< Psalms 67 >

1 To the chief Musician on Neginoth, A Psalm [or] Song. God be merciful unto us, and bless us; [and] cause his face to shine upon us; (Selah)
`In Ebreu thus, To the victorie in orguns, the salm of the song. `In Jerom `thus, To the ouercomer in salmes, the song of writing of a delitable thing with metre. God haue merci on vs, and blesse vs; liytne he his cheer on vs, and haue merci on vs.
2 That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.
That we knowe thi weie on erthe; thin heelthe in alle folkis.
3 Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.
God, puplis knowleche to thee; alle puplis knouleche to thee.
4 O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth. (Selah)
Hethen men be glad, and make fulli ioye, for thou demest puplis in equite; and dressist hethene men in erthe.
5 Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.
God, puplis knouleche to thee, alle puplis knouleche to thee;
6 [Then] shall the earth yield her increase; [and] God, [even] our own God, shall bless us.
the erthe yaf his fruyt. God, oure God blesse vs,
7 God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him.
God blesse vs; and alle the coostis of erthe drede hym.

< Psalms 67 >