< Luke 17 >

1 THEN he said to his disciples, It is impossible that offences should not come; but wo to him through whom they come!
फिरी तैनी अपने चेलन सेइं ज़ोवं, “एन न भोइसखे कि लोकन ठोकर न लग्गे, पन अफ़सोस तैस मैन्हु पुड़ ज़ै होरि केरे लेइ ठोकर बनते।
2 It would be advantageous for him, if a milstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea, rather than offend one of these little ones.
तैसेरेलेइ त एन्ने रोड़ू थियूं, कि ढ्लाटेरो ढ्लेइटोल तैसेरे गल्ले उन्ढो छ़ेडतां ते समुन्द्रे मां शैरतां छ़ड्डो गाथो, ताके तै होरि जो ज़ैना विश्वासे मां कमज़ोरन ठोकर न बने।
3 Take heed to yourselves: if thy brother sin against thee, reprove him; and if he repent, forgive him.
बस्सा हुशार राथ तुस कुन केरतथ, अगर तुश्शो विश्वासी ढ्ला पाप केरते त तैस समझ़ाथ ते अगर तै पापन करां मन फिराए त तैस माफ़ केरा।
4 And if seven times in the day he sin against thee, and seven times in the day return to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him.
अगर तै एक्की दिहैड़ी मां तेरो सत्ते बार तेरो पाप केरे त अगर तै सत्ते फेरेईं तीं कां एइतां माफ़ी मग्गे त तू सत्ते फेरेईं तैस माफ़ केरां।”
5 And the disciples said unto the Lord, increase our faith.
प्रेरितेईं प्रभु सेइं ज़ोवं, “हे प्रभु, इश्शी मद्दत केर कि अस होरे भी मज़बूती सेइं विश्वास केरम।”
6 And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard, ye might say to that sycamore-tree, Be rooted up, and be planted in the sea; and it would obey you.
प्रभु यीशुए ज़ोवं, “अगर तुश्शो विश्वास सिवलारे गलेवे बराबर भी भोलो त तुस इस तूतेरे बुटे जो ज़ोई सकतथ इट्ठां उखड़ ते समुन्द्रे मां लग त तै तुश्शो हुक्म मनेलो।
7 But which of you, having a servant plowing or keeping sheep, when he cometh from the field, will say immediately, Come, sit down at table?
“तुसन मां एरो कौन आए, ज़ेसेरो नौकर ऊडारां बेंतो भोए या गोरू च़ारतो भोए ते ज़ैखन तै ऊडारे मरां घरे एज्जे त तैसेरो मालिक तैस ज़ोए कि, ‘लूशी बिश्श ते रोट्टी खा।’
8 And will he not rather say, Prepare for me to sup, and gird thyself, and wait upon me, till I eat and drink; and after that, thou shalt eat and drink thyself?
या एन न ज़ोए कि मेरी रोट्टी तियार केरथ ते ज़ां तगर अवं खेइ पीं नन्ना ते ज़ां तगर अवं रेज़्ज़ी नन्ना तू मेरी सेवा केरतो राए, तैल्ला पत्ती तू भी खा?
9 Doth he hold it as a favour from that servant, that he did the things which were ordered him? I think not.
कुन तै एल्हेरेलेइ नौकरेरू अहसान केरेलो कि, तीं तैन कियूं ज़ैन तीं केरनेरे लेइ ज़ोवरू थियूं?
10 So also ye, when ye have done all things commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: for we have but done what was our duty to do.
एन्च़रे ज़ैखन तुस एन सब केरेले ज़ैस केरनेरो तुसन हुक्म दित्तोरो थियो, त ज़ोथ कि, ‘असां निकम्मे नौकर आम? असेईं तैन्ने कियूं ज़ैन केरनू चाते थिये।’”
11 And it came to pass, as he was going towards Jerusalem, he passed also through the midst of Samaria and Galilee.
एक्की फेरे यीशु त कने तैसेरे चेले यरूशलेम नगरेरे पासे च़लोरे थिये। तैना सामरिया ते गलीले इलाके मांमेइं च़लोरे थिये।
12 And as he was entering a certain village, ten leprous men met him, who stood at a distance:
ज़ैखन तैना एक्की ड्लव्वें मां पुज़ने बाले थिये त तैड़ी दश कोढ़ी मैल्ले ज़ैना दूर खेड़ोरे थिये।
13 and they lift up their voice, saying, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!
तैनेईं बड़े ज़ोरे सेइं ज़ोवं, “हे यीशु, हे प्रभु, असन पुड़ दया केर।”
14 And looking towards them, he said, Go, shew yourselves to the priests. And it came to pass, that as they were on the road, they were made clean.
यीशुए तैन लेइतां ज़ोवं, “यरूशलेम नगरेरे मन्दरे मां गाथ ते अपनो आप याजकन हिराथ, ते सच़्च़े एरू भोवं कि गाते बार बत्तां तैन केरू कोढ़ साफ भोइ जेवं।”
15 Then one of them, seeing that he was cured, returned, and with a loud voice gave glory to God,
पन तैन मरां अक कोढ़ी अपनू कोढ़ हेरतां कि, तैसेरू कोढ़ साफ भोरोए खुशी भोइतां बड़े ज़ोरे सेइं परमेशरेरी तारीफ़ केरतो वापस यीशु कां अव
16 and fell prostrate at his feet giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan.
ते यीशुएरे पावन पुड़ दोग्ग रेखतां शुक्र लगो केरने। ए मैन्हु सामरी थियो।
17 Then Jesus spake and said, were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?
यीशुए तैस पुच़्छ़ू, “कुन तैन दश कोढ़ी केरू कोढ़ साफ नईं भोवरू? फिरी तैना कोरां जे?
