< Acts 27 >

1 And when it was determined that we should sail into Italy, they delivered Paul and certain other prisoners unto one named Julius, a centurion of Augustus' band.
Pevamali kuvika mpangu wa lugendu lwa tete kuhamba Italia, Pauli pamonga na vafungwa vangi vagotoliwi pahi pa ulonda wa Juliasi mweavi Mkulu wa msambi wa manjolinjoli pagati ya chikundi chechikemelewa “Chikundi cha Augusti.”
2 And entering into a ship of Adramyttium, we launched, meaning to sail by the coasts of Asia; one Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica, being with us.
Tayingili muwatu wewahuma ku Adilamito wewavedukila mumbwani ya miji ya Asia. Kangi tawukili pamonga na mkolonjinji wa Makedonia kuhuma Tesalonike liina laki Alistako.
3 And the next day we touched at Sidon. And Julius courteously pleaded Paul, and gave him liberty to go unto his friends to refresh himself.
Chilau yaki tahikili kumbwani ya Sidoni. Juliasi amhengili lipyana Pauli kwa kumyidakila avalola vankozi vaki na kupata vindu vyaaganili.
4 And when we had launched from thence, we sailed under Cyprus, because the winds were contrary.
Kuhuma kwenuko, tagendili mumhana mwa chisiwa cha Kuplo ndava ya kuyepa mpungu wewabuma kuhuma kulongolo yitu.
5 And when we had sailed over the sea of Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came to Myra, a city of Lycia.
Kangi takupwiki nyanja ya upandi wa Kilikia na Pamfulia, tahikili Mula muji wa Lukia.
6 And there the centurion found a ship of Alexandria sailing into Italy; and he put us therein.
Penapo Mkulu wa msambi yula, aukolili watu wewihuma ku Alekisandalia na kuhamba ku Italia, ndi akatiyingisa mugati.
7 And when we had sailed slowly many days, and scarce were come opposite to Cnidus, the wind not suffering us, we sailed under Crete, opposite to Salmone;
Tagendili mbolimboli mulukumbi lwa magono gamahele cha kutyalatyala neju tahikili papipi na muji wa Nido. Ndava ya mpungu wewatikang'ayi kuhuma kulongolo ndi tikahamba lumonga upandi wa Kilete kuhamba pandu pa yeyikemiwa Salimone.
8 And, hardly passing it, came unto a place which is called The fair havens; nigh unto which was the city of Lasea.
Tapitili mumhana ya mbwani kwa kutyalatyala na kuhika pandu pepikemelewa “Bandali ya Bwina,” Papipi na muji wa Lasea.
9 Now when much time was spent, and when sailing was now dangerous, because the fast was now already past, Paul admonished them,
Lukumbi lwamahele lwamali kupita, hati magono ga kujihinisa chakulya gamaliki. Hinu vayogwipi neju lugendu lwa muwatu. Pauli akavajovela malovi aga.
10 And said unto them, Sirs, I perceive that this voyage will be with hurt and much damage, not only of the lading and ship, but also of our lives.
“Mwavagosi, nihololela kuvya lugendu lwitu yati wivya na mang'ahiso na kuyagisa lepi ndava ya ndwika na watu ndu, nambu mewa na wumi witu.”
11 Nevertheless the centurion believed the master and the owner of the ship, more than those things which were spoken by Paul.
Nambu Mkulu wa manjolinjoli yula akasadika neju malovi ga mgendesa watu na ga mkolo watu, kuliku malovi ga Pauli.
12 And because the haven was not commodious to winter in, the more part advised to depart thence also, if by any means they might attain to Phenice, and there to winter; which is an haven of Crete, and lies toward the south west and north west.
Hinu ndava bandali yeniyo yavi lepi nafwasi ya bwina kutama lukumbi lwa mbepu. Ndi vamahele pagati yavi vayidakilini kuwuka penapo na kuhamba mbaka Foinike ngati yihotoleka na kutama kwenuko mkulukumbi lwa mbepu. Bandali ya Kilete yeyihamba kwelihumila lilanga na kusini kwelitipama lilanga.
13 And when the south wind blew softly, supposing that they had obtained their purpose, loosing thence, they sailed close by Crete.
