< Luke 1 >

1 Inasmuch as many took it in hand to present a history concerning these things which have been fulfilled among us,
Gǝrqǝ nurƣun adǝmlǝr arimizda mutlǝⱪ ixǝnqlik dǝp ⱪaralƣan ixlarni toplap yezixⱪa kirixkǝn bolsimu,
2 as those being eyewitnesses and ministers of the Word have delivered unto us;
(huddi sɵz-kalamƣa baxtin-ahir ɵz kɵzi bilǝn guwaⱨqi bolƣanlar, xundaⱪla uni saⱪlap yǝtküzgüqilǝrning bizgǝ amanǝt ⱪilƣan bayanliridǝk),
3 it seemed good to me also, having followed carefully all things from the beginning, to write unto thee consecutively, O most noble Theophilus,
mǝnmu barliⱪ ixlarni baxtin tǝpsiliy tǝkxürüp eniⱪliƣandin keyin, i ⱨɵrmǝtlik Teofilus janabliri, siligǝ bu ixlarni tǝrtipi boyiqǝ yezixni layiⱪ taptim.
4 in order that thou mayest know the certainty of the words concerning which thou hast been instructed.
Buningdin mǝⱪsǝt, sili ⱪobul ⱪilƣan tǝlimlǝrning mutlǝⱪ ⱨǝⱪiⱪǝt ikǝnlikigǝ jǝzm ⱪilixliri üqündur.
5 There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judea, a certain priest, by name Zacharias, of the course of Ahijah, and his wife of the daughters of Aaron, and her name Elizabeth.
Yǝⱨudiyǝ ɵlkisigǝ padixaⱨ bolƣan Ⱨerod sǝltǝnǝt ⱪilƣan künliridǝ, «Abiya» kaⱨinliⱪ nɵwitidin bir kaⱨin bar bolup, ismi Zǝkǝriya idi. Uning ayalimu Ⱨarunning ǝwladidin bolup, ismi Elizabit idi.
6 And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord, blameless.
Ular ikkisi Hudaning alidida ⱨǝⱪⱪaniy kixilǝr bolup, Pǝrwǝrdigarning pütün ǝmr-bǝlgilimiliri boyiqǝ ǝyibsiz mangatti.
7 And there was no child to them, as Elizabeth was barren, and both were advanced in their days.
Əmma Elizabit tuƣmas bolƣaqⱪa, ular pǝrzǝnt kɵrmigǝnidi. Uning üstigǝ ular ikkisi helila yaxinip ⱪalƣanidi.
8 And it came to pass, while he was officiating in the order of his course before God,
U ɵz türkümidiki kaⱨinlar arisida [ibadǝthanida] nɵwǝtqilik wǝzipisini Huda aldida ada ⱪiliwatⱪanda,
9 (according to the custom of the priesthood he was chosen by lot to offer incense), having gone into the temple of the Lord;
[xu qaƣdiki] kaⱨinliⱪ aditi boyiqǝ, ular Pǝrwǝrdigarning «muⱪǝddǝs jay»iƣa kirip huxbuy selixⱪa muyǝssǝr boluxⱪa qǝk taxliƣanda xundaⱪ boldiki, qǝk uningƣa qiⱪti.
10 and all the multitude of the people were praying without at the hour of incense;
Əmdi u huxbuy seliwatⱪan waⱪtida, jamaǝt taxⱪirida turup dua ⱪilixiwatatti.
11 the angel of the Lord appeared unto him standing on the right hand of the altar of incense:
Tuyuⱪsiz Pǝrwǝrdigarning bir pǝrixtisi uningƣa huxbuygaⱨning ong tǝripidǝ kɵründi.
12 and Zacharias was troubled seeing him, and fear fell on him.
Uni kɵrgǝn Zǝkǝriya ⱨoduⱪup ⱪorⱪunqⱪa qɵmüp kǝtti.
13 And the angel said to him; Fear not, Zacharias; because thy prayer has been heard, and thy wife Elizabeth shall bring forth a son to thee, and thou shalt call his name John.
