< 2 Kings 14 >

1 In the second year of Joash son of Jehoahaz king of Israel reigned Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah.
Uti andro årena Joas, Joahas sons, Israels Konungs, vardt Amazia Konung, Joas, Juda. Konungs, son.
2 He was twenty and five years old when he began to reign, and reigned twenty and nine years in Jerusalem. And his mother’s name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem.
Fem och tjugu åra gammal var han, då han vardt Konung; och regerade nio och tjugu år i Jerusalem; hans moder het Joaddan af Jerusalem.
3 And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, yet not like David his father: he did according to all things as Joash his father did.
Och han gjorde det Herranom väl behagade; dock icke såsom hans fader David, utan såsom hans fader Joas gjort hade, så gjorde han ock.
4 However, the high places were not taken away: as yet the people did sacrifice and burnt incense on the high places.
Ty höjderna vordo icke aflagda; utan folket offrade och rökte ännu på höjderna.
5 And it came to pass, as soon as the kingdom was confirmed in his hand, that he slew his servants which had slain the king his father.
Då han nu var mägtig vorden i riket, slog han sina tjenare, som Konungen hans fader dräpit hade.
6 But the children of the murderers he slew not: according to that which is written in the book of the law of Moses, wherein the LORD commanded, saying, The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, nor the children be put to death for the fathers; but every man shall be put to death for his own sin.
Men dråparenas barn drap han icke; såsom ock skrifvet är i Mose lagbok, der Herren budit hade, och sagt: Fäderna skola icke dö för barnens skull, och barnen skola icke dö för fädernas skull; utan hvar och en skall dö för sina synd.
7 He slew of Edom in the valley of salt ten thousand, and took Selah by war, and called the name of it Joktheel to this day.
Han slog desslikes de Edomeer i saltdalenom, tiotusend, och vann den staden Sela med strid; och kallade honom Joktheel, allt intill denna dag.
8 Then Amaziah sent messengers to Jehoash, the son of Jehoahaz son of Jehu, king of Israel, saying, Come, let us look one another in the face.
Då sände Amazia båd till Joas, Joahas son, Jehu sons, Israels Konung, och lät säga honom: Kom hit, och låt oss se hvarannan.
9 And Jehoash the king of Israel sent to Amaziah king of Judah, saying, The thistle that was in Lebanon sent to the cedar that was in Lebanon, saying, Give your daughter to my son to wife: and there passed by a wild beast that was in Lebanon, and stepped down the thistle.
Men Joas, Israels Konung, sände till Amazia, Juda Konung, och lät säga honom: Törnebusken, som i Libanon är, sände till cedreträt i Libanon, och sade: Gif dina dotter minom son till hustru; men vilddjuret på markene i Libanon lopp öfver törnebuskan, och förtrampade honom,
10 You have indeed smitten Edom, and your heart has lifted you up: glory of this, and tarry at home: for why should you meddle to your hurt, that you should fall, even you, and Judah with you?
Du hafver slagit de Edomeer, deraf förhäfver sig ditt hjerta; behåll den prisen, och blif hemma; hvi söker du efter olycko, att du må falla, och Juda med dig?
11 But Amaziah would not hear. Therefore Jehoash king of Israel went up; and he and Amaziah king of Judah looked one another in the face at Bethshemesh, which belongs to Judah.
Men Amazia hörde honom intet. Så drog Joas, Israels Konung, upp; och de besågo hvarannan, han och Amazia, Juda Konung, i BethSemes, som i Juda ligger.
12 And Judah was put to the worse before Israel; and they fled every man to their tents.
Men Juda vardt slagen för Israel, så att hvar och en flydde i sina hyddo.
13 And Jehoash king of Israel took Amaziah king of Judah, the son of Jehoash the son of Ahaziah, at Bethshemesh, and came to Jerusalem, and broke down the wall of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim to the corner gate, four hundred cubits.
Och Joas, Israels Konung, grep Amazia, Juda Konung, Joas son, Ahasia sons, i BethSemes; och kom till Jerusalem, och ref omkull, murarna i, Jerusalem, ifrån Ephraims port, allt intill hörnporten, fyrahundrad alnar långt.
