< Chronicles I 1 >

1 Adam, Seth, Enos,
Adam, Seth, Enos,
2 and Cainan, Maleleel, Jared,
Cainan, Malaleel, Iared,
3 Enoch, Mathusala, Lamech,
Henoch, Mathusale, Lamech,
4 Noe: the sons of Noe, Sem, Cham, Japheth.
Noe, Sem, Cham, et Iaptheth.
5 The sons of Japheth, Gamer, Magog, Madaim, Jovan, Helisa, Thobel, Mosoch, and Thiras.
Filii Iapheth: Gomer, et Magog, et Madai, et Iavan, Thubal, Mosoch, Thiras.
6 And the sons of Gamer, Aschanaz, and Riphath, and Thorgama.
Porro filii Gomer: Ascenez, et Riphath, et Thogorma.
7 And the sons of Jovan, Helisa, and Tharsis, the Citians, and Rhodians.
Filii autem Iavan: Elisa et Tharsis, Cethim et Dodanim.
8 And the sons of Cham, Chus, and Mesraim, Phud and Chanaan.
Filii Cham: Chus, et Mesraim, et Phut, et Chanaan.
9 And the sons of Chus, Saba, and Evila, and Sabatha, and Regma, and Sebethaca: and the sons of Regma, Saba, and Dadan.
Filii autem Chus: Saba, et Hevila, Sabatha, et Regma, et Sabathacha. Porro filii Regma: Saba, et Dadan.
10 And Chus begot Nebrod: he began to be a mighty hunter on the earth.
Chus autem genuit Nemrod: iste coepit esse potens in terra.
Mesraim vero genuit Ludim, et Anamim, et Laabim, et Nephtuim,
Phetrusim quoque, et Casluim: de quibus egressi sunt Philisthiim, et Caphtorim.
Chanaan vero genuit Sidonem primogenitum suum, Hethaeum quoque,
et Iebusaeum, et Amorrhaeum, et Gergesaeum,
Hevaeumque et Aracaeum, et Sinaeum.
Aradium quoque, et Samaraeum, et Hamathaeum.
17 The sons of Sem, Aelam, and Assur,
Filii Sem: Aelam, et Assur, et Arphaxad, et Lud, et Aram, et Hus, et Hul, et Gether, et Mosoch.
18 and Arphaxad, Sala,
Arphaxad autem genuit Sale, qui et ipse genuit Heber.
Porro Heber nati sunt duo filii, nomen uni Phaleg, quia in diebus eius divisa est terra; et nomen fratris eius Iectan.
Iectan autem genuit Elmodad, et Saleph, et Asarmoth, et Iare,
Adoram quoque, et Huzal, et Decla,
Hebal etiam, et Abimael, et Saba, necnon
et Ophir, et Hevila, et Iobab. omnes isti filii Iectan:
Sem, Arphaxad, Sale,
25 Eber, Pheleg, Ragan,
Heber, Phaleg, Ragau,
26 Seruch, Nachor, Tharrha,
Serug, Nachor, Thare,
27 Abraam.
Abram, iste est Abraham.
28 And the sons of Abraam, Isaac, and Ismael.
Filii autem Abraham, Isaac et Ismahel.
29 And these [are] their generations: the firstborn of Ismael, Nabaeoth, and Kedar, Nabdeel, Massam,
Et hae generationes eorum. Primogenitus Ismahelis, Nabaioth, et Cedar, et Adbeel, et Mabsam,
30 Masma, Iduma, Masse, Chondan, Thaeman,
et Masma, et Duma, Massa, Hadad, et Thema,
31 Jettur, Naphes, Kedma: these [are] the sons of Ismael.
Iachur, Naphis, Cedma. hi sunt filii Ismahelis.
32 And the sons of Chettura Abraam's concubine: —and she bore him Zembram, Jexan, Madiam, Madam, Sobac, Soe: and the sons of Jexan; Daedan, and Sabai;
Filii autem Ceturae concubinae Abraham, quos genuit: Zamran, Iecsan, Madan, Madian, Iesboc, et Sue. Porro filii Iecsan: Saba, et Dadan. Filii autem Dadan: Assurim, et Latussim, et Laomim.
33 and the sons of Madiam; Gephar, and Opher, and Enoch, and Abida, and Eldada; all these [were] the sons of Chettura.