18 There are none found returning to give glory to God, but this alien.
कुन एस गैर यहूदी मैनेरे अलावा तैन होरन एत्री हिम्मत न अई, कि गेइतां परमेशरेरी महिमा केरम?”
19 And he said to him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath saved thee.
तैखन यीशुए तैस ज़ोवं, “खड़ो उठ ते च़लो गा तीं मीं पुड़ विश्वास कियो तांए तू बेज़्झ़ोरोस।”
20 And being asked by one of the Pharisees, When cometh the kingdom of God? he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
फरीसी लोक यीशु पुच्छ़ने लगे, “कि परमेशरेरू राज़ केइस एजनूए? यीशुए तैन जुवाब दित्तो कि परमेशरेरू राज़ एरू नईं कि कोई तैस लेई बटे।
21 neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
ते ज़ोन कि हेरा इड़ी या उड़ीए एन्च़रे नईं बल्के परमेशरेरू राज़ तुश्शे मझ़ाटे।”
22 Then said he to the disciples, The days will come when ye shall eagerly desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and shall not see it.
यीशुए अपने चेलन सेइं ज़ोवं, “तै दिहाड़ी भी एजनीए कि, ज़ेइस तुस परमेशरेरी दिहैड़न मरां अक दिहाड़ी हेरनेरी इच्छा रखेले, ज़ेइस मैनेरू मट्ठे यानी अवं वापस एजनोईं, पन तुस न लेई बटेले।
23 And they will say to you, Lo here! and lo there! go not after them, nor follow them.
लोक तुसन सेइं ज़ोले कि, ‘हेरा, मसीह इड़ीए,’ या ‘उड़ीए या हेरा तै इड़ीए!’ पन तुस तैरां न गेइयथ ते न तैन पत्ती न च़ेलथ।
24 For as the lightning flashing from one quarter under heaven, shineth to another quarter under heaven; so shall the Son of man also be at his day.
किजोकि ज़ेन्च़रे बिजली अम्बरे मरां चेमकतां एक्की पासेरां होरि पासे च़ली गाचे, तेन्च़रे मैनेरू मट्ठू यानी अवं तैस दिहैड़ी बांदो भोलो।
25 But he must first suffer many things, and be rejected by this generation.
पन ज़रूरीए कि तै पेइले दुःख झ़ैल्ले ते इस ज़मानेरे लोक तैस घटिया समझ़न।
26 And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it also be in the days of the coming of the Son of man.
ते ज़ेरू इश्शे पूर्वज नूहेरे ज़माने मां भोरू थियूं, तेरहु मैनेरे मट्ठेरे ज़माने मां भी भोलू।
27 They did eat, they drank, they married, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the deluge came, and destroyed them all.
तेइस भी लोक खाते पीते थिये ते ड्ला भोंते रहते थिये। ते ज़ां तगर नूह किश्ती मां न थियो जोरो तांतगर सब किछ भोतू राव। ते फिरी तूफान अव ते सब किछ खतम भोइ जेवं।
28 Even so, likewise, it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
ते ज़ेरू इश्शे पूर्वज लूतेरे ज़माने मां भोरू थियूं, कि लोक खाते पीते थिये बुपार केरते, बागां लाते ते घरां बनाने मां मघन थिये।
29 but the day Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.
पन ज़ैस दिहैड़ी लूत सदोम नगरे मरां बेइर निस्सो त पत्रोवं अम्बरेरां गंधकेरी अग बैखतां सब किछ खतम केरि छ़डू।
30 Just so will it be in the day when the Son of man shall be revealed.
ते मैनेरे मट्ठू यानी मेरू वापस एजनू भी अचानक भोलू।
31 In that day, let not the man who is upon the roof, and his goods in the house, go down to carry them away: and he that is in the field, in like manner, let him not return for any things behind him.
“तैस दिहैड़ी ज़ै लाए पुड़ भोलो त तैसेरो माल सबाब अगर घरे मां भोलो त तैस नेने तै अन्तर न एज्जे, ते ज़ै ऊडारे मां भोलो तै भी वापस न गाए।
32 Remember Lot’s wife.
लूतेरी कुआन्शी सेइं कुन भोवं याद रख्खा।
33 Whosoever seeketh to preserve his life shall lose it; and whosoever would lose it, shall preserve it.
ज़ै अपनि जान बच़ांनेरी कोशिश केरेलो तै तैस गुवालो, ते ज़ै तैस गुवालो तै तैस बच़ालो।
34 I tell you, in that night two shall be in the same bed; the one shall be seized, and the other dismissed. Two women shall be grinding together: the one shall be seized, and the other dismissed.
अवं तुसन सेइं ज़ोताईं कि तैस राती दूई मैन्हु एक्की खट्टी पुड़ झ़ुल्लोरे भोले, ते अक नीयो गालो, ते दुइयोवं तैड़ी रालो।
35 Two shall be in the field; the one shall be seized, and the other dismissed.
दूई कुआन्शां हिट्लाट पइती भोली त अक नेनीए ते अक तैड़ी छ़डनियें।
दूई मैन्हु ऊडारे मां भोले त अक नेनोए ते अक तैड़ी छ़डनोए।”
37 And they answering, said to him, Where, Lord? And he said, Wherever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
एन शुन्तां तैनेईं यीशुए पुच़्छ़ू, “हे प्रभु असन सेइं ज़ो, एन कोड़ि भोलू?” यीशुए तैन ज़ोवं, “ज़ैड़ी ज़िग्ग भोते तैड़ी इल्लां जम्हां भोइचन।”

< Luke 17 >