< Romans 13 >

1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
Rajawaxik chi konojel ri winaq keꞌkinimaj konojel ri qꞌatal taq tzij, rumal cher man kꞌo ta taqanik pa uqꞌabꞌ ri winaq we man are ri Dios ajawaninaq, ri taqanik xuqujeꞌ ri qꞌatal taq tzij are ri Dios kojowinaq.
2 Whosoever therefore resists the power, resists the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
Xaq jeriꞌ, xapachin ri man kunimaj taj ri qꞌatal tzij, man tajin ta kunimaj riꞌ ri qꞌatal tzij ri ukojom ri Dios. Ri man keniman taj kaqꞌat na tzij riꞌ pa kiwiꞌ.
3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Will you then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and you shall have praise of the same:
Jeriꞌ rumal ri taqanelabꞌ xuqujeꞌ ri e qꞌatal taq tzij man e kꞌo taj chikixibꞌixik ri winaq ri kakibꞌan utzilal, xane rech kakixiꞌj kibꞌ ri kakibꞌan etzelal. ¿Kawaj man kaxiꞌj ta awibꞌ choch ri qꞌatal tzij? Are chabꞌana ri utzilal rech kayaꞌtaj na aqꞌij.
4 For he is the minister of God to you for good. But if you do that which is evil, be afraid; for he bears not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that does evil.
Ri qꞌatal tzij kupatanij ri Dios rukꞌ ri kubꞌano rech jeriꞌ utz katel at. We kꞌu kabꞌan ri etzelal, chaxiꞌj awibꞌ. Ri qꞌatal tzij man xaq ta rukꞌaꞌm bꞌik ri chꞌeyebꞌal chi jeriꞌ, xane kupatanij ri Dios rech kuqꞌat tzij pa kiwiꞌ ri kakibꞌan kꞌax xuqujeꞌ ri itzel kenoꞌjinik.
5 Wherefore all of you must essentially be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.
Xaq jeriꞌ choqꞌaqꞌ keꞌnimax ri e qꞌatal taq tzij man xwi taj rech man kakiqꞌat ta tzij, xane xuqujeꞌ rech qas kaqachomaj ri kaqabꞌano.
6 For for this cause pay all of you tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.
Rumal riꞌ kitoj ri alkabal, jeriꞌ rumal cher ri qꞌatal taq tzij e patanil rech ri Dios, are kakilij ubꞌanik ri qꞌatoj tzij.
7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
Chitojo ri ikꞌas ri kꞌo kukꞌ ri winaq. We ikꞌas ri alkabal, chitojo. We are ne ri kuchuj, chiyaꞌ. Nim chiwila ri nim rajawaxik kiꞌlik, xuqujeꞌ chiya uqꞌij ri choqꞌaqꞌ kaya uqꞌij.
8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loves another has fulfilled the law.
We kꞌo ikꞌas, chitojoꞌ, xaq xwi ix ajkꞌasibꞌ chuloqꞌaxik taq iwibꞌ. Xapachin ri kuloqꞌaj ri rajil utzꞌaqat tajin kubꞌan ri kubꞌij ri taqanik.
9 For this, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not kill, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, You shall not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, (logos) namely, You shall love your neighbour as yourself.
Ri taqanik kubꞌij: Man katzukuj ta chi jun awixoqil o jun awachajil, man katkamisan taj, man katelaqꞌ taj, xuqujeꞌ man karayij ta ri jastaq ri man awech taj. We taqanik riꞌ kamulix xa pa jun chomabꞌal ri kubꞌij: Chaloqꞌaj ri awajil atzꞌaqat jetaq ri kabꞌan chuloqꞌaxik awibꞌ at.
10 Love (agape) works no ill to his neighbour: therefore love (agape) is the fulfilling of the law.
Ri loqꞌanik man kubꞌan ta kꞌax che ri kꞌulja. Xaq jeriꞌ ri winaq ri kaloqꞌanik tajin kubꞌan riꞌ ri kubꞌij ri taqanik.
11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
Chixok il chubꞌanik ronojel we jastaq riꞌ, iwetaꞌm jas ubꞌanik ri qꞌotaj ri uj kꞌolik. Chixkꞌastaj che ri waram, rumal cher ri qakoltajem sibꞌalaj naqaj chik kꞌo wi loq cho are taq xujkojonik.
12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
Naj chik okinaq ri aqꞌabꞌ, xqeteqobꞌ loq ri qꞌij. Rumal bꞌa riꞌ qatzaqa bꞌa kanoq ri chak rech ri qꞌequꞌmal, are qakojo ri cheꞌyabꞌal rech ri tunal ri katunanik.
13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.
Xaq jeriꞌ utz chujnoꞌjinoq are qabꞌana ri utzilal ri kaqabꞌano are tzijil ri qꞌij pa qawiꞌ, man are ta kaqilij upaqꞌik ri qapam, man are ta kaqilij qꞌabꞌarik, man are ta kaqabꞌan ri etzelal kukꞌ taq ixoqibꞌ o kukꞌ taq achyabꞌ, xuqujeꞌ man are ta kaqilij ukojik chꞌoꞌj xuqujeꞌ kꞌaxal chikixoꞌl taq ri winaq.
14 But put all of you on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.
Are chiwatzꞌyaqibꞌej ri Ajawxel Jesucristo, man are taj kiwilij ubꞌanik ri makaj ri karaj ri ityoꞌjal.

< Romans 13 >