Hinu, mpungu wa bwina pawatumbwili kubuma, vene vakahololela kuvya mpangu wavi wihotoleka, hinu vakahuta nanga vakatumbula lugendu kuni vigendesa watu papipi na mbwani ya Kilete.
14 But not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon.
Kwakona vangahika patali, mpungu ukali weukemiwa “Mpungu Eulokilo.” Watumbwili kubuma kuhuma muchisiwa.
15 And when the ship was caught, and could not bear up into the wind, we let her drive.
Mpungu waukang'ili watu, wene wahotwili lepi kukangamala nawu, ndi taulekili mpungu uyikang'ayi.
16 And running under a certain island which is called Clauda, we had much work to come by the boat:
Na petapitayi pachisiwa chidebe chechikemiwa Kauda, tatyalityali nambu tahotwili kuukunga mtumbwi wa watu.
17 Which when they had taken up, they used support cables, undergirding the ship; and, fearing lest they should fall into the quicksand, strake sail, and so were driven.
Vanalihengu va muwatu pevamali kuyigisa mtumbwi wula mugati, ndi vakaukunga nyosi kwa makakala. Vayogwipi kukwama pa lilundu la masavati ga papipi na mbwani ya ku Libya, vakahelesa nyosi na kuleka watu wikang'iswa na mpungu.
18 And we being exceedingly tossed with a tempest, the next day they lightened the ship;
Mpungu na manji gatimbungini na pachilau yaki, vakatumbula kutaga ndwika munyanja.
19 And the third day we cast out with our own hands the cordage of the ship.
Na ligono la datu vakatumbula kutaga vindu vya watu kwa mawoko gavi vene.
20 And when neither sun nor stars in many days appeared, and no small tempest lay on us, all hope that we should be saved was then taken away.
Mu magono gamahele valiwene lepi lilanga amala ndondo, mpungu na manji vyayendalili kutimbugana neju, kuhuvalila kwa kusanguka gavamaliki.
21 But after long abstinence Paul stood forth in the midst of them, and said, Sirs, all of you should have hearkened unto me, and not have loosed from Crete, and to have gained this harm and loss.
Pavatamili magono gamahele changalya, Pauli akayima pagati yavi akajova, “Vamtopeswa, mbanga kuvya muniyuwanili malovi gangu ga kuleka kuwuka Kilete, ngatiyepili mang'ahiso ago pamonga na kuyagisa vindu ivi.
22 And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you, but of the ship.
Nambu hinu nivayupa mjikangamalisa mtima, muni kawaka hati mundu mmonga mweiyagisa wumi waki, nambu watu wene ndi wewiyaga.
23 For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve,
Ndava muni golo kilu Mtumu wa kunani kwa Chapanga, kuhuma kwa Chapanga mwenikumuhengela, anihumalili,
24 Saying, Fear not, Paul; you must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God has given you all them that sail with you.
akanijovela, ‘Pauli, kotoka kuyogopa! Yikukugana kuyima palongolo ya Nkosi wa ku Loma, Chapanga mwene yimganisi, ndi kwa ubwina waki akuvasangula wumi wa voha mulugendu lwinu.’
25 Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.
Hinu vamtopeswa, mjikamngamalisa mtima ndava muni nikumsadika Chapanga kuvya givya mewawa ngati chenijoviwi.
26 Nevertheless we must be cast upon a certain island.
Nambu yikutigana kutagwa kundumba ya chisiwa chimonga.”
27 But when the fourteenth night was come, as we were driven up and down in Adria, about midnight the sailors deemed that they drew near to some country;
Ligono la kumi na mcheche kilu manji pagatumbwili kutimbugana tikanga'iswa kuni na kula munyanja ya Adilia. Pagati ya kilu vanalihengu muwatu vaholalili kuvya papipi na pandumba.
28 And sounded, and found it twenty fathoms: and when they had gone a little further, they sounded again, and found it fifteen fathoms.
Vakalonda utali wa pahi wa nyanja kwa kuhelesa nyosi yeyakungiwi chindu chechitopa, vapatili utali wa mita alobaini. Na pavapimili kavili mwanakandahi vapatili utali wa mita selasini.
29 Then fearing lest we should have fallen upon rocks, they cast four anchors out of the stern, and wished for the day.
Ndava ya kuyogopa kukwama mumatalau ndi vakahelesa nanga mcheche za upandi mumbele mwa watu, vakamuyupa Chapanga kwicha kanyata.
