< Luke 3 >

1 NOW in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, and Herod tetrarch of Galilee, and Philip his brother tetrarch of Iturea and the region of Trachonitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene:
Nanya likus likure nin natowun kube na ugo Tiberius Kaisar, ame Bilatus Ba-bunti wa di ugomna Nyahudiya, Hiridus wadi unan bunu gwamnna in Galili, gwana me Filibus wadi unan bunu kipin ituriya nin Tarakunitis, Lisaniyas wadi unan bunu gwamna Abiliya,
2 when Annas and Caiaphas were high-priests, the word of God came to John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness;
nin kubi na Annas wadi kumalami kudya nin Kayafas, uliru Kutelle da kitin Yohanna, usaun Zakariya, nanya kusho.
3 and he came into all the country on the confines of Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins;
A wa cinu akeu nigberi naa na ni wadi ngau kurawa urdun, a wadin wazin shintinu nmyen nin foo na acara udu uwesu kulapi.
4 as it is written in the book of the words of the prophet Isaiah, saying, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths strait:
Nafo na inna yertin nanya kufa ligbulang Ishaya unan liru nin nuu Kutelle, “Li wai nmong din yicu nanya kusho, 'Kelen libau Kutelle, kelen tikoot mene ti so dert.
5 every valley shall be filled up, and every mountain and hill shall be levelled, and the crooked ways made strait, and the rough roads smooth:
Vat awu ima kulu anin, vat atala nin naparan ima toltinu ana nin vat, tibau ti ginlang ima nakpu tinin, tibau ti nanzan ima kelu tinin lau.
6 and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.”
Vat anit ma yenu utucu Kutelle.'”
7 He said, therefore, to the multitudes who came out to be baptised by him, Ye broods of vipers, who hath warned you to fly from the approaching wrath?
Yohanna woro ligozin na nite ale na iwa ccinu uda kiti me ada shintu nani nanya mmyen, “Anung kuewunu fiyii timung, nghani na kpada minu icun kiti finana nayi to na tidin cinu?
8 Produce then fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say in yourselves, We have a father, even Abraham; for I say unto you, That God is able out of these stones to raise up children to Abraham.
Nutunon nono nanga na nibatina ufubu, na iwa cizin ugbondilu nanya mine ba, “Tidin Ibrahim ucif bite,' bara na ina belen munu au Kutelle wa sa a nutuno Ibrahim ku nono tutung unuzu natala alele.
9 But now is the ax laid even to the root of the trees; every tree therefore that produceth not good fruit, is cut down and cast into the fire.
Nene imalu tii kidowo tilin kuce bara nani vat kuca ko na kunutuno kumat kucine ba wase ikowo kunin i ta ulaku.”
10 And the multitudes asked him, saying, What then shall we do?
Amon nanya ligozie teringhe imoro, “Iyanghari ti ma nin ti.”
11 And he answering said to them, He that hath two coats, let him give to him that hath none; and he that hath provisions, let him do in like manner.
A kawa a woro nnani, “Umong wa di nin nalutuk aba, ana ule na a salimung, ule na asi nin nimonli a su nani.”
12 Then came also the farmers of the taxes to be baptised, and they said unto him, Master, what shall we do?
Among anan sessun gandu da ida shintin nani nmyen, i woroghe, “'Unan yiru, inghanghri ti ma ti?”
13 He said unto them, Exact nothing more than is appointed for you.
A woro nani, “Na ima seru ikurfung ikata ile imong na ina beling minu.
14 And the military men also asked him, And what shall we do? And he said unto them, Extort nothing by force; nor turn informers; and be content with your pay.
Among a soja da tiringhe, i woro, “Arike fa? Tiba tizighari?” Aworo nani, “Na iwa seru ikurfun kifin mmong nin likara ba. Na iwa vura umong ba teren kibinai nin imung na idin bizu minu.”
15 Now when the people were in expectation, and many reasoned in their hearts respecting John, whether he were the Messiah,
Nene na anite wa din ncaa ndak Yesu, kogha wadin kpilzule sa Yohanna re Kristi.
16 John addressed himself to them all, saying, I indeed baptise you with water; but one mightier than I is coming, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie: he shall baptise you with the Holy Ghost and with fire;
Yohanna kawa a woro nani vat, “Bara meng idin shintu munu nanya myen, umong din cinu ulenge na akafini nin likara, na meng bafin inbunku tii nakpatak mye ba, ama shintu munu nanya Ruhu Ulau nin laa.
