< Exodus 22 >

1 And if one steal an ox or a sheep, and kill it or sell it, he shall pay five calves for a calf, and four sheep for a sheep.
“Namni tokko yoo sangaa yookaan hoolaa hatee qalate yookaan gurgurate, qooda qotiyyoo tokkoo sangaa shan, qooda hoolaa tokkoo immoo hoolaa afur haa baasu.
2 And if the thief be found in the breach [made by himself] and be struck and die, there shall not be blood shed for him.
“Hattuun tokko utuu cabsee seenuu yoo qabamee tumamee kanumaan duʼe, namichi isa ajjeese sun dhiiga isaatti yakkaan hin gaafatamu;
3 But if the sun be risen upon him, he is guilty, he shall die instead; and if a thief have nothing, let him be sold in compensation for what he has stolen.
garuu yoo wanni kun erga aduun baatee taʼe, namichi dhiiga sanatti yakkaan ni gaafatama. “Hattuun waan hate haa deebisu; homaa hin qabu yoo taʼe garuu hanna isaatiif gatii baasuudhaaf haa gurguramu.
4 And if the thing stolen be left and be in his hand alive, whether ox or sheep, he shall restore them two-fold.
Horiin hatame sun sangaa yookaan harree yookaan hoolaa taanaan yoo utuu lubbuun jiruu harka isaatti argame hattuun sun dachaa baasuu qaba.
5 And if any one should feed down a field or a vineyard, and should send in his beast to feed down another field, he shall make compensation of his own field according to his produce; and if he shall have fed down the whole field, he shall pay for compensation the best of his own field and the best of his vineyard.
“Namni tokko yoo utuu lafa qotiisaa yookaan dhaabaa wayinii keessa horii tikfatuu horii isaa gad lakkisee horiin sun dhaqee kaloo nama biraa dheede, inni lafa qotiisaa ofii isaa irraa yookaan dhaabaa wayinii ofii isaa irraa kan waan hunda caalu iddoo haa buusuuf.
6 And if fire have gone forth and caught thorns, and should also set on fire threshing-floors or ears of corn or a field, he that kindled the fire shall make compensation.
“Yoo ibiddi kaʼee daggala seenee akkasiin midhaan tuulame yookaan midhaan dhaabatu yookaan lafa qotiisaa gube, namichi ibidda qabsiise sun gatii baasuu qaba.
7 And if any one give to his neighbor money or goods to keep, and they be stolen out of the man's house, if the thief be found he shall repay double.
“Namni tokko yoo maallaqa yookaan miʼa imaanaa namatti kennatee, wanni sun mana namichaatii hatamee hattuun sun qabame, hattichi dachaa kaffaluu qaba.
8 But if the thief be not found, the master of the house shall come forward before God, and shall swear that surely he has not wrought wickedly in regard of any part of his neighbor's deposit,
Yoo hattuun sun hin argamin garuu abbaan mana sanaa akka miʼa nama kaanii tuqee fi akka hin tuqin mirkaneessuuf fuula abbootii murtii duratti haa dhiʼeeffamu.
9 according to every injury alleged, both concerning a calf, and an ass, and a sheep, and a garment, and every alleged loss, whatever in fact it may be, —the judgment of both shall proceed before God, and he that is convicted by God shall repay to his neighbor double.
Namni tokko yoo qotiyyoo, harree, hoolaa, uffata yookaan miʼa bade tokko miliqsee namni tokko dhufee, ‘Kun kan koo ti’ jedhe, falmiin isaanii fuula abbootii murtii duratti haa dhiʼeeffamu. Namichi abbootiin murtii itti muran sunis ollaa isaatiif harka lama haa baasu.
10 And if any one give to his neighbor to keep a calf or sheep or any beast, and it be wounded or die or be taken, and no one know,
“Yoo namni tokko ollaa isaatiif harree, qotiyyoo, hoolaa yookaan horii biraa imaanaa kennatee horiin suni utuu namni hin argin duʼe yookaan miidhame yookaan hatame,
11 an oath of God shall be between both, [each swearing] that he has surely not at all been guilty in the matter of his neighbor's deposit; and so his master shall hold him guiltless, and he shall not make compensation.
namichi sun akka qabeenya ollaa isaa hin tuqin mirkaneessuuf fuula Waaqayyoo duratti haa kakatu; abbaan qabeenyaa sunis kakuu kana fudhachuu qaba; gatiis hin gaafatu.
12 And if it be stolen from him, he shall make compensation to the owner.
Yoo horiin sun isa jalaa hatamee jiraate garuu namichi abbaa horii sanaatiif baasuu qaba.
13 And if it be seized of beasts, he shall bring him to [witness] the prey, and he shall not make compensation.
Yoo horii sana bineensatu nyaate taʼe immoo akka ragaa taʼuuf waan bineensa irraa hafe haa dhiʼeessu malee horii nyaatame sanaaf gatii hin baasin.