Biraⱪ pǝrixtǝ uningƣa: — Əy Zǝkǝriya, ⱪorⱪmiƣin! Qünki tiliking ijabǝt ⱪilindi, ayaling Elizabit sanga bir oƣul tuƣup beridu, sǝn uning ismini Yǝⱨya ⱪoyƣin.
14 And there shall be joy and rejoicing, and many shall rejoice at his birth.
U sanga xad-huramliⱪ elip kelidu, uning dunyaƣa kelixi bilǝn nurƣun kixilǝr xadlinidu.
15 For he shall be great before the Lord; and he shall not drink wine and strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost even from the womb of his mother.
Qünki u Pǝrwǝrdigarning nǝziridǝ uluƣ bolidu. U ⱨeqⱪandaⱪ ⱨaraⱪ-xarab iqmǝsliki kerǝk; ⱨǝtta anisining ⱪorsiⱪidiki waⱪtidin tartipmu Muⱪǝddǝs Roⱨⱪa toldurulƣan bolidu.
16 And he will turn many of the sons of Israel to the Lord, their God.
U Israillardin nurƣunlirini Pǝrwǝrdigar Hudasining yeniƣa ⱪayturidu.
17 And he will go before Him in the spirit and Power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient unto the understanding of the righteous, to prepare a people made ready for the Lord.
U [Rǝbning] aldida Iliyas pǝyƣǝmbǝrgǝ has bolƣan roⱨ wǝ küq-ⱪudrǝttǝ bolup, atilarning ⱪǝlblirini balilarƣa mayil ⱪilip, itaǝtsizlǝrni ⱨǝⱪⱪaniylarning aⱪilanilikigǝ kirgüzüp, Rǝb üqün tǝyyarlanƣan bir hǝlⱪni ⱨazir ⱪilix üqün uning aldida mangidu, — dedi.
18 And Zacharias said to the angel: According to what shall I know this? for I am old and my wife advanced in her days.
Zǝkǝriya bolsa pǝrixtidin: Mǝnmu ⱪerip ⱪalƣan, ayalimmu heli yaxinip ⱪalƣan tursa, bu ixni ⱪandaⱪ jǝzm ⱪilalaymǝn? — dǝp soridi.
19 And the angel responding said to him; I am Gabriel standing in the presence of God, and am sent to speak to you and to preach to you these things.
Pǝrixtǝ jawabǝn: — Mǝn Hudaning ⱨuzurida turƣuqi Jǝbrailmǝn. Sanga sɵz ⱪilixⱪa, bu hux hǝwǝrni sanga yǝtküzüxkǝ mǝn ǝwǝtildim.
20 And behold thou shalt be dumb and unable to speak, unto the day upon which these things may take place; because thou didst not believe my words, which shall be fulfilled in their time.
Waⱪit-saiti kǝlgǝndǝ qoⱪum ǝmǝlgǝ axurulidiƣan bu sɵzlirimgǝ ixǝnmigǝnliking tüpǝylidin, bu ixlar ǝmǝlgǝ axurulƣan künigiqǝ mana sǝn tiling tutulup, zuwanƣa kelǝlmǝysǝn, — dedi.
21 And the people were waiting for Zacharias, and were wondering because he tarries in the temple.
Əmdi jamaǝt Zǝkǝriyani kütüp turatti; ular u muⱪǝddǝs jayda nemǝ üqün bunqiwala ⱨayal boldi, dǝp ⱨǝyran ⱪalƣili turdi.
22 And having come out he was unable to speak to them; and they recognized that he had seen a vision in the temple; and he was beckoning to them and remained dumb.
U qiⱪⱪanda ularƣa gǝp ⱪilalmidi; uning ularƣa ⱪol ixarǝtlirini ⱪilixidin, xundaⱪla zuwan sürǝlmigǝnlikidin ular uning muⱪǝddǝs jayda birǝr alamǝt kɵrünüxni kɵrgǝnlikini qüxinip yǝtti.
