draw near and speak together: then let them declare judgment.
Escuchádme islas, y esfuércense los pueblos: alléguense, y entonces hablen: estemos juntamente a juicio.
2 Who raised up righteousness from the east, [and] called it to his feet, so that it should go? shall appoint [it] an adversary of Gentiles, and shall dismay kings, and bury their swords in the earth, and cast forth their bows and arrows as sticks?
¿Quién despertó del oriente la justicia, y le llamó para que le siguiese? entregó delante de él naciones, e hízole enseñorear de reyes: como polvo los entregó a su espada, y como hojarascas arrebatadas a su arco.
3 And he shall pursue them; the way of his feet shall proceed in peace.
Siguiólos; pasó en paz por camino por donde sus pies nunca habían entrado.
4 Who has wrought and done these things? he has called it who called it from the generations of old; I God, the first and to [all] futurity, I AM.
¿Quién obró, e hizo? ¿Quién llama las generaciones desde el principio? Yo Jehová primero, y yo mismo con los postreros.
5 The nations saw, and feared; the ends of the earth drew near, and came together,
Las islas vieron, y tuvieron temor: los términos de la tierra se espantaron: congregáronse, y vinieron.
6 every one judging for his neighbor and [that] to assist his brother: and one will say,
Cada cual ayudó a su cercano, y dijo a su hermano: Esfuérzate.
7 The artificer has become strong, and the coppersmith that smites with the hammer, [and] forges also: sometimes he will say, It is a piece well joined: they have fastened them with nails; they will fix them, and they shall not be moved.
El carpintero animó al platero, y el que alisa con martillo al que batía en el yunque, diciendo: Buena es la soldadura. Y afirmólo con clavos, porque no se moviese.
8 But you, Israel, are my servant Jacob, and he whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraam, whom I have loved:
Mas tú Israel, siervo mío, Jacob a quien yo escogí, simiente de Abraham mi amigo.
9 whom I have taken hold of from the ends of the earth, and from the high places of it I have called you, and said to you, You are my servant; I have chosen you, and I have not forsaken you.
Porque te eché mano de los extremos de la tierra, y de sus principales te llamé, y te dije: Mi siervo serás tú; te escogí, y no te deseché.
10 Fear not; for I am with you: wander not; for I am your God, who have strengthened you; and I have helped you, and have established you with my just right hand.
No temas, que yo soy contigo: no desmayes, que yo soy tu Dios: que te esfuerzo: siempre te ayudaré, siempre te sustentaré con la diestra de mi justicia.
11 Behold, all your adversaries shall be ashamed and confounded; for they shall be as if they were not: and all your opponents shall perish.
He aquí que todos los que se enojan contra ti, se avergonzarán, y serán confusos: serán como nada: los que contigo contendieren, perecerán.
12 You shall seek them, and you shall not find the men who shall insolently rage against you: for they shall be as if they were not, and they that war against you shall not be.
Mirarás por ellos, y no los hallarás: los que tienen contienda contigo, serán como nada; y los que contigo tienen pendencia, como cosa que no es.
13 For I am your God, who holds your right hand, who says to you,
Porque yo Jehová soy tu Dios, que te traba de tu mano derecha, y te dice: No temas, yo te ayudé.
14 Fear not, Jacob, [and you] Israel few in number; I have helped you, says your God, he that redeems you, O Israel.
No temas gusano de Jacob, apocados de Israel; yo te socorrí, dice Jehová, y tu Redentor el Santo de Israel.
15 Behold, I have made you as new saw-shaped threshing wheels of a waggon; and you shall thresh the mountains, and beat the hills to powder, and make [them] as chaff:
He aquí que yo te he puesto por trillo, trillo nuevo, lleno de dientes: trillarás montes, y molerlos has; y collados tornarás en tamo.
16 and you shall winnow [them], and the wind shall carry them away, and a tempest shall scatter them: but you shall rejoice in the holy ones of Israel.
Aventarlos has, y el viento los llevará, y el torbellino los esparcirá. Tu, empero, exultarás en Jehová: en el Santo de Israel te glorificarás.
17 And the poor and the needy shall exult; for [when] they shall seek water, and there shall be none, [and] their tongue is parched with thirst, I the Lord God, I the God of Israel will hear, and will not forsake them:
Los afligidos y menesterosos buscan las aguas, que no hay: su lengua se secó de sed: yo Jehová los oiré: yo el Dios de Israel no los desampararé.
18 but I will open rivers on the mountains, and fountains in the midst of plains: I will make the desert pools of water, and a thirsty land watercourses.
En los cabezos altos abriré ríos, y fuentes en mitad de los llanos: tornaré el desierto en estanques de aguas; y la tierra seca en manederos de aguas.
19 I will plant in the dry land the cedar and box, the myrtle and cypress, and white poplar:
Daré en el desierto cedros, espinos, arrayanes, y olivas: pondré en la soledad hayas, olmos, y álamos juntamente:
20 that they may see, and know, and perceive, and understand together, that the hand of the Lord has wrought these [works], and the Holy One of Israel has displayed [them].
Porque vean, y conozcan, y adviertan, y entiendan todos, que la mano de Jehová hace esto; y que el Santo de Israel lo creó.
21 Your judgment draws near, says the Lord God; your counsels have drawn near, says the King of Jacob.
Alegád por vuestra causa, dice Jehová: traed vuestros fundamentos, dice el Rey de Jacob.
22 Let them draw near, and declare to you what things shall come to pass; or tell [us] what things were of old, and we will apply [our] understanding, and we shall know what are the last and the future things:
Traigan, y anúnciennos lo que ha de venir: dígannos lo que ha pasado desde el principio, y pondremos nuestro corazón: y sepamos su postrimería, y hacédnos entender lo que ha de venir.
23 tell us, declare you to us the things that are coming on at the last [time], and we shall know that you are gods: do good, and do evil, and we shall wonder, and see at the same time
Dádnos nuevas de lo que ha de ser después, para que sepamos que vosotros sois dioses: o a lo menos hacéd bien o mal, para que tengamos que contar, y juntamente nos maravillemos.
24 whence you are, and whence is your works: they have chosen you an abomination out of the earth.
He aquí que vosotros sois de nada, y vuestras obras de vanidad: abominación os escogió.
25 But I have raised up him that [comes] from the north, and him that [comes] from the rising of the sun: they shall be called by my name: let the princes come, and as potter's clay, and as a potter treading clay, so shall you be trodden down.
Del norte le desperté, y vendrá: del nacimiento del sol llamará en mi nombre; y vendrá sobre príncipes como sobre lodo, y como el ollero pisa el barro.
26 For who will declare the things from the beginning, that we may know also the former things, and we will say that they are true? there is no one that speaks beforehand, nor anyone that hears your words.
¿Quién dio nuevas desde el principio, para que sepamos; y de antes, y diremos: Justo es? Cierto no hay quien lo anuncie, cierto no hay quien lo enseñe, cierto no hay quien oiga vuestras palabras.
27 I will give dominion to Sion, and will comfort Jerusalem by the way.
Yo soy el primero que he enseñado estas cosas a Sión, y a Jerusalem di la nueva.
28 For from among the nations, behold, [there was] no one; and of their idols there was none to declare [anything]: and if I should ask them, Whence are you? they could not answer me.
Miré, y no había ninguno; y pregunté de estas cosas, y ningún consejero hubo: les pregunté, y no respondieron palabra.
29 For [these] are your makers, [as you think], and they that cause you to err in vain.
He aquí, todos son iniquidad; y las obras de ellos nada: viento y vanidad sus vaciadizos.

< Esias 41 >