< Zechariah 11 >

1 Open thy doores, O Lebanon, and the fire shall deuoure thy cedars.
Lebanoni kