< Zechariah 7 >

1 And in the fourth yeere of King Darius, the worde of the Lord came vnto Zechariah in the fourth day of the ninth moneth, euen in Chisleu,
Pripetilo se je v četrtem letu kralja Dareja, da je Gospodova beseda prišla Zahariju na četrti dan devetega meseca, torej v kislévu,
2 For they had sent vnto the House of God Sharezer, and Regem-melech and their men to pray before the Lord,
ko so poslali v Božjo hišo Sarécerja in Regem Meleha in njune može, da molijo pred Gospodom
3 And to speake vnto the Priests, which were in the House of the Lord of hostes, and to the Prophets, saying, Should I weepe in the fift moneth, and separate my selfe as I haue done these so many yeeres?
in da govorijo duhovnikom, ki so bili v hiši Gospoda nad bojevniki in prerokom, rekoč: »Ali naj bi jokal v petem mesecu in se zadrževal, kot sem to počel ta mnoga leta?«
4 Then came the word of the Lord of hostes vnto me, saying,
Potem je prišla k meni beseda Gospoda nad bojevniki, rekoč:
5 Speake vnto all the people of the land, and to the Priests, and say, When ye fasted, and mourned in the fift and seuenth moneth, euen the seuentie yeeres, did ye fast vnto me? doe I approoue it?
»Govori vsemu ljudstvu dežele in duhovnikom, rekoč: ›Ko ste se postili in žalovali v petem in sedmem mesecu, celo teh sedemdeset let, ali ste se sploh postili meni, celó zame?
6 And when ye did eate, and when ye did drinke, did ye not eate for your selues, and drinke for your selues?
In ko ste jedli in ko ste pili, mar niste jedli zase in pili zase?
7 Should ye not heare the wordes, which the Lord hath cryed by the ministerie of the former Prophets when Ierusalem was inhabited, and in prosperitie, and the cities thereof round about her, when the South and the plaine was inhabited?
Mar naj ne bi slišali besed, ki jih je Gospod klical po prejšnjih prerokih, ko je bil Jeruzalem naseljen in v uspevanju in njegova mesta okoli njega, ko so ljudje naseljevali jug in ravnino?‹«
8 And the worde of the Lord came vnto Zechariah, saying,
Gospodova beseda je prišla Zahariju, rekoč:
9 Thus speaketh the Lord of hostes, saying, Execute true iudgement, and shewe mercy and compassion, euery man to his brother,
»Tako govori Gospod nad bojevniki, rekoč: ›Izvajajte resnično sodbo in izkazujte usmiljenje in sočutja vsakdo svojemu bratu,
10 And oppresse not the widowe, nor the fatherles, the stranger nor the poore, and let none of you imagine euil against his brother in your heart.
in ne stiskajte vdove, niti osirotelega, niti tujca, niti revnega, in naj si nihče izmed vas v svojem srcu ne domišlja zla zoper svojega brata.
11 But they refused to hearken, and pulled away the shoulder, and stopped their eares, that they should not heare.
Toda zavrnili so, da bi prisluhnili in odmaknili so ramo in si zamašili svoja ušesa, da ne bi slišali.
12 Yea, they made their hearts as an adamant stone, least they should heare the Lawe and the wordes which the Lord of hostes sent in his spirit by the ministerie of ye former Prophets: therefore came a great wrath from the Lord of hostes.
Da, svoja srca so naredili kakor diamantni kamen, da ne bi slišali postave in besed, ki jih je Gospod nad bojevniki poslal po svojem duhu po prejšnjih prerokih, zato je prišel velik bes od Gospoda nad bojevniki.
13 Therefore it is come to passe, that as he cried, and they would not heare, so they cried, and I would not heare, sayth the Lord of hostes.
Zato se je zgodilo, da kakor je on klical in niso hoteli slišati, tako so klicali in nisem hotel slišati, « govori Gospod nad bojevniki,
14 But I scattered them among all the nations, whom they knew not: thus the land was desolate after them, that no man passed through nor returned: for they layd the pleasant land waste.
»temveč sem jih z vrtinčastim vetrom razkropil med vse narode, ki jih niso poznali. Tako je bila dežela za njimi zapuščena, da noben človek ni šel skoznjo niti se ni vrnil, kajti prijetno deželo so spremenili v opustošeno.«

< Zechariah 7 >