30 And as the sailors were about to flee out of the ship, when they had let down the boat into the sea, under colour as though they would have cast anchors out of the bow,
Vanalihengu va muwatu, vaganili kutila ndi vamali kuhelesa mtumbwi wavi mumanji, vakongayi kuvya vihamba kulongolo kuhelesa nanga za muwatu.
31 Paul said to the centurion and to the soldiers, Except these abide in the ship, all of you cannot be saved.
Nambu Pauli amjovili Mkulu wa msambi yula pamonga na manjolinjoli vangi, “Vanalihengu ava ngati vitama lepi mugati ya watu, yati mwisanguliwa lepi.”
32 Then the soldiers cut off the ropes of the boat, and let her fall off.
Penapo ndi manjolinjoli vala vakadumula nyosi zezakamwili mtumbwi wula, vakauleka uhamba na manji.
33 And while the day was coming on, Paul besought them all to take food, saying, This day is the fourteenth day that all of you have tarried and continued fasting, having taken nothing.
Papipi na hamba kucha, Pauli akavayupa voha valyayi chakulya, “Lelu ndi ligono la kumi na mcheche vavili na wogoyi lukumbi lwoha ulo mwangalya chindu.
34 Wherefore I pray you to take some food: for this is for your health: for there shall not an hair fall from the head of any of you.
Hinu, nikuvayupa mlyayi chakulya muni mukuchigana muhotola kulama, Muni kawaka hati luyunju lumonga wa mitu yinu lweluyaga.”
35 And when he had thus spoken, he took bread, and gave thanks to God in presence of them all: and when he had broken it, he began to eat.
Peamali kujova malovi ago, Pauli akatola libumunda, akamsengusa Chapanga palongolo yavi voha akametula akatumbula kulya.
36 Then were they all of good cheer, and they also took some food.
Kangi voha vakasindimala mtima, navene mewa vakalya chakulya.
37 And we were in all in the ship two hundred threescore and sixteen souls.
Mugati ya watu wula tavi vandu miya zivili na sabini na sita.
38 And when they had eaten enough, they lightened the ship, and cast out the wheat into the sea.
Pevamali kulya na kuyukuta kila mundu, ndi vapungwizi utopa kwa watu, kwa kutaga nganu munyanja.
39 And when it was day, they knew not the land: but they discovered a certain creek with a shore, into the which they were minded, if it were possible, to thrust in the ship.
Kwapachili, vanalihengu vala vaumanyili lepi mulima wula, ndi vayiwene ndumba yeyivi papipi na manji, vakajovesana vayegeka watu kwenuko ngati yihotoleka.
40 And when they had taken up the anchors, they committed themselves unto the sea, and loosed the rudder bands, and hoisted up the mainsail to the wind, and made toward shore.
Ndi, vakadumula nanga na kuzileka munyanja, mewa vakahuta nyosi za kugendesela watu, kangi vakatola chitambala chimonga kulongolo kukinga mpungu, vakahamba kundumba.
41 And falling into a place where two seas met, they ran the ship aground; and the front part stuck fast, and remained immoveable, but the hinder part was broken with the violence of the waves.
Nambu vahikili pamngonganu wa manji, na watu wakwamili, upandi wa kulongolo wajwigwimi mumasavati changali kunyugusika. Upandi wa mumbele wa watu watumbwili kudenyekana hipandi hipandi ndava kukang'wa na mpungu ga manji ga kutimbugana.
42 And the soldiers' counsel was to kill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim out, and escape.
Manjolinjoli vavi na mpangu wa kuvakoma vafungwa voha ndava ya kuyogopa kuvya vihotola kusambalila mbaka kundumba na kutila.
43 But the centurion, willing to save Paul, kept them from their purpose; and commanded that they which could swim should cast themselves first into the sea, and get to land:
Nambu Mkulu wa msambi yula aganili kumsangula Pauli, avabesili valeka mpangu wavi. Akalagiza vevimanya kusambalila vahumba kuhuma muwatu na kusambalila mbaka kundumba,
44 And the rest, some on boards, and some on broken pieces of the ship. And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land.
na vevasigalili vajisangula kwa kukamulila mbau amala chipandi cha watu weudenyiki, ndi tavoha tahikili tavamumi kundumba.

< Acts 27 >