14 And he took all the gold and silver, and all the vessels that were found in the house of the LORD, and in the treasures of the king’s house, and hostages, and returned to Samaria.
Och tog allt det guld och silfver, och tyg, som funnet vardt i Herrans hus, och i Konungshusens fatebur, dertill barnen, till pant; och drog åter till Samarien.
15 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoash which he did, and his might, and how he fought with Amaziah king of Judah, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?
Hvad nu mer af Joas sägande är, det han gjort hafver, och hans magt, och huru han med Amazia, Juda Konung, stridde, si, det är skrifvet uti Israels Konungars Chrönico.
16 And Jehoash slept with his fathers, and was buried in Samaria with the kings of Israel; and Jeroboam his son reigned in his stead.
Och Joas afsomnade med sina fader, och vardt begrafven i Samarien ibland Israels Konungar; och hans son Jerobeam vardt Konung i hans stad.
17 And Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah lived after the death of Jehoash son of Jehoahaz king of Israel fifteen years.
Men Amazia. Joas son, Juda Konungs, lefde efter Joas död, Joahas sons, Israels Konungs, i femton år.
18 And the rest of the acts of Amaziah, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?
Hvad nu mer af Amazia sägandes är, det är skrifvet uti Juda Konungars Chrönico.
19 Now they made a conspiracy against him in Jerusalem: and he fled to Lachish; but they sent after him to Lachish, and slew him there.
Och de gjorde ett förbund emot honom i Jerusalem; men han flydde till Lachis. Och de sände efter honom till Lachis, och dråpo honom der.
20 And they brought him on horses: and he was buried at Jerusalem with his fathers in the city of David.
Och de förde honom dädan på hästar; och han vardt begrafven i Jerusalem, när sina fäder uti Davids stad.
21 And all the people of Judah took Azariah, which was sixteen years old, and made him king instead of his father Amaziah.
Och hela Juda folk togo Asaria, uti lians sextonde äre, och gjorde honom till Konung i hans faders Amazia stad.
22 He built Elath, and restored it to Judah, after that the king slept with his fathers.
Han byggde Elath, och fick det igen under Juda, sedan Konungen med hans fäder afsomnad var.
23 In the fifteenth year of Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel began to reign in Samaria, and reigned forty and one years.
Uti femtonde årena Amazia, Joas sons, Juda Konungs, vardt Jerobeam, Joas son, Konung öfver Israel i Samarien, ett och fyratio år,
24 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD: he departed not from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin.
Och gjorde det ondt varför Herranom, och öfvergaf icke alla Jerobeams, Nebats sons, synder, den Israel kom till att synda.
25 He restored the coast of Israel from the entering of Hamath to the sea of the plain, according to the word of the LORD God of Israel, which he spoke by the hand of his servant Jonah, the son of Amittai, the prophet, which was of Gathhepher.
Men han tog igen Israels gränsor, ifrå Hamath allt intill hafvet, som ligger i hedmarkene, efter Herrans Israels Guds ord, som han sagt hade genom, sin tjenare Propheten Jona, Amitthai son, som var af GathHepher.
26 For the LORD saw the affliction of Israel, that it was very bitter: for there was not any shut up, nor any left, nor any helper for Israel.
Ty Herren såg till Israels svåra jämmer, så att ock de innelyckte och igenlefde förgingos; och ingen hjelpare var i Israel.
27 And the LORD said not that he would blot out the name of Israel from under heaven: but he saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the son of Joash.
Och Herren hade icke sagt, att han ville utskrapa Israels namn under himmelen; utan halp dem genom Jerobeam, Joas son.
28 Now the rest of the acts of Jeroboam, and all that he did, and his might, how he warred, and how he recovered Damascus, and Hamath, which belonged to Judah, for Israel, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?
Hvad nu mer af Jerobeam sägandes är, och allt det han gjort hafver, och hans magt, huru han stridt hafver, och huru han igenfick Damascon och Hamath till Juda i Israel, si, det är skrifvet i Israels Konungars Chrönico.
29 And Jeroboam slept with his fathers, even with the kings of Israel; and Zachariah his son reigned in his stead.
Och Jerobeam afsomnade med sina fäder, Israels Konungar; och hans son Zacharia vardt Konung i hans stad.

< 2 Kings 14 >