23 And it came to pass when the days of his ministry were fulfilled, he went away to his own house.
Xundaⱪ boldiki, uning [ibadǝthanidiki] hizmǝt mudditi toxuxi bilǝnla, u ɵyigǝ ⱪaytti.
24 And after these days Elizabeth, his wife, conceived, and hid herself five months, saying,
Dǝrwǝⱪǝ, birnǝqqǝ kündin keyin uning ayali Elizabit ⱨamilidar boldi; u bǝx ayƣiqǝ tala-tüzgǝ qiⱪmay:
25 That the Lord so hath done unto me, in the days in which He condescended to take away my reproach among men.
«Əmdi Pǝrwǝrdigar mening ⱨalimƣa nǝzirini qüxürüp, meni halayiⱪ arisida nomusⱪa ⱪelixtin halas ⱪilip, manga bu künlǝrdǝ xunqilik xapaǝt kɵrsǝtti» — dedi.
26 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee, to which was the name
[Elizabit ⱨamilidar bolup] altǝ ay bolƣanda, pǝrixtǝ Jǝbrail Huda tǝripidin Galiliyǝ ɵlkisidiki Nasarǝt degǝn bir xǝⱨǝrgǝ, pak bir ⱪizning ⱪexiƣa ǝwǝtildi. Ⱪiz bolsa Dawut [padixaⱨning] jǝmǝtidin bolƣan Yüsüp isimlik bir kixigǝ deyixip ⱪoyulƣanidi; ⱪizning ismi bolsa Mǝryǝm idi.
27 Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man, to whom was the name Joseph of the house of David; and the name of the virgin was Mary.
28 And the angel having come to her said; Hail, thou blessed one; the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women.
Jǝbrail uning aldiƣa kirip uningƣa: — Salam sanga, ǝy xǝpⱪǝtkǝ muyǝssǝr bolƣan ⱪiz! Pǝrwǝrdigar sanga yardur! — dedi.
29 And she seeing was troubled over his word, and was reasoning what kind this salutation might be.
U pǝrixtini kɵrgǝndǝ, uning sɵzidin bǝk ⱨoduⱪup kǝtti, kɵnglidǝ bundaⱪ salam sɵzi zadi nemini kɵrsitidiƣandu, dǝp oylap ⱪaldi.
30 And the angel said to her; Fear not, Mary; for thou didst find favor with God.
Pǝrixtǝ uningƣa: — Əy Mǝryǝm, ⱪorⱪmiƣin. Sǝn Huda aldida xǝpⱪǝt tapⱪansǝn.
31 And behold, thou shalt conceive and hear a son, and thou shalt call His name Jesus.
Mana, sǝn ⱨamilidar bolup bir oƣul tuƣisǝn, sǝn uning ismini Əysa dǝp ⱪoyisǝn.
32 He shall be great and shall be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His father David:
U uluƣ bolidu, Ⱨǝmmidin Aliy Bolƣuqining oƣli dǝp atilidu; wǝ Pǝrwǝrdigar Huda uningƣa atisi Dawutning tǝhtini ata ⱪilidu.
33 and He shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His Kingdom there shall be no end. (aiōn g165)
U Yaⱪupning jǝmǝti üstigǝ mǝnggü sǝltǝnǝt ⱪilidu, uning padixaⱨliⱪi tügimǝstur, — dedi. (aiōn g165)
34 And Mary said to the angel; How shall this be, since I know not man?
Mǝryǝm ǝmdi pǝrixtidin: — Mǝn tehi ǝr kixigǝ tǝgmigǝn tursam, bu ix ⱪandaⱪmu mumkin bolsun? — dǝp soridi.
35 And the angel responding said to her; The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee; therefore, indeed, that holy thing that is begotten shall be called the Son of God.
Pǝrixtǝ uningƣa jawabǝn: — Muⱪǝddǝs Roⱨ sening wujudungƣa qüxidu wǝ Ⱨǝmmidin Aliy Bolƣuqining küq-ⱪudriti sanga sayǝ bolup yeⱪinlixidu. Xunga, sǝndin tuƣulidiƣan muⱪǝddǝs [pǝrzǝnt] Hudaning Oƣli dǝp atilidu.
