< Acts 25 >

1 WHEN Festus then was come into the province, after three days he went up to Jerusalem from Caesarea.
Niwo Festo ejile egila mwiJimbo elyo na Jejile jatulao nsiku esatu agandele okusoka Kaisaria kukinga Yerusalemu.
2 And the high-priest and the principal persons among the Jews informed him against Paul, and entreated him,
Omugabhisi mukulu wa Bhayaudi ali masika bhaletele amalila ga Paulo ku Festo, nabhaikile kwa managa KU Festo.
3 begging it as a favour from him, that he would send him back to Jerusalem, lying in wait for him to kill him on the road.
Nibhamusabhwa Festo echigongo ingulu ye misango ja Paulo abhone okumubhilikila Yerusalemu koleleki bhabhone okumwita mu njila.
4 Then Festus answered, that Paul should be kept in custody at Caesarea, and that he himself was going thither shortly.
Mbe nawe Festo nasubhya ati Paulo aliga mubhoywa mu Kaisaria, na ati omwenene atakusubhayo eyo bhwangu.
5 Let therefore, said he, those among you who are able, go down with me, and accuse him, if there be anything criminal in this man.
Aikile “kulwejo, bhalya bhanu abhatula, okugenda eyo neswe. Alabha chilio chinu chibhibhi ku munu unu, kubheile okumusitaka.”
6 And after staying with them more than ten days, he went down to Caesarea; and on the morrow seated on the bench, commanded Paul to be brought.
Ejile enyanja naku munana amwi okwambhuka ekumi, nasubha Kaisaria. No lunaku lunu lwalubhie Nenyanja KU chitebhe cha indamu no kulagilila Paulo aletwe KU mwene.
7 And on his appearing, the Jews who came down from Jerusalem surrounded him, and laid many and heavy accusations against Paul, which they were not able to prove.
Ejile akinga, abhayaudi okusoka Yerusalemu nibhemelegulu ayei, nibhasosha amasitaka mafu masito ganu bhatatulile kugakomelesha.
8 But he pleaded in his defence, That neither against the law of the Jews, nor against the temple, nor against Caesar, have I committed the least offence.
Paulo nelilila no kwaika, 'Atali ni kwa ingulu ya lisina lwa abhayaudi, nolwo atali ingulu ya iyekalu, na atali ingulu ya Kaisaria, nikolele kubhibhi.'
9 Then Festus, desirous of ingratiating himself with the Jews, replying to Paul, said, Wilt thou go up unto Jerusalem, and there be judged of these things before me?
Nawe Festo aliga nenda okwikondya ku Bhayaudi, na kwibhyo namusubhya Paulo kwo kwaika, 'Angu, owenda okuja Yerusalemu no kulamulwa nanye okulubhana na masango ganu eyo?'
10 Then said Paul, I am standing before the tribunal of Caesar, where I have a right to be judged: against the Jews I have committed no offence, as thou also clearly perceivest.
Paulo aikile, 'Enimelegulu imbhele ye chitebhe cha indamu echa Kaisaria nolwo kutyo jinyiile okulamulwa. Nichali kubhanyamulila abhayaudi, lwa kutyo awe Umenyele kisi.
11 For indeed if I have committed any crime, or done aught worthy of death, I object not to be put to death: but if there is nothing in those things whereof they accuse me, no man dare gratify them by abandoning me to them.
Nikabha ninyamue Alabha nikolele jinu jiile olufu, nitakulema kufwa. Mbe nawe Alabha obhubheelesha bhebhwe chitali chinu, atalio munu unu katula okuntula kubhene. Enimulola Kaisaria.
12 I appeal unto Caesar. Then Festus, after conferring with the council, answered, Hast thou appealed to Caesar? to Caesar shalt thou go.
'Festo ejile amala okwaika na bhe china nasubhya, “Oumusabhwa Kaisaria; oujo kuja ku Kaisaria.”
13 Now when some days were passed, Agrippa and Bernice came to Caesarea to salute Festus.
Jejile jatulao naku nyafuo, Omukama Agripa na Bernike bhakingile Kaisaria okukola olugendo lunu lukomelesibhwe ku Festo.
14 And as their stay there was extended to a considerable time, Festus communicated to the king Paul’s affairs, saying, There is a certain man left by Felix, a prisoner:
Ejile enyanja ao kwa naku nyafu, Festo asilile ikesi ya Paulo ku mukama; Naika, 'omunu umwi asigilwe Anu na Feliki kuti mubhoywa.
