< Jezekiel 38 >

1 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
Ilizwi likaThixo lafika kimi lisithi:
2 Son of man, set your face against Gog, and the land of Magog, Rhos, prince of Mesoch and Thobel, and prophesy against him,
“Ndodana yomuntu, khangelisa ubuso bakho bumelane loGogi, owaselizweni laseMagogi, inkosana enkulu yaseMesheki kanye laseThubhali; phrofetha kubi ngaye
3 and say to him, Thus says the Lord God; Behold, I am against you, Rhos prince of Mesoch and Thobel:
uthi: ‘Nanku okutshiwo nguThixo Wobukhosi: Ngimelana lawe, wena Gogi, nkosana enkulu yaseMesheki kanye laseThubhali.
4 and I will gather you, and all your host, horses and horsemen, all wearing breastplates, with a great multitude, shields and helmets and swords:
Ngizakutshibilikisa, ngifake amawuka emihlathini yakho ngikukhuphe lebutho lakho lonke, amabhiza akho, abagadi bamabhiza bakho behlome bephelele, lexuku elikhulukazi lilamahawu amancane lamakhulu, bonke benyikinya izinkemba zabo.
5 Persians, and Ethiopians, and Libyans; all with helmets and shields.
IPhezhiya, leKhushi kanye lePhuthi bazakuba belabo, bonke belamahawu lezingowane,
6 Gomer, and all belonging to him; the house of Thorgama, from the end of the north, and all belonging to him; and many nations with you.
njalo leGomeri lamabutho ayo wonke, kanye leBhethi Thogarima ivela khatshana enyakatho lamabutho ayo wonke, izizwe ezinengi ezilawe.
7 Be you prepared, prepare yourself, you, and all your multitude that is assembled with you, and you shall be to me for a guard.
Lunga; zilungisele, wena kanye lamaxuku wonke abuthene emaceleni akho wonke, uwalawule.
8 He shall be prepared after many days, and he shall come at the end of years, and shall come to a land that is brought back from the sword, when [the people] are gathered from many nations against the land of Israel, which was entirely desolate: and he is come forth out of the nations, and they shall all dwell securely.
Emva kwensuku ezinengi uzabizelwa empini. Eminyakeni ezayo uzahlasela ilizwe eselisindile empini, elilabantu balo ababuthwa ezizweni ezinengi basiwa ezintabeni zako-Israyeli ezaziphundlekile okwesikhathi eside. Babekhutshiwe ezizweni, khathesi bonke bahlezi ekuvikelekeni.
9 And you shall go up as rain, and shall arrive as a cloud to cover the land, and there shall be you, and all that are about you, and many nations with you.
Wena lamabutho akho wonke kanye lezizwe ezinengi ezilawe lizakuya khonale, liqhubeka njengesiphepho; lizakuba njengeyezi lisibekele ilizwe.
10 Thus says the Lord God; It shall also come to pass in that day, that thoughts shall come up into your heart, and you shall devise evil devices.
Lokhu yikho okutshiwo nguThixo Wobukhosi: Ngalolosuku kuzafika imicabango engqondweni yakho njalo uzaceba isu elibi.
11 And you shall say, I will go up to the rejected land; I will come upon them that are at ease in tranquility, and dwelling in peace, all inhabiting a land in which there is no wall, nor bars, nor have they doors;
Uzakuthi, “Ngizahlasela ilizwe elilemizi engelamithangala; ngizahlasela abantu abalokuthula abanganakaneli lutho, bonke abahlezi bengelamithangala njalo bengelamasango lemigoqo.
12 to seize plunder, and to take their spoil; to turn my hands against the desolate land that is [now] inhabited, and against a nation that is gathered from many nations, that have acquired property, dwelling in the midst of the land.
Ngizaphanga njalo ngithumbe ngiphinde ngiguqulele isandla sami ekumeleni amanxiwa asahlaliswa abantu lasebantwini abaqoqwa ezizweni, abalezifuyo ezinengi lempahla, abahlala enkabeni yelizwe.”
13 Sabba, and Daedan, and Carthaginian merchants, and all their villages shall say to you, You are come for plunder to take a prey, and to get spoils: you have gathered your multitude to take silver and gold, to carry off property, to take spoils.
