< Acts 11 >

1 And the apostles and brethren that were in Judaea heard that the Gentiles had also received the word (logos) of God.
Jinanji’ o Firàheñeo naho o roahalahy nanitsike Iehodào te nandrambe o tsaran’ Añahareo ka o kilakila ondatio.
2 And when Peter was come up to Jerusalem, they that were of the circumcision contended with him,
Aa ie nionjoñe mb’e Ierosaleme mb’eo t’i Petera, le tiniñe’o mpiamy sinavatseio
3 Saying, You went in to men uncircumcised, and did eat with them.
ami’ty hoe: Nihovae’o ty anjomba’ o tsy nisavareñeo naho nitraofa’o fikama.
4 But Peter rehearsed the matter from the beginning, and expounded it by order unto them, saying,
Fe natalili’ i Petera am’iereo boak’ am-baloha’e naho nampalan­gese’e ami’ty filaha’e ty hoe:
5 I was in the city of Joppa praying: and in a trance I saw a vision, A certain vessel descend, as it had been a great sheet, let down from heaven by four corners; and it came even to me:
Izaho nilolok’ an-drova e Jopa añe, le niaroñaroñe vaho nalangesan-draha. Nitreako ty raha hoe lamba bey nizotso boak’ andindìñe ey, nazetse an-kotso-efatse le navotrak’ amako.
6 Upon the which when I had fastened mine eyes, I considered, and saw four-footed beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air.
Ie hinareko naho nañotsohotso, le naheoko t’ie biby aman-tomboke efa’ ty tane toio naho biby hako naho raha milaly vaho voron-tioke.
7 And I heard a voice saying unto me, Arise, Peter; slay and eat.
Le tsinanoko ty fiarañanañañe nanao amako ty hoe, Miongaha, Petera, Mandentà vaho mikamà.
8 But I said, Not so, Lord: for nothing common or unclean has at any time entered into my mouth.
Le hoe iraho: Sondo’e, Rañandria! Mbe lia’e tsy nizilihan-draha faly ndra tsy malio ty am-bavako ao.
9 But the voice answered me again from heaven, What God has cleansed, that call not you common.
Fe nanoiñe fañindroe’e i fiarañanañañe an­dindìñey ami’ty hoe: Ko atao faly ze fa nilioven’ Añahare.
10 And this was done three times: and all were drawn up again into heaven.
Le hene nanoeñe in-telo ka izay vaho nitariheñe mb’andindiñe eñe.
11 And, behold, immediately there were three men already come unto the house where I was, sent from Caesarea unto me.
Tsatok’ añ’ anjomba nitobohako eo amy zao t’indaty telo nahitrik’ amako boak’ e Kaisaria añe.
12 And the Spirit (pneuma) bade me go with them, nothing doubting. Moreover these six brethren accompanied me, and we entered into the man's house:
Le nisaontsie’ i Arofoy ty hindrezako lia fa tsy hivazobazotse. Nitrao-dia amako ka o roahalahy eneñe retiañe te nizilik’ añ’ anjomba’ indatiy.
13 And he showed us how he had seen an angel in his house, which stood and said unto him, Send men to Joppa, and call for Simon, whose surname is Peter;
Natoro’e anay t’ie nahaisake anjely nijohañe añ’anjomba’e ao nanao ty hoe: Ampisangitrifo ondaty homb’e Jopa añe hikanjy i Simona atao Petera,
14 Who shall tell you words, (rhema) whereby you and all your house shall be saved.
ie ty hinday tsara ama’o maharombak’ azo naho o añ’anjomba’o iabio.
15 And as I began to speak, the Holy Spirit (pneuma) fell on them, as on us at the beginning.
Ie vaho nitaroñeko, le nivotra­k’ am’ iereo i Arofo Masiñey manahake taman-tikañe am-baloha’e.