Filii autem Madian: Epha, et Epher, et Henoch, et Abida, et Eldaa. omnes hi, filii Ceturae.
34 And Abraam begot Isaac: and the sons of Isaac [were] Jacob, and Esau.
Genuit autem Abraham Isaac: cuius fuerunt filii Esau, et Israel.
35 The sons of Esau, Eliphaz, and Raguel, and Jeul, and Jeglom, and Core.
Filii Esau: Eliphaz, Rahuel, Iehus, Ihelom, et Core.
36 The sons of Eliphaz: Thaeman, and Omar, Sophar, and Gootham, and Kenez, and Thamna, and Amalec.
Filii Eliphaz: Theman, Omar, Sephi, Gathan, Cenez, Thamna, Amalec.
37 And the sons of Raguel, Naches, Zare, Some, and Moze.
Filii Rahuel: Nahath, Zara, Samma, Meza.
38 The sons of Seir, Lotan, Sobal, Sebegon, Ana, Deson, Osar, and Disan.
Filii Seir: Lotan, Sobal, Sebeon, Ava, Dison, Eser, Disan.
39 And the sons of Lotan, Chorri, and Aeman; and the sister of Lotan [was] Thamna.
Filii Lotan: Hori, Homam. Soror autem Lotan fuit Thamna.
40 The sons of Sobal; Alon, Machanath, Taebel, Sophi, and Onan: and the sons of Sebegon; Aeth, and Sonan.
Filii Sobal: Alian, et Manahath, et Ebal, Sephi et Onam. Filii Sebeon: Aia et Ana. Filii Ana: Dison.
41 The sons of Sonan, Daeson: and the sons of Daeson; Emeron, and Asebon, and Jethram, and Charran.
Filii Dison: Hamran, et Eseban et Iethran, et Charan.
42 And the sons of Hosar, Balaam, and Zucam, and Acan: the sons of Disan, Os, and Aran.
Filii Eser: Balaan, et Zavan, et Iacan. Filii Disan: Hus et Aran.
43 And these [are] their kings, Balac the son of Beor; and the name of his city [was] Dennaba.
Isti sunt reges, qui imperaverunt in Terra Edom antequam esset rex super filios Israel: Bale filius Beor: et nomen civitatis eius, Denaba.
44 And Balac died, and Jobab the son of Zara of Bosorrha reigned in his stead.
Mortuus est autem Bale, et regnavit pro eo Iobab filius Zare de Bosra.
45 And Jobab died, and Asom of the land of the Thaemanites reigned in his stead.
Cumque et Iobab fuisset mortuus, regnavit pro eo Husam de Terra Themanorum.
46 And Asom died, and Adad the son of Barad reigned in his stead, who struck Madiam in the plain of Moab: and the name of his city [was] Gethaim.
Obiit quoque et Husam, et regnavit pro eo Adad filius Badad, qui percussit Madian in Terra Moab: et nomen civitatis eius Avith.
47 And Adad died, and Sebla of Masecca reigned in his stead.
Cumque et Adad fuisset mortuus, regnavit pro eo Semla de Masreca.
48 And Sebla died, and Saul of Rhoboth by the river reigned in his stead.
Sed et Semla mortuus est, et regnavit pro eo Saul de Rohoboth, quae iuxta amnem sita est.
49 And Saul died, and Balaennor son of Achobor reigned in his stead.
Mortuo quoque Saul, regnavit pro eo Balanan filius Achobor.
50 And Balaennor died, and Adad son of Barad reigned in his stead; and the name of his city [was] Phogor.
Sed et hic mortuus est, et regnavit pro eo Adad: cuius urbis nomen fuit Phau, et appellata est uxor eius Meetabel filia Matred filiae Mezaab.
51 The princes of Edom: prince Thamna, prince Golada, prince Jether,
Adad autem mortuo, duces pro regibus in Edom esse coeperunt: dux Thamna, dux Alva, dux Ietheth,
52 prince Elibamas, prince Elas, prince Phinon,
dux Oolibama, dux Ela, dux Phinon,
53 prince Kenez, prince Thaeman, prince Babsar, prince Magediel,
dux Cenez, dux Theman, dux Mabsar,
54 prince Zaphoin. These [are] the princes of Edom.
dux Magdiel, dux Hiram. hi duces Edom.

< Chronicles I 1 >