< Chronicles I 24 >

1 And [they number] the sons of Aaron in [their] division, Nadab, and Abiud, and Eleazar, and Ithamar.
A [oto] podział synów Aarona. Synami Aarona [byli]: Nedab, Abihu, Eleazar i Itamar;
2 And Nadab and Abiud died before their father, and they had no sons: so Eleazar and Ithamar the sons of Aaron ministered as priests.
Ale Nadab i Abihu umarli przed swoim ojcem i nie mieli synów, dlatego Eleazar i Itamar sprawowali urząd kapłański.
3 And David distributed them, even Sadoc of the sons of Eleazar, and Achimelech of the sons of Ithamar, according to their numbering, according to their service, according to the houses of their fathers.
I Dawid podzielił ich, [to jest] Sadoka z synów Eleazara i Achimeleka z synów Itamara, według ich urzędu w ich służbie.
4 And there were found [among] the sons of Eleazar more chiefs of the mighty ones, than of the sons of Ithamar: and he divided them, sixteen heads of families to the sons of Eleazar, eight according to [their] families to the sons of Ithamar.
I okazało się, że spośród synów Eleazara było więcej naczelników niż spośród synów Itamara. Tak więc ich podzielono: spośród synów Eleazara [było] szesnastu naczelników według rodów, a spośród synów Itamara według rodów – ośmiu.
5 And he divided them according to their lots, one with the other; for there were those who had charge of the holy things, and those who had charge of the [house] of the Lord among the sons of Eleazar, and among the sons of Ithamar.
A zostali podzieleni przez losowanie, zarówno jedni, jak i drudzy, gdyż przełożeni świątyni i przełożeni domu Bożego byli spośród synów Eleazara, jak i spośród synów Itamara.
6 And Samaias the son of Nathanael, the scribe, [of the family] of Levi, wrote them down before the king, and the princes, and Sadoc the priest, and Achimelech the son of Abiathar [were present]; and the heads of the families of the priests and the Levites, each of a household [were assigned] one to Eleazar, and one to Ithamar.
A Szemajasz, syn Netaneela, pisarz z [pokolenia] Lewiego, spisał ich wobec króla i książąt, kapłana Sadok, Achimeleka, syna Abiatara, oraz naczelników rodów kapłańskich i lewickich. Losowano [na przemian] jeden dom z rodu Eleazara, drugi – z Itamara.
7 And the first lot came out to Joarim, the second to Jedia,
Pierwszy los padł na Jehojariba, drugi na Jedajasza;
8 the third to Charib, the fourth to Seorim,
Trzeci na Charima, czwarty na Seorima;
9 the fifth to Melchias, the sixth to Meiamin,
Piąty na Malkiasza, szósty na Mijamina;
10 the seventh to Cos, the eighth to Abia,
Siódmy na Hakkosa, ósmy na Abiasza;
11 the ninth to Jesus, the tenth to Sechenias,
Dziewiąty na Jeszuę, dziesiąty na Szekaniasza;
12 the eleventh to Eliabi, the twelfth to Jacim,
Jedenasty na Eliasziba, dwunasty na Jakima;
13 the thirteenth to Oppha, the fourteenth to Jesbaal,
Trzynasty na Chuppę, czternasty na Jeszebaba;
14 the fifteenth to Belga, the sixteenth to Emmer,
Piętnasty na Bilgę, szesnasty na Immera;
15 the seventeenth to Chezin, the eighteenth to Aphese,
Siedemnasty na Chezira, osiemnasty na Happisesa;
16 the nineteenth to Phetaea, the twentieth to Ezekel,
Dziewiętnasty na Petachiasza, dwudziesty na Ezechiela;
17 the twenty-first to Achim, the twenty-second to Gamul,
Dwudziesty pierwszy na Jachina, dwudziesty drugi na Gamula;
18 the twenty-third to Adallai, the twenty-fourth to Maasai.
Dwudziesty trzeci na Delajasza, dwudziesty czwarty na Maazjasza.
19 This [is] their numbering according to their service to go into the house of the Lord, according to their appointment by the hand of Aaron their father, as the Lord God of Israel commanded.
Taka [była] kolejność w służbie, aby wchodzili do domu PANA zgodnie z ustaleniem, jakie pochodziło od ich ojca Aarona, jak mu rozkazał PAN, Bóg Izraela.
20 And for the sons of Levi that were left, [even] for the sons of Ambram, Sobael: for the sons of Sobael, Jedia.
A pozostali z synów Lewiego to: z synów Amrama – Szubael; z synów Szubaela – Jechdejasz.
21 For Raabia, the chief [was Isaari],
Z Rechabiasza: z synów Rechabiasza pierwszym [był] Jisziasz.
22 and for Isaari, Salomoth: for the sons of Salomoth, Jath.
Z Ishara – Szelomit; z synów Szelomita – Jachat.
23 The sons of Ecdiu; Amadia the second, Jaziel the third, Jecmoam the fourth.
A synowie Chebrona: pierwszy Jeriasz, drugi Amariasz, trzeci Jachaziel, czwarty Jekameam.
24 For the sons of Oziel, Micha: the sons of Micha; Samer.
Synowie Uzziela: Mika; z synów Miki – Szamir.
25 The brother of Micha; Isia, the son of Isia; Zacharia.
Brat Miki: Jisziasz; z synów Jisziasza – Zachariasz.
26 The sons of Merari, Mooli, and Musi: the sons of Ozia,
Synowie Merariego: Machli i Muszi; synowie Jaazjasza: Beno.
27 [That is, the sons] of Merari by Ozia, —his sons [were] Isoam, and Sacchur, and Abai.
Synowie Merariego z Jaazjasza: Beno, Szoham, Zakkur i Ibri.
28 To Mooli [were born] Eleazar, and Ithamar; and Eleazar died, and had no sons.
Z Machliego: Eleazar, który nie miał synów.
29 For Kis; the sons of Kis; Jerameel.
Z Kisza, synowie Kisza: Jerachmeel.
30 And the sons of Musi; Mooli, and Eder, and Jerimoth. These [were] the sons of the Levites according to the houses of their families.
A synowie Musziego: Machli, Eder i Jerimot. Ci [byli] synami Lewitów według ich rodów.
31 And they also received lots as their brethren the sons of Aaron before the king; Sadoc also, and Achimelech, and the chiefs of the families of the priests and of the Levites, principal heads of families, even as their younger brethren.
Oni również rzucali losy tak samo jak ich bracia, synowie Aarona, przed królem Dawidem, Sadokiem, Achimelekiem oraz naczelnikami rodów kapłańskich i lewickich – naczelnicy rodów na równi z młodszymi ich braćmi.

< Chronicles I 24 >