< Job 1 >

1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.
Dalka Cuus la yidhaahdo waxaa joogi jiray nin magiciisa Ayuub la odhan jiray, oo ninkaasuna wuxuu ahaa nin qumman oo toosan, wuxuuna ahaa mid Ilaah ka cabsada oo sharka ka fogaada.
2 And there were born to him seven sons and three daughters.
Oo waxaa isaga u dhashay toddoba wiil iyo saddex gabdhood.
3 His substance also was seven thousand sheep, and three thousand camels, and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she asses, and a very great household; so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the east.
Oo weliba xoolihiisuna waxay ahaayeen toddoba kun oo ido ah, iyo saddex kun oo geel ah, iyo shan boqol oo dibi oo laba laba ah, iyo shan boqol oo dameerood oo dhaddig ah, oo weliba wuxuu kaloo lahaa addoommo aad u badan, oo sidaas daraaddeed ninkaasu wuxuu ahaa kan ugu wada weyn dadka bariga oo dhan.
4 And his sons went and feasted in their houses, every one his day; and sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
Oo wiilashiisii way tegi jireen, oo midkood kastaaba maalintiisa ayuu gurigiisa diyaafad ku samayn jiray, oo waxay u cid direen oo u yeedheen saddexdii gabdhood oo walaalahood ahaa inay wax la cunaan oo wax la cabbaan aawadeed.
5 And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.
Oo maalmihii ay diyaafaddii hayn jireen markay dhammaadaan ayaa Ayuub carruurtiisii u cid diri jiray oo daahirin jiray, oo intuu aroor hore kaco ayuu intay ahaayeen oo dhan u bixin jiray qurbaanno la gubo, waayo, Ayuub wuxuu isyidhi, Waaba intaasoo wiilashaydu ay dembaabeen, oo ay qalbigooda Ilaah wax xun kaga sheegeen. Oo Ayuubna sidaasuu yeeli jiray had iyo goorba.
6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.
Haddaba waxaa jirtay maalin ay Ilaah wiilashiisu u yimaadeen inay Rabbiga hortiisa isa soo taagaan, oo weliba Shayddaanna wuu soo dhex galay.
7 And the LORD said to Satan, From where come you? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.
Markaasaa Rabbigu wuxuu Shayddaan ku yidhi, War xaggee baad ka timid? Oo Shayddaan wuxuu Rabbiga ugu jawaabay, Waxaan ka imid dhulkii aan maray, oo aan hor iyo dibba ugu dhex socday.
8 And the LORD said to Satan, Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that fears God, and eschews evil?
Markaasaa Rabbigu wuxuu Shayddaan ku yidhi, Addoonkayga Ayuub ma ka fikirtay? Maxaa yeelay, isaga oo kale dhulka ma joogo, waayo, isagu waa nin qumman oo toosan, oo ah mid Ilaah ka cabsada oo sharka ka fogaada.
9 Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Does Job fear God for nothing?
Markaasaa Shayddaan Rabbiga u jawaabay oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Bal Ayuub ma waxtarla'aan buu Ilaah uga cabsadaa?
10 Have not you made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he has on every side? you have blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.
Sow deyr kuma aad wareejin isaga, iyo reerkiisa, iyo waxa uu haysto oo dhanba? Shuqulkii gacmihiisaad barakaysay, oo xoolihiisiina dhulkay aad ugu bateen.
11 But put forth your hand now, and touch all that he has, and he will curse you to your face.
Laakiinse haddaba bal gacantaada soo fidi, oo wuxuu haysto oo dhan taabo, oo isna sida runta ah, hortaada wax xun buu kaaga sheegi doonaa.
12 And the LORD said to Satan, Behold, all that he has is in your power; only on himself put not forth your hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD.
Markaaasaa Rabbigu wuxuu Shayddaan ku yidhi, Bal eeg, wuxuu haysto oo dhammu gacantaaday ku jiraan, laakiinse isaga nafsaddiisa waa inaadan far saarin. Markaasaa Shayddaan Rabbiga hortiisii ka tegey.
13 And there was a day when his sons and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother’s house:
Oo maalin ay wiilashiisii iyo gabdhihiisii wax ku cunayeen oo khamri ku cabbayeen gurigii walaalkoodii ugu weynaa ayaa
14 And there came a messenger to Job, and said, The oxen were plowing, and the asses feeding beside them:
waxaa Ayuub u yimid mid wargeeye ah oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Iyadoo dibidii ay beerta jeexayaan oo dameerihiina ay agtooda daaqayaan
15 And the Sabeans fell on them, and took them away; yes, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell you.
ayaa waxaa na soo weeraray reer Shebaa, oo waxay dheceen xoolihii, oo weliba midiidinnadiina seef bay ku laayeen, oo anigoo keliya ayaa ka soo baxsaday inaan warka kuu soo sheego.
16 While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The fire of God is fallen from heaven, and has burned up the sheep, and the servants, and consumed them; and I only am escaped alone to tell you.
Oo weli intii kaasu sii hadlayay ayuu mid kale yimid, oo wuxuu yidhi, Ilaah dabkiisii ayaa samada ka soo dhacay, oo wuxuu wada gubay oo baabbi'iyey idihii iyo midiidinnadii la jirayba, oo anigoo keliya ayaa ka soo baxsaday inaan warka kuu soo sheego.
17 While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The Chaldeans made out three bands, and fell on the camels, and have carried them away, yes, and slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell you.
Oo weli intii kaasu sii hadlayay ayuu mid kale yimid, oo wuxuu yidhi, Reer Kaldayiin oo saddex koox ah ayaa geelii soo weeraray, oo dhammaantiisna way dheceen, oo weliba midiidinnadiina seef bay ku laayeen, oo anigoo keliya ayaa ka soo baxsaday inaan warka kuu soo sheego.
18 While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, Your sons and your daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother’s house:
Oo weli intii kaasu sii hadlayay ayuu mid kale yimid, oo wuxuu yidhi, Wiilashaadii iyo gabdhahaagii waxay wax ku cunayeen oo khamri ku cabbayeen gurigii walaalkooda ugu weyn,
19 And, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell on the young men, and they are dead; and I only am escaped alone to tell you.
oo bal eeg, waxaa cidlada ka timid dabayl weyn, oo gurigii afartiisa rukun bay ku dhufatay, kolkaasuu ku dumay raggii dhallinyarada ahaa, oo dhammaantood way dhinteen, oo anigoo keliya ayaa ka soo baxsaday inaan warka kuu soo sheego.
20 Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down on the ground, and worshipped,
Markaasaa Ayuub sara joogsaday, oo huwiskiisii jeexjeexay, oo madaxiisiina wuu xiiray, oo intuu dhulka ku dhacay ayuu sujuuday,
21 And said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.
oo wuxuu yidhi, Anigoo qaawan baan uurkii hooyaday ka soo baxay, oo haddana anigoo qaawan baan halkaas ku noqon doonaa. Rabbigaa wax i siiyey, oo haddana Rabbigaa iga qaatay, ammaan waxaa leh magaca Rabbiga.
22 In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.
Oo waxyaalahaas oo dhan Ayuub innaba kuma uu dembaabin, oo Ilaahna eed kama uu sheegin.

< Job 1 >