36 And behold Elizabeth thy kinswoman, indeed, herself having conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month, to her who is called barren.
Wǝ mana, tuƣⱪining Elizabitmu yaxinip ⱪalƣan bolsimu, oƣulƣa ⱨamilidar boldi; tuƣmas deyilgüqining ⱪorsaⱪ kɵtürginigǝ ⱨazir altǝ ay bolup ⱪaldi.
37 Because no word shall be impossible with God.
Qünki Huda bilǝn ⱨeqⱪandaⱪ ix mumkin bolmay ⱪalmaydu, — dedi.
38 And Mary said; Behold the handmaiden of the Lord; may it be done unto me according to thy word. And the angel went away from her.
Mǝryǝm: — Mana Pǝrwǝrdigarning dedikimǝn; manga sɵzüng boyiqǝ bolsun, — dedi. Xuning bilǝn pǝrixtǝ uning yenidin kǝtti.
39 And Mary, rising, departed into the mountainous land, with haste, into a city of Judah.
Mǝryǝm xu künlǝrdǝ ornidin ⱪopup aldirap Yǝⱨudiyǝ taƣliⱪ rayonidiki bir xǝⱨǝrgǝ bardi.
40 And she came into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth.
U Zǝkǝriyaning ɵyigǝ kirip, Elizabitⱪa salam bǝrdi.
41 And it came to pass when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant in her womb leaped; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit; and she spoke with a loud voice and said;
Wǝ xundaⱪ boldiki, Elizabit Mǝryǝmning salimini angliƣandila, ⱪorsiⱪidiki bowaⱪ oynaⱪlap kǝtti. Elizabit bolsa Muⱪǝddǝs Roⱨⱪa toldurulup, yuⱪiri awaz bilǝn tǝntǝnǝ ⱪilip mundaⱪ dedi: — Ⱪiz-ayallar iqidǝ bǝhtliktursǝn, ⱪorsiⱪingdiki mewimu bǝhtliktur!
42 Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
43 And whence is this to me that the mother of my Lord may come unto me?
Manga xundaⱪ [xǝrǝp] nǝdin kǝldikin, Rǝbbimning anisi bolƣuqi meni yoⱪlap kǝldi!
44 For behold when the voice of your salutation came into my ears, the infant in my womb leaped with joy.
Qünki mana, saliming ⱪuliⱪimƣa kirgǝndila, ⱪorsiⱪimdiki bowaⱪ sɵyünüp oynaⱪlap kǝtti.
45 And blessed is she that believeth, because there shall be a perfection to those things having been spoken to her by the Lord.
Ixǝngǝn ⱪiz nǝⱪǝdǝr bǝhtliktur; qünki uningƣa Pǝrwǝrdigar tǝripidin eytilƣan sɵz jǝzmǝn ǝmǝlgǝ axurulidu!
46 And Mary said; My soul doth magnify the Lord,
Mǝryǝmmu hux bolup mundaⱪ dedi: — «Jenim Rǝbni uluƣlaydu,
47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour,
roⱨim Ⱪutⱪuzƣuqim Hudadin xadlandi,
48 because He looked upon the low state of his handmaiden.
Qünki U dedikining miskin ⱨaliƣa nǝzǝr saldi; Qünki mana, xundin baxlap barliⱪ dǝwrlǝr meni bǝhtlik dǝp ataydu;
49 For behold from now all generations call me blessed; because the Mighty One did great things unto me, and His name is holy;
Qünki Ⱪadir Bolƣuqi mǝn üqün uluƣ ixlarni ǝmǝlgǝ axurdi; Muⱪǝddǝstur Uning nami.
50 and His mercy unto generation of generations to them that fear Him.
Uning rǝⱨim-xǝpⱪiti dǝwrdin-dǝwrgiqǝ Ɵzidin ⱪorⱪidiƣanlarning üstididur,
51 He wrought power by his own arm; he dispersed the proud in the thought of their heart.
U biliki bilǝn küq-ⱪudritini namayan ⱪildi, U tǝkǝbburlarni kɵnglidiki niyǝt-hiyalliri iqidila tarmar ⱪildi.