IShebha leDedani kanye labathengisi bonke baseThashishi lemizi yalo yonke bazakuthi kuwe, “Lande ukuzaphanga na? Uqoqe amaxuku akho ukuba uthumbe, uthathe isiliva legolide, uthathe izifuyo kanye lempahla njalo uthumbe impango enengi na?”’
14 Therefore prophesy, son of man, and say to Gog, Thus says the Lord; Will you not arise in that day, when my people Israel are dwelling securely,
Ngakho, ndodana yomuntu, phrofetha uthi kuGogi: ‘Nanku okutshiwo nguThixo Wobukhosi: Ngalolosuku, lapho abantu bami u-Israyeli sebehlala ekuvikelweni, kawuyikukubona na?
15 and come out of your place from the farthest north, and many nations with you? all of them mounted on horses, a great gathering, and a large force?
Uzakuza uvela endaweni yakho khatshana le enyakatho, wena kanye lezizwe ezinengi ezilawe, zonke zigade amabhiza, ixuku elikhulukazi, ibutho elilamandla.
16 And you shall come up upon my people Israel as a cloud to cover the land; it shall come to pass in the last days, that I will bring you up upon my land, that all the nations may know me, when I am sanctified in you before them.
Uzaqhubeka umelana labantu bami u-Israyeli njengeyezi elisibekele ilizwe. Ensukwini ezizayo, wena Gogi, ngizakwenza umelane lelizwe lami, ukuze izizwe zingazi lapho sengizibonakalisa ngingcwele ngawe phambi kwazo.
17 Thus says the Lord God, to Gog; You are [he] concerning whom I spoke in former times, by the hand of my servants the prophets of Israel, in those days and years, that I would bring you up against them.
Nanku okutshiwo nguThixo Wobukhosi: Kanti kawusuwe yini engakhuluma ngawe ensukwini zakudala ngezinceku zami abaphrofethi bako-Israyeli na? Ngalesosikhathi baphrofetha iminyaka eminengi ukuthi ngangizakwenza umelane labo.
18 And it shall come to pass in that day, in the day when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, says the Lord God,
Nanku okuzakwenzakala ngalolosuku: Lapho uGogi esehlasela ilizwe lako-Israyeli ulaka lwami oluvuthayo luzavuka, kutsho uThixo Wobukhosi.
19 [that] my wrath and my jealousy shall arise, I have spoken in the fire of mine anger, verily in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel;
Ngokutshiseka kwami langolaka lwami oluvuthayo ngithi ngalesosikhathi kuzakuba lokuzamazama komhlaba okukhulu elizweni lako-Israyeli.
20 and the fish of the sea shall quake at the presence of the Lord, and the birds of the sky and the wild beasts of the field, and all the reptiles that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are on the face of the earth; and the mountains shall be tore, and the valleys shall fall, and every wall on the land shall fall.
Inhlanzi zasolwandle, izinyoni zasemoyeni, izinyamazana zeganga, zonke izidalwa ezihamba phansi, labantu bonke abasemhlabeni kuzathuthumela ngokuba khona kwami. Izintaba zizagenqulwa, amawa azabhidlika njalo lemiduli yonke izawela phansi.
21 And I will summon against it even every fear, says the Lord: the sword of [every] man shall be against his brother.
Ngizalaya inkemba imelane loGogi kuzozonke izintaba zami, kutsho uThixo Wobukhosi. Inkemba yomuntu ngamunye izamelana lomfowabo.
22 And I will judge him with pestilence, and blood, and sweeping rain, and hailstones; and I will rain upon him fire and brimstone, and upon all that are with him, and upon many nations with him.
Ngizamahlulela ngesifo langokuchithwa kwegazi; ngizathululela phansi izihlambi zezulu, isiqhotho lesolufa etshisayo phezu kwakhe laphezu kwamabutho akhe kanye laphezu kwezizwe ezinengi ezilaye.
23 And I will be magnified, and sanctified, and glorified; and I will be known in the presence of many nations, and they shall know that I am the Lord.
Ngalokho ngizabonakalisa ubukhulu bami lobungcwele bami, njalo ngizakwenza ngazakale phambi kwezizwe ezinengi. Lapho-ke bazakwazi ukuthi mina nginguThixo.’”

< Jezekiel 38 >