14 And if any one borrow [ought] of his neighbor, and it be wounded or die or be carried away, and the owner of it be not with it, he shall make compensation.
“Namni tokko yoo ollaa isaa irraa horii ergifatee horiin sun iddoo abbaan horii hin jirretti miidhame yookaan duʼe, namichi ergifate sun gatii haa baasu.
15 But if the owner be with it, he shall not make compensation: but if it be a hired thing, there shall be [a compensation] to him instead of his hire.
Yoo abbaan horii sanaa achi jiraate garuu namichi ergifate sun gatii baasuu hin qabu. Yoo horiin sun kireeffamee jiraate immoo maallaqni baafame sun kiraa horii duʼe sanaa haa taʼu.
16 And if any one deceive a virgin that is not betrothed, and lie with her, he shall surely endow her for a wife to himself.
“Namni tokko yoo durba hin kaadhimatamin gowwoomsee ishee wajjin ciise, inni gabbara misirrittiif malu baaseefii ishee haa fuudhu.
17 And if her father positively refuse, and will not consent to give her to him for a wife, he shall pay compensation to her father according to the amount of the dowry of virgins.
Yoo abbaan ishee intalattii namichaaf kennuu dide immoo namichi sun gabbara durbaaf malu baasuu qaba.
18 You shall not save the lives of sorcerers.
“Ati akka dubartiin falfaltuun lubbuun jiraattu hin eeyyamin.
19 Every one that lies with a beast you shall surely put to death.
“Namni horii wajjin ciisu kam iyyuu ajjeefamuu qaba.
20 He that sacrifices to any gods but to the Lord alone, shall be destroyed by death.
“Namni Waaqayyo tokkichaaf malee Waaqa biraatiif aarsaa dhiʼeessu galaafatamuu qaba.
21 And you shall not hurt a stranger, nor afflict him; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.
“Isinis waan biyya Gibxii keessatti alagoota turtaniif alagaatti daba hin hojjetinaa; hin cunqursinaas.
22 You shall hurt no widow or orphan.
“Haadha hiyyeessaatii fi ijoollee abbaan irraa duʼe hin hacuucinaa.
23 And if you should afflict them by ill-treatment, and they should cry aloud to me, I will surely hear their voice.
Yoo isin isaan miitanii isaan immoo natti booʼan ani dhugumaan booʼicha isaanii nan dhagaʼa.
24 And I will be very angry, and will kill you with the sword, and your wives shall be widows and your children orphans.
Aariin koo ni bobaʼa; anis goraadeedhaanan isin fixa; niitonni keessan haadhota hiyyeessaa taʼu; ijoolleen keessanis kanneen abbaa hin qabne taʼu.
25 And if you should lend money to your poor brother who is by you, you shall not be hard upon him you shall not exact usury of him.
“Ati yoo saba koo keessaa hiyyeessa si bira jiraatu tokkoof maallaqa liqeessite, akka nama hiiqii argachuuf kennuu hin taʼin; dhalas hin gaafatin.
26 And if you take your neighbor's garment for a pledge, you shall restore it to him before sunset.
Ati yoo wayyaa nama biraa qabdii qabatte, utuu aduun hin dhiʼin deebisiif;
27 For this is his clothing, this is the only covering of his nakedness; wherein shall he sleep? If then he shall cry to me, I will listen to him, for I am merciful.
wanni inni dhagna isaatti uffatu wayuma sanaatii. Wanni inni uffatee rafu biraa maali? Ani waanan gara laafessa taʼeef, yoo inni natti ol iyyate nan dhagaʼa.
28 You shall not revile the gods, nor speak ill of the ruler of your people.
“Waaqa hin arrabsin; bulchaa saba keetiis hin abaarin.
29 You shall not keep back the first fruits of your threshing floor and press. The firstborn of your sons you shall give to me.
“Mataa midhaan keetiitii fi dhangalaʼaa wayinii keetii irraa aarsaa dhiʼeessuu hin tursin. “Ilmaan kee keessaas hangafa naa kennuu qabda.
30 So shall you do with your calf and your sheep and your ass; seven days shall it be under the mother, and the eighth day you shall give it to me.
Loon keetii fi hoolota kee akkanuma godhi. Isaanis bultii torba haadha isaanii bira haa turan; guyyaa saddeettaffaatti garuu naa kenni.
31 And you shall be holy men to me; and you shall not eat flesh taken of beasts, you shall cast it to the dog.
“Isin saba koo qulqulluu ni taatu. Kanaafuu foon horii bineensi alatti cabsee kam iyyuu hin nyaatinaa; foon akkanaa saree dura buusaa.

< Exodus 22 >