< Joshua 7 >

1 But the children of Israel committed a trespass concerning the devoted thing; for Achan, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took of the devoted thing; and the anger of the LORD was kindled against the children of Israel.
Abayisirayiri ne basobya bwe baatwala ku bintu ebyali ebiwonge; Akani mutabani wa Kaluni muzzukulu wa Zabudi era muzzukulu wa Zeera ow’omu kika kya Yuda, ne yeetwalira ebimu ku bintu ebyo: bw’atyo Mukama n’asunguwalira nnyo eggwanga lya Isirayiri.
2 And Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai, which is beside Beth-aven, on the east side of Beth-el, and spoke unto them, saying: 'Go up and spy out the land.' And the men went up and spied out Ai.
Yoswa n’asindika abasajja okuva e Yeriko bagende mu kitundu kye Ayi okuliraana Besaveni ebuvanjuba wa Beseri, n’abakuutira nti, “Mugende mukette ensi eyo.” Nabo ne bagenda ne baketta Ayi.
3 And they returned to Joshua, and said unto him: 'Let not all the people go up; but let about two or three thousand men go up and smite Ai; make not all the people to toil thither; for they are but few.'
Ne bakomawo ne bategeeza Yoswa nti, “Tosindika bantu bangi kulumba Ayi wabula weerezaayo abantu nga enkumi bbiri oba ssatu be baba balumba. Toweerezaayo bantu bonna kubanga ab’omu Ayi si bangi.”
4 So there went up thither of the people about three thousand men; and they fled before the men of Ai.
Abayisirayiri ng’enkumi ssatu ne boolekera Ayi, kyokka abasajja be Ayi ne babafubutula emisinde
5 And the men of Ai smote of them about thirty and six men; and they chased them from before the gate even unto Shebarim, and smote them at the descent; and the hearts of the people melted, and became as water.
okubaggya ku wankaaki w’ekibuga okubatuusiza ddala emitala wa Sebalimu era Abayisirayiri ng’amakumi asatu mu mukaaga ne battibwa. Entiisa ne buutikira Abayisirayiri; emitima ne gibayenjebuka.
6 And Joshua rent his clothes, and fell to the earth upon his face before the ark of the LORD until the evening, he and the elders of Israel; and they put dust upon their heads.
Yoswa n’abakulembeze b’Abayisirayiri ne bayuza ebyambalo byabwe ne beesiiga enfuufu mu mitwe gyabwe era ne beeyala ku ttaka mu maaso g’Essanduuko ya Mukama okuzibya obudde.
7 And Joshua said: 'Alas, O Lord GOD, wherefore hast Thou at all brought this people over the Jordan, to deliver us into the hand of the Amorites, to cause us to perish? would that we had been content and dwelt beyond the Jordan!
Yoswa n’agamba nti, “Mukama Katonda nga kitalo kino! Wasomosezaaki Abayisirayiri omugga Yoludaani ate n’obaleka bazikirizibwe Abamoli? Bwe twali tukyali emitala wa Yoludaani tetwaliko kabi n’akatono!
8 Oh, Lord, what shall I say, after that Israel hath turned their backs before their enemies!
Ayi Mukama, sonyiwa omuddu wo. Isirayiri alumbiddwa abalabe baabwe, nze nnaayogera ki kaakano!
9 For when the Canaanites and all the inhabitants of the land hear of it, they will compass us round, and cut off our name from the earth; and what wilt Thou do for Thy great name?'
Abakanani n’abali mu kitundu ekyo kyonna bwe banaakiwulira bajja kutwebungulula batusaanyeewo. Olwo erinnya lyo ekkulu bwe lityo liriba terikyavuga.”
10 And the LORD said unto Joshua: 'Get thee up; wherefore, now, art thou fallen upon thy face?
Mukama n’agamba Yoswa nti, “Golokoka. Kiki ekikuvuunamizza ku ttaka?
11 Israel hath sinned; yea, they have even transgressed My covenant which I commanded them; yea, they have even taken of the devoted thing; and have also stolen, and dissembled also, and they have even put it among their own stuff.
Isirayiri eyonoonye kubanga bavudde ku ndagaano gye nabakuutira, ne batwala ku bintu ebiwonge, ne babitabika mu byabwe ate ne balimba.
12 Therefore the children of Israel cannot stand before their enemies, they turn their backs before their enemies, because they are become accursed; I will not be with you any more, except ye destroy the accursed from among you.
Ka mbabuulire, okuggyako nga muzikiriza omubi ali mu mmwe, Abayisirayiri tebayinza kwolekera balabe baabwe, babadduka buddusi, kubanga nsazeewo bazikirizibwe.
13 Up, sanctify the people, and say: Sanctify yourselves against tomorrow; for thus saith the LORD, the God of Israel: There is a curse in the midst of thee, O Israel; thou canst not stand before thine enemies, until ye take away the accursed thing from among you.
“Golokoka otukuze abantu era obategeeze beetukuze nga beetegekera olw’enkya bw’atyo bw’ayogera Mukama, Katonda wa Isirayiri. Waliwo ebikwekeddwa mu mmwe; okuggyako nga mubikwekula temuyinza kuwangula balabe bammwe.