17 whose winnowing fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his threshing-floor, and collect the wheat into his granary; but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable.
Kupark mye di nanya nacara mye na ama kyeliu uaalkama a gutun insoronghe ayiru iyole atii filai ama juju insoronghe nin la ule na iwa se ibico ba.”
18 Thus in many and various discourses exhorting them, he preached the glad tidings of the gospel to the people.
Nin mong ugbaru udia tutung, abele anite ulilrun nlai.
19 Now Herod the tetrarch, being reproved by him, on account of Herodias his brother Philip’s wife, and for all the other wicked actions which he had done,
Yohanna kpada Hiridus ku kitin yerun nwaii mbene mye Hirudiya, nin vat nadu ananzang Hiridus na ana su.
20 added this also to all the rest, and shut up John in prison.
Bara nan Hiridus kuru a ti nlong lidu tinanzang a mati i tursu Yohanna ilu nanya kilari lican.
21 Now it came to pass, at the time when John was baptising all the people, that Jesus also was baptised, and as he prayed, the heaven was opened,
Nene kubi da, na Yohanna wa shintu anit vat nanya nmyen, a shintino Yesu ku wang na awa din nlira kitene kani puno.
22 and the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily form, like a dove, upon him, and a voice came from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in thee I am well pleased.
Uruhu Kutelle tulu kitene mye nafo kuwulung, liwui nuzu kitene kani, “Fere gono nayi ning udin puzi ayi.”
23 And Jesus himself was about thirty years of age when he began his ministry, being (as was supposed the son of Joseph) of Heli,
Yesu liti mye, kube na awa cizin udursuzue awa di nin nallus akut atat. Awa di usaun Yusufu, usaun Heli,
24 of Matthat, of Levi, of Melchi, of Janna, of Joseph,
usaun Mathat, usaun Nlawi, usaun Melchi, usaun Jannai, usaun Yusufu,
25 of Mattathias, of Amos, of Naum, of Esli, of Nagge,
usaun Matatiyas, usaun Amos, usaun Nnahum, usaun Hasli, usaun Nayjaya,
26 of Maath, of Mattathias, of Semei, of Joseph, of Juda,
usaun Maatha, usaun Mattathiya, usaun Shimi, usaun Yuseka, nin saun Joda,
27 of Joanna, of Rhesa, of Zerubbabel, of Salathiel, of Neri,
usaun Yohanna, usaun Risa, usaun Zurbabila, usaun Shaaltiya, usaun Niri,
28 of Melchi, of Addi, of Cosam, of Elmodam, of Er,
usaun Malki, usaun Addi, usaun Kusana, usaun Almodama, Usaun Iri,
29 of Jose, of Eliezer, of Jorim, of Matthat, of Levi,
usaun Yosi, usaun Aliazara, usaun Yorina, usaun Mattahata, usaun Lami,
30 of Simeon, of Judah, of Joseph, of Jonan, of Eliakim,
usaun Simion, usaun Yahuda, usaun Yusufu, usaun Yonana, usaun Aliyakima,
31 of Melea, of Menan, of Mattatha, of Nathan, of David,
usaun Malaya, usaun Mainana, usaun Mattahata, usaun Nattana, Usaun Dawuda,
32 of Jesse, of Obed, of Booz, of Salmon, of Naasson,
Usaun Yassa, usaun Obida, usaun Buaza, Usaun Salmona, usaun Nahashuma,
33 of Aminadab, of Aram, of Esrom, of Phares, of Judah,
usaun Aminasaba, usaun Arana, usaun Hasruna, usaun Harisa, usaun Peres, usaun Yahuda,
34 of Jacob, of Isaac, of Abraham, of Terah, of Nachor,
Usaun Yakubu, Usaun Ishaku, Usaun Ibrahim, usaun Taraha, Usaun Nahura
35 of Saruch, of Ragau, of Phalec, of Heber, of Sala,
usaun SAruja, usaun Rauwa, usaun Palaju, usaun Aberu, usaun Shalahu,
36 of Cainan, of Arphaxad, of Sem, of Noe, of Lamech,
Usaun kinana, usaun Arfakshada, usaun Samana, usaun Nuhu, usaun Lamaka,
37 of Methusaleh, of Enoch, of Jared, of Maleleel, of Cainan,
usaun Matushalaha, usaun Anuhu, usaun Jarada, usaun Mahalailu, usaun Kanana,
38 of Enos, of Seth, of Adam, the son of God.
Usaun Anosha, usaun Shittu, usaun Adamu, Gono Kutelle.

< Luke 3 >