52 He cast down the mighty from thrones and exalted the humble.
U küqlük ⱨɵkümdarlarni tǝhtidin qüxürdi, Peⱪirlarni egiz kɵtürdi.
53 He filled the poor with good things, and sent away the rich empty.
U aqlarni nazi-nemǝtlǝr bilǝn toyundurdi, Lekin baylarni ⱪuruⱪ ⱪol ⱪayturdi.
54 He delivered his son Israel, to remember mercy,
55 as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and his seed forever. (aiōn g165)
U ata-bowilirimizƣa eytⱪinidǝk, Yǝni Ibraⱨim ⱨǝm uning nǝsligǝ mǝnggü wǝdǝ ⱪilƣinidǝk, U Ɵz rǝⱨim-xǝpⱪitini esidǝ tutup, Ⱪuli Israilƣa yardǝmgǝ kǝldi». (aiōn g165)
56 And Mary remained with her about three months, and returned to her own house.
Mǝryǝm Elizabitning yenida üq ayqǝ turup, ɵz ɵyigǝ ⱪaytti.
57 And the time of her parturition was fulfilled unto Elizabeth and she brought forth a son.
Elizabitning tuƣutining ay-küni toxup, bir oƣul tuƣdi.
58 And the neighbors and her relatives heard, that the Lord was magnifying His mercy with her, and they continued to rejoice with her.
Əmdi uning ⱪolum-ⱪoxniliri wǝ uruⱪ-tuƣⱪanliri Pǝrwǝrdigarning uningƣa kɵrsǝtkǝn meⱨir-xǝpⱪitini xunqǝ ulƣaytⱪanliⱪini anglap, uning bilǝn tǝng xadlandi.
59 And it came to pass on the eighth day, they came to circumcise the little child; and they were calling him Zacharias, after the name of his father.
Wǝ xundaⱪ boldiki, bowaⱪ tuƣulup sǝkkiz kün bolƣanda, halayiⱪ balining hǝtnisini ⱪilƣili kǝldi. Ular uningƣa Zǝkǝriya dǝp atisining ismini ⱪoymaⱪqi boluxti.
60 And his mother responding said; No, but he shall be called John.
Lekin anisi jawabǝn: — Yaⱪ! Ismi Yǝⱨya atalsun — dedi.
61 And they said to her; That there is no one among thy kindred who is called by this name.
Ular uningƣa: — Biraⱪ uruⱪ-jǝmǝtingiz iqidǝ bundaⱪ isimdikilǝr yoⱪⱪu! — deyixti.
62 And they were beckoning to his father, what he might wish to call him.
Xuning bilǝn ular balining atisidin pǝrzǝntingizgǝ nemǝ isim ⱪoyuxni halaysiz, dǝp ixarǝt bilǝn soraxti.
63 And having asked for a writing tablet, he wrote saying; His name is John.
U bir parqǝ [mom] tahtayni ǝkilixni tǝlǝp ⱪilip: «Uning ismi Yǝⱨyadur» dǝp yazdi. Ⱨǝmmǝylǝn intayin ⱨǝyran ⱪelixti.
64 And all marveled. And his mouth immediately opened and his tongue loosed, and he continued to speak, praising God.
Xuan uning aƣzi eqildi, uning tili yexilip, zuwanƣa kǝldi wǝ xuning bilǝn Hudaƣa tǝxǝkkür-mǝdⱨiyǝ eytti.
65 And fear came upon all of those dwelling around; and all these words were spoken abroad in all the mountainous regions of Judea.
Ularning ɵpqürisidikilǝrning ⱨǝmmisini ⱪorⱪunq basti; Yǝⱨudiyǝ taƣliⱪ rayonlirida bu ixlarning ⱨǝmmisi ǝl aƣzida pur kǝtti.
66 And all those hearing placed them in their heart, saying; What then shall this little child be? And the hand of the Lord was with him.