14 In the morning therefore ye shall draw near by your tribes; and it shall be, that the tribe which the LORD taketh shall come near by families; and the family which the LORD shall take shall come near by households; and the household which the LORD shall take shall come near man by man.
“‘Enkya mujjire mu bika byammwe, buli kika Mukama ky’anaalondamu kinaasembera luggya ku luggya, n’oluggya Mukama lw’anaalondamu lunajja nju ku nju, era enju Mukama gy’anaalondamu enejja muntu ku muntu.
15 And it shall be that he that is taken with the devoted thing shall be burnt with fire, he and all that he hath; because he hath transgressed the covenant of the LORD, and because he hath wrought a wanton deed in Israel.'
Naye oyo anaasangibwa n’ebintu ebiwonge anaayokebwa mu muliro ye n’ebyo byonna by’alina, kubanga amenye endagaano ya Mukama n’avumaganya Isirayiri.’”
16 So Joshua rose up early in the morning, and brought Israel near by their tribes; and the tribe of Judah was taken.
Yoswa yakeera nnyo n’akuŋŋaanya ebika byonna, yasookera ku kika kya Yuda era n’asembeza enju ya Yuda:
17 And he brought near the family of Judah; and he took the family of the Zerahites. And he brought near the family of the Zerahites man by man; and Zabdi was taken.
n’alondamu abo abazaalibwa Zeera, ate mu nju ya Zeera n’alondamu Zabudi n’ennyumba ye:
18 And he brought near his household man by man; and Achan, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, was taken.
ate mu bo n’alondamu Akani omwana wa Kalumi, muzzukulu wa Zabudi, muzzukulu wa Zeera ow’omu kika kya Yuda.
19 And Joshua said unto Achan: 'My son, give, I pray thee, glory to the LORD, the God of Israel, and make confession unto Him; and tell me now what thou hast done; hide nothing from me.'
Yoswa n’agamba Akani nti, “Mwana wange njagala oweese Mukama Katonda wa Isirayiri ekitiibwa era omugulumizise, ombuulire ky’okoze, tonkisa.”
20 And Achan answered Joshua, and said: 'Of a truth I have sinned against the LORD, the God of Israel, and thus and thus have I done.
Akani n’addamu nti, “Mazima nayonoona eri Mukama Katonda wa Isirayiri era kino kye nakola.
21 When I saw among the spoil a goodly Shinar mantle, and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold of fifty shekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them; and, behold, they are hid in the earth in the midst of my tent, and the silver under it.'
Bwe nalaba nga mu munyago mulimu ekyambalo ekirungi ekyava e Sinaali n’ensimbi, n’effeeza ne zaabu ne mbyegomba, bwe ntyo ne mbitwala ne mbisimira mu ttaka mu weema yange.”
22 So Joshua sent messengers, and they ran unto the tent; and, behold, it was hid in his tent, and the silver under it.
Yoswa n’atuma ababaka mu weema ya Akani era ne babisangayo ng’abisimidde mu ttaka.
23 And they took them from the midst of the tent, and brought them unto Joshua, and unto all the children of Israel; and they laid them down before the LORD.
Ne babifulumya ne babireeta eri Yoswa n’Abayisirayiri bonna, ne babissa mu maaso ga Mukama.
24 And Joshua, and all Israel with him, took Achan the son of Zerah, and the silver, and the mantle, and the wedge of gold, and his sons, and his daughters, and his oxen, and his asses, and his sheep, and his tent, and all that he had; and they brought them up unto the valley of Achor.
Yoswa n’Abayisirayiri bonna ne bakwata Akani muzzukulu wa Zeera ne bye yanyaga: effeeza, ne zaabu, n’ekyambalo. Ne bamutwala ne batabani be, ne bawala be, n’ente ze n’endogoyi ze, n’endiga ze, n’eweema ye ne byonna bye yalina ne babiserengesa mu kiwonvu Akoli.
25 And Joshua said: 'Why hast thou troubled us? the LORD shall trouble thee this day.' And all Israel stoned him with stones; and they burned them with fire, and stoned them with stones.
Yoswa n’abuuza Akani nti, “Lwaki watuleetera ensasagge eno? Nga bwe wakola bw’otyo olwa leero naawe onookiraba Mukama ky’anaakukola.” Abayisirayiri bonna ne bayiikira Akani, n’abaana be n’ebintu bye ne babakuba amayinja ne babatta era ne babakumako omuliro.
26 And they raised over him a great heap of stones, unto this day; and the LORD turned from the fierceness of His anger. Wherefore the name of that place was called The valley of Achor, unto this day.
Ne balyoka babatuumako amayinja, n’okutuusa kaakano entuumu y’amayinja eyo gagadde ekyaliwo. Mukama n’alekera awo okukambuwalira Abayisirayiri, ekiwonvu mwe babattira kyekyava kiyitibwa Akoli n’okutuusa kaakano.

< Joshua 7 >