< Exodus 21 >

1 And these [are] the ordinances which you shall set before them.
“Pea ko e ngaahi fono ʻeni, ʻaia ke ke tuku ʻi honau ʻao.
2 If you buy a Hebrew servant, six years shall he serve you, and in the seventh year he shall go forth free for nothing.
Kapau te ke fakatau ha tamaioʻeiki ko e Hepelū, ko e taʻu ʻe ono te ne tauhi koe: pea ʻi hono fitu ʻe ʻalu atu tauʻatāina ia taʻetotongi.
3 If he should have come in alone, he shall also go forth alone; and if his wife should have gone in together with him, his wife also shall go out.
Kapau naʻe haʻu tokotaha pe, ʻe ʻalu kituaʻā tokotaha pe: kapau naʻe mali, pea ʻe ʻalu hono mali mo ia.
4 Moreover, if his master give him a wife, and she have [born] him sons or daughters, the wife and the children shall be his master's; and he shall go forth alone.
Kapau naʻe foaki ha mali kiate ia ʻe hono ʻeiki, pea kuo ne fānau kiate ia ʻae fānau tangata pe ʻe fānau fefine: ko e mali mo e fānau ʻe ʻa hono ʻeiki, pea te ne ʻalu tokotaha pe ia.
5 And if the servant should answer and say, I love my master and wife and children, I will not go away free;
Pea kapau ʻe lea totonu ʻae tamaioʻeiki, ʻo pehē, ʻOku ou ʻofa ki hoku ʻeiki, mo hoku mali, mo ʻeku fānau; ʻe ʻikai te u ʻalu ke tauʻatāina au,
6 his master shall bring him to the judgment-seat of God, and then shall he bring him to the door, —to the door-post, and his master shall bore his ear through with an awl, and he shall serve him for ever.
Pea ʻe toki ʻomi ia ʻe hono ʻeiki ki he kau fakamaau; pea ʻe ʻomi ia foki ki he matapā, pe ki he pou ʻoe matapā; pea ʻe tui hono telinga ʻe hono ʻeiki ke ʻasi ʻaki ʻae hui; pea te ne tauhi ia ʻo fai maʻuaipē.
7 And if any one sell his daughter as a domestic, she shall not depart as the maidservants depart.
“Pea kapau ʻe fakatau ʻe ha tangata hono ʻofefine ke hoko ko e kaunanga, ʻe ʻikai ʻalu kituaʻā ia ʻo hangē ko e kau tamaioʻeiki.
8 If she be not pleasing to her master, after she has betrothed herself to him, he shall let her go free; but he is not at liberty to sell her to a foreign nation, because he has trifled with her.
Kapau ʻoku ʻikai lelei ia ʻi he ʻao ʻo hono ʻeiki, ʻaia kuo ne fakanofo ia kiate ia, te ne toki tukuange ia ke huhuʻi ia: ʻoku ʻikai ngofua ʻene fakatau ia ki ha kakai kehe, koeʻuhi kuo fai taʻetotonu ia kiate ia.
9 And if he should have betrothed her to his son, he shall do to her according to the right of daughters.
Pea kapau kuo ne fakanofo ia ki hono foha, pea te ne fai kiate ia ʻo hangē ko e anga ʻae ʻofefine.
10 And if he take another to himself, he shall not deprive her of necessaries and her apparel, and her companionship [with him].
Kapau ʻoku ne toʻo kiate ia ʻae uaifi ʻe taha: ʻe ʻikai siʻi te ne fakasiʻisiʻi ʻene meʻakai, pe ko e kofu, mo e ngāue totonu ʻae uaifi.
11 And if he will not do these three things to her, she shall go out free without money.
Pea kapau ʻe ʻikai te ne fai ʻae meʻa ni ʻe tolu kiate ia, pea ʻe ʻalu atu ia ʻiate ia, ʻe tauʻatāina ia taʻetotongi.
12 And if any man strike another and he die, let him be certainly put to death.
“Ko ia ʻoku ne tali ha tangata, pea mate ai ia, ʻe tāmateʻi moʻoni ia.
13 But as for him that did it not willingly, but God delivered him into his hands, I will give you a place whither the slayer may flee.
Pea kapau naʻe ʻikai lamasi ia ʻe ha tangata, ka naʻe tukuange ia ʻe he ʻOtua ki hono nima; pea te u fakahā kiate koe ha potu ke hola ia ki ai.
14 And if any one lie in wait for his neighbor to kill him by craft, and he go for refuge, you shall take him from my altar to put him to death.
Ka koeʻuhi kapau ʻe haʻu loto lahi ha tangata ki hono kaungāʻapi, ke tāmateʻi ia ʻi he angakovi; te ke ʻave ia mei hoku feilaulauʻanga koeʻuhi ke mate ia.
15 Whoever smites his father or his mother, let him be certainly put to death.
“Pea ko ia ʻoku ne taaʻi ʻene tamai, pe ko ʻene faʻē, ko e moʻoni ʻe tāmateʻi ia.
16 He that reviles his father or his mother shall surely die.
“Pea ko ia ʻoku ne kaihaʻasi ha tangata, ʻo fakatau ia, pea kapau ʻoku ʻilo ia ʻi hono nima, ʻe tāmateʻi moʻoni ia.
17 Whosoever shall steal one of the children of Israel, and prevail over him and sell him, and he be found with him, let him certainly die.
“Pea ko ia ʻoku ne kapeʻi ʻene tamai pe ko ʻene faʻē, ʻe tāmateʻi moʻoni ia.
18 And if two men revile each other and strike the one the other with a stone or his fist, and he die not, but be laid upon his bed;
“Pea kapau ʻe fekuki ʻae ongo tangata, pea taaʻi ʻe he tokotaha ʻae tokotaha ʻaki ʻae maka, pe tuki ʻaki hono nima, pea ʻikai mate kae toka ai:
19 if the man arise and walk abroad on his staff, he that struck him shall be clear; only he shall pay for his loss of time, and for his healing.
Kapau ʻe toetuʻu hake ʻo ʻeveʻeva ʻituʻa mo hono tokotoko, pea ʻe toki hao ai ʻaia naʻa ne taaʻi ia: ka ʻe totongi ia ki hono ngaahi ʻaho kuo liaki, pea te ne totongi hono fakamoʻui ke haohaoa.
20 And if a man strike his man-servant or his maidservant, with a rod, and [the party] die under his hands, he shall be surely punished.
“Kapau ʻe taaʻi ʻe ha tangata ʻene tamaioʻeiki, pe ko ʻene kaunanga ʻaki ha vaʻa ʻakau, pea mate ai ia ʻi hono nima; ko e moʻoni ʻe tautea ia.
21 But if [the servant] continue to live a day or two, let not [the master] be punished; for he is his money.
Ka koeʻuhi kapau ʻe moʻui ia ʻi he ʻaho ʻe taha, pe ua, ʻe ʻikai tautea ia, he ko ʻene koloa ia.
22 And if two men strive and strike a woman with child, and her child be born imperfectly formed, he shall be forced to pay a penalty: as the woman's husband may lay upon him, he shall pay with a valuation.
“Kapau ʻoku fekuki ʻae ongo tangata, pea lavea ai ha fefine feitama, pea tō ai ʻene tama, pea ngata ai hono kovi: ʻe tautea moʻoni ai ʻae tangata, ʻo hangē ko ia ʻe lea ki ai ʻae mali ʻoe fefine: pea ʻe totongi ia ʻo hangē ko e lea ʻae kau fakamaau.
23 But if it be perfectly formed, he shall give life for life,
Pea kapau ʻe tupu ai ʻae kovi, ke ke ʻatu ʻae moʻui ke totongi ʻae moʻui.
24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
Ko e mata ki he mata, ko e nifo ki he nifo, ko e nima ki he nima, ko e vaʻe ki he vaʻe,
25 burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
Ko e tutu ki he tutu, ko e lavea ki he lavea, mo e tā ki he tā.
26 And if one strike the eye of his man-servant, or the eye of his maidservant, and put it out, he shall let them go free for their eye's sake.
“Pea kapau ʻe taaʻi ʻe ha tangata ʻae mata ʻo ʻene tamaioʻeiki pe ko e mata ʻo ʻene kaunanga, pea kui ai; pea ʻe tukuange ia ke ʻalu ʻataʻatā, koeʻuhi ko hono mata.
27 And if he should strike out the tooth of his man-servant, or the tooth of his maidservant, he shall send them away free for their tooth's sake.
Pea kapau te ne taaʻi ʻene tamaioʻeiki, pea mokulu ai ʻae nifo, pe ko e nifo ʻo ʻene kaunanga; te ne tukuange ia ke ʻalu tauʻatāina koeʻuhi ko e nifo.
28 And if a bull gore a man or woman and they die, the bull shall be stoned with stones, and his flesh shall not be eaten; but the owner of the bull shall be clear.
“Kapau ʻe tuiʻi ʻe ha pulu ha tangata pe ha fefine, pea mate ai ia: ʻe tolongaki ʻae pulu ʻaki ʻae maka ke mate, pea ʻe ʻikai kai hono sino: pea ʻe ʻataʻatā ʻaia ʻoku ʻaʻana ʻae pulu.
29 But if the bull should have been given to goring in former time, and men should have told his owner, and he have not removed him, but he should have slain a man or woman, the bull shall be stoned, and his owner shall die also.
Pea kapau naʻe faʻa tui ʻe he pulu ʻaki hono meʻatui, ʻi he ngaahi ʻaho naʻe hili, pea naʻe tala ia kiate ia ʻoku ʻaʻana, pea naʻe ʻikai te ne noʻotaki ia, ka kuo ne tāmateʻi ha tangata, pe ha fefine; ʻe tolongaki ʻae pulu ʻaki ʻae maka ke mate ia, pea ʻe tāmateʻi mo ia ʻoku ʻaʻana.
30 And if a ransom should be imposed on him, he shall pay for the ransom of his soul as much as they shall lay upon him.
Pea kapau ʻe lau paʻanga kiate ia mo hono huhuʻi, pea te ne ʻatu ʻaia kotoa pē ʻoku tala kiate ia.
31 And if [the bull] gore a son or daughter, let them do to him according to this ordinance.
Kapau kuo ne tuiʻi ha foha pe ha ʻofefine, ʻe fai kiate ia ʻo fakatatau ki ha fakamaau ni.
32 And if the bull gore a man-servant or maidservant, he shall pay to their master thirty silver didrachmas, and the bull shall be stoned.
Kapau ʻe tuiʻi ʻe he pulu ha tamaioʻeiki pe ha kaunanga; ʻe ʻatu ʻe ia ki heʻena ʻeiki ʻae sikeli siliva ʻe tolungofulu, pea ʻe tolongaki ʻae pulu ʻaki ʻae maka ke mate.
33 And if any one open a pit or dig a cavity in stone, and cover it not, and an ox or an ass fall in there,
“Pea kapau ʻe tangaki ʻe ha tangata ha luo, pe kapau ʻe keli ʻe ha tangata ha luo, pea ʻikai ʻufiʻufi ia, pea tō ki ai ha pulu, pe ha ʻasi;
34 the owner of the pit shall make compensation; he shall give money to their owner, and the dead shall be his own.
Ko ia ʻoku ʻaʻana ʻae luo te ne totongi ia, ʻo ʻatu ʻae ngaahi paʻanga kiate ia ʻoku ʻaʻana ʻae manu; ka e ʻaʻana ʻae manu mate.
35 And if any man's bull gore the bull of his neighbor, and it die, they shall sell the living bull and divide the money, and they shall divide the dead bull.
Pea kapau ʻe tuiʻi ʻe ha pulu ʻae tangata ʻe tokotaha ʻae pulu ʻae tangata kehe, pea mate ai ia; te na toki fakatau ʻae pulu moʻui, ʻo vaeua ʻae totongi; pea te na vaeua mo e pulu mate.
36 But if the bull be known to have been given to goring in time past, and they have testified to his owner, and he have not removed him, he shall repay bull for bull, but the dead shall be his own.
Pea kapau ʻe ʻilo, naʻe faʻa tui ʻe he pulu ʻi muʻa, pea naʻe ʻikai noʻotaki ia ʻe heʻene ʻeiki; ko e moʻoni te ne totongi ʻae pulu ʻaki ʻae pulu; pea ʻe ʻaʻana ʻae pulu mate.

< Exodus 21 >