16 Then remembered I the word (rhema) of the Lord, how that he said, John indeed baptized with water; but all of you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit. (pneuma)
Le nitiahiko ty nisaontsie’ i Talè ty hoe: Toe nampilipotse an-drano ao t’i Jaona, fe halipotse amy Arofo Masiñey nahareo.
17 Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I, that I could withstand God?
Aa kanao natolon’ Añahare iareo i falalàñe natolo’e antika niato am’ Iesoà Norizañeiy, le ia v’irahoo, te hanebañe an’ Andrianañahare?
18 When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then has God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life.
Ie nahajanjiñe izay, le nianjiñe iereo, nibango an’Andrianañahare, ami’ty hoe: Fa tinolon’ Añahare fisolohoan-ko aman-kaveloñe ka o kilakila ondatio!
19 Now they which were scattered abroad upon the persecution that arose about Stephen travelled as far as Phenice, and Cyprus, and Antioch, preaching the word (logos) to none but unto the Jews only.
Ie amy zao, fa nañavelo sikal’ e Foinika añe naho e Kiprosy añe naho mb’e Antiokia mb’eo ondaty napara­tsà’ i fampisoañañe ty amy Stefana zay nitsey i tsaray, tsy ama’ ia naho tsy amo Jiosio avao.
20 And some of them were men of Cyprus and Cyrene, which, when they were come to Antioch, spoke unto the Grecians, preaching the LORD Jesus.
Fe ty ila’ iereo, o nte Kiprosy naho nte Kirenèo, ro niheo mb’e Antiokia mb’eo nitalily amo Grikao nitaroñe Iesoà Talè.
21 And the hand of the Lord was with them: and a great number believed, and turned unto the Lord.
Nañimba iareo ty fità’ i Talè, le maro ty niantoke vaho nitolik’ amy Talè.
22 Then tidings (logos) of these things came unto the ears of the church which was in Jerusalem: and they sent forth Barnabas, that he should go as far as Antioch.
Nizilik’am-pijanjiña’ i Fivory e Ierosaleme añey ty talily ty am’ iereo, vaho nahitri’ iereo mb’ Antiokia añe t’i Barnabasy.
23 Who, when he came, and had seen the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord.
Ie pok’ añe, naho niisa’e ty hasoan’ Añahare, le niehake vaho hene no­sihe’e ho lili-po amy Talè an-kaampon’ arofo.
24 For he was a good man, and full of the Holy Spirit (pneuma) and of faith: and much people was added unto the Lord.
Ondaty vañon-dre, lifotse i Arofo Masiñey naho fatokisañe, vaho maro t’indaty nitovoñe amy Talè.
25 Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, in order to seek Saul:
Le nionjoñe mb’e Tarsosy mb’eo re nipay i Saole;
26 And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.
ie tendreke, le nandese’e mb’Antiokia añe. Aa le naha ritse taoñe raike iereo nifampikaoñe amy Fivoriy naho nañoke ondaty. E Antiokia ao ty namotorañe ty fikanjiañe o mpiama’eo ty hoe: Mpiami-Norizañey.
27 And in these days came prophets from Jerusalem unto Antioch.
Tamy andro rezay niheo mb’e Antiokia mb’eo ty mpitoky boak’ Ierosaleme añe.
28 And there stood up one of them named Agabus, and signified by the Spirit (pneuma) that there should be great dearth throughout all the world: which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar.
Niongake ty atao Agabo, mpiam’ iereo, naho nitoroa’e añamy Arofoy te handrambañe ty tane bey toy ty san-kerè. (Le nitendrek’ amy andro’ i Klaodio mpanjaka izay).
29 Then the disciples, every man according to his ability, determined to send relief unto the brethren which dwelt in Judaea:
Aa le nilahatse o mpiatoo, te songa ondaty ami’ty hahalefea’e ty hisangitri-palalàñe amo roahalahy mimo­neñe e Iehodà añeo.
30 Which also they did, and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.
Nanoe’ iereo, le nahitri’ iereo mb’amo mpiaoloo am-pità’ i Barnabasy naho i Saole.

< Acts 11 >