15 against whom when I was at Jerusalem, the high-priest and the elders of the Jews appeared, desiring judgment against him.
Anu naliga nili Yerusalemu abhagabhisi Abhakulu na abhakaluka bhe chiyaudi bhaletele amasitaka ingulu yo munu unu kwanye, abhene nibhabhusha ingulu ya indamu yo kulubhana nage.
16 To whom I replied, That it was not customary for Romans to give up any man gratuitously to destruction, before that the person accused should have his accusers produced face to face, and be allowed opportunity to defend himself against the charge.
Ku linu anye nasubhishe ati jitali ntungwa ja bharumi okumusosha omunu kwa isolole yo mwene-la, omunu we chikayo eile okubha no mwanya gwo kubhabhona bhanu bhamusitakile no kwililila ingulu ye bhusitaki obho.
17 When therefore they were come here together, making no demur, the very next day I sat on the tribunal, and commanded the man to be brought.
Kulwejo, bhejile bhejila amwi anu nitatulile kulindilila nawe Olunaku lunu lwalubhie nenyanjile ku chitebhe cha indamu no kulagilila omunu oyo aletwe munda.
18 Against whom his accusers standing forth, brought no charge of such things as I expected:
Mu mwanya abhasitaki nibhemelegulu no kumusitaka, neganilisishe ati gatalio masitaka manene ganu galetelwe ku mwene.
19 but only pleaded against him certain disputes about their own mode of religious worship, and about one Jesus, who was dead, whom Paul affirmed to be alive.
Okumala, bhaliga bhali na jimamba ndebhe amwi nage okulubhana na idini yebhwe no kulubhana na Yesu unu aliga afuye, nawe Paulo kelesha ati Ni muanga.
20 But being in doubt respecting a question of this sort, I demanded if he would go to Jerusalem, and there be judged of these things.
Naliga nifundikiwe ingulu yo kugumenya omusango gunu, nimubhusha alabha akagendele Yerusalemu okulamulwa okulubhana ne misango jinu.
21 But Paul appealing that he should be reserved for the cognizance of Augustus, I ordered him to be kept in custody until I should send him to Caesar.
Mbe nawe Paulo ejile abhilikilwa natebhwa mu bhulindi ingulu yo obhulamusi bho mukama, nalagilie atulwe kukinga Anu nakamusile ku Kaisari.
22 Then Agrippa said to Festus, I wish also myself to hear the man. He said, To-morrow thou shalt hear him.
'Agripa aikile na Festo,”Naliga nendele one nimutegeleshe omunu unu.” “Festo, naika, “Mutondo oumutegelesha.”
23 On the morrow therefore, when Agrippa was come, and Bernice, with a very splendid retinue, and were entered into the place of audience, with the military tribunes, and the men of superior eminence in the city, then at the order of Festus Paul was produced.
Kwibhyo bhilwe bhuchee, Agripa na Barnike bhakinga no lumula lwafu, bhejile bhakinga mwigalagalilo na bhechibhalo bhe chisilikale, na bhanu masika bho musi. Festo ejile alagilila Paulo naletwa KU bhene.
24 And Festus said, King Agrippa, and all you, sirs, who are present with us, behold the man, concerning whom the whole multitude of the Jews have set upon me, both at Jerusalem and in this place, clamouring that he ought not to live a moment longer.
Festo naika, “mukama Agripa, na bhanu bhona bhanu bhali amwi neswe anu, omumulola omunu unu; Imbaga yona eya bhayaudi eyo Yerusalemu na Anu one abhenda nibhasakile, na bhene nibhansekanila ati asige ukulama.
25 But finding on inquiry that he had done nothing worthy of death, and he himself indeed having appealed to Augustus, I have determined to send him.
Nindola ati atakolele lyona lyona linu lyaliga liile olufu; Mbe nawe kulwa insonga amubhilikie Omukama, nalamue okumusila ewae.
26 Respecting whom I have nothing determinate to write to my sovereign. Wherefore I have brought him forth before you, and especially before thee, king Agrippa, that on a fresh examination taken, I might have something to write.
Mbe nawe nitana chinu abhwelu echo kwandika ku mukama. Kulwa insonga inu, namuleta kwawe awe, Omukama Agripa, koleleki nibhone echinu cho kwandika okulubhana na ikesi.
27 For it appears to me highly unreasonable to send a prisoner, and not also signify the charges against him.
Kulwo kubha enilola itana nsonga yo kumusila omubhoywa obhutelesha amashitaka ganu gamwiile.

< Acts 25 >