Bu ixlardin hǝwǝr tapⱪuqilarning ⱨǝmmisi ularni kɵngligǝ püküp: «Bu bala zadi ⱪandaⱪ adǝm bolar?» deyixti. Qünki Pǝrwǝrdigarning ⱪoli dǝrwǝⱪǝ uningƣa yar idi.
67 And Zacharias his father was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied saying;
Xu qaƣda balining atisi Zǝkǝriya Muⱪǝddǝs Roⱨⱪa toldurulup, wǝⱨiy-bexarǝtni yǝtküzüp, mundaⱪ dedi: —
68 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, because He looked upon us and wrought redemption to His people, and raised up unto us a horn of salvation
«Israilning Hudasi Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa tǝxǝkkür-mǝdⱨiyǝ oⱪulsun! Qünki U Ɵz hǝlⱪini yoⱪlap, ulardin hǝwǝr elip, bǝdǝl tɵlǝp ularni ⱨɵr ⱪildi.
69 in the house of David His son.
70 As he spoke through the mouth of His holy prophets from the beginning; (aiōn g165)
U ⱪǝdimdin beri muⱪǝddǝs pǝyƣǝmbǝrlirining aƣzi arⱪiliⱪ wǝdǝ ⱪilƣinidǝk, Ⱪuli bolƣan Dawutning jǝmǝti iqidin biz üqün bir nijat münggüzini ɵstürüp turƣuzdi; Bu zat bizni düxmǝnlirimizdin wǝ bizni ɵq kɵridiƣanlarning ⱪolidin ⱪutⱪuzƣuqi nijattur. (aiōn g165)
71 salvation from our enemies, and from the hand of all those who hate us,
72 to execute mercy with our fathers, and remember His holy covenant,
U xu yol bilǝn ata-bowilirimizƣa iltipat ǝylǝp, Muⱪǝddǝs ǝⱨdisini ǝmǝlgǝ axurux üqün, Yǝni atimiz Ibraⱨimƣa bolƣan ⱪǝsimini esidǝ tutup, Bizni düxmǝnlirining ⱪolidin azad ⱪilip, Barliⱪ künlirimizdǝ ⱨeqkimdin ⱪorⱪmay, Ɵz aldida ihlasmǝnlik wǝ ⱨǝⱪⱪaniyliⱪ bilǝn, Hizmǝt-ibaditidǝ bolidiƣan ⱪildi.
73 the oath which He swore to Abraham our father:
74 to grant unto us, having been delivered out of the hand of our enemies, to serve Him without fear,
75 in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life.
76 And thou, little child, shall be called a prophet of the Highest; for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways,
Əmdi sǝn, i balam, Ⱨǝmmidin Aliy Bolƣuqining pǝyƣǝmbiri dǝp atilisǝn; Qünki sǝn Rǝbning yollirini tǝyyarlax üqün Uning aldida mangisǝn.
77 to give knowledge of salvation to His people in remission of their sins,
Wǝzipǝng uning hǝlⱪigǝ gunaⱨlirining kǝqürüm ⱪilinixi arⱪiliⱪ bolidiƣan nijatning hǝwirini bildürüxtür;
78 through the bowels of mercy of our God, in which the dayspring from on high looked upon us,
Qünki Hudayimizning iqi-baƣridin urƣup qiⱪⱪan xǝpⱪǝtlǝr wǝjidin, Ⱪarangƣuluⱪ wǝ ɵlüm kɵlǝnggisi iqidǝ olturƣanlarni yorutux üqün, Putlirimizni amanliⱪ yoliƣa baxlax üqün, Ərxtin tang xǝpiⱪi üstimizgǝ qüxüp yoⱪlidi.
79 to appear unto those sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death, to direct our feet in the way of peace.
80 And the little child continued to grow and waxed strong in spirit; and was in the deserts until the day of his showing unto Israel.
Bala bolsa ɵsüp, roⱨta küqlǝndürüldi. U Israil jamaitining aldida namayan ⱪilinƣuqǝ qɵllǝrdǝ yaxap kǝldi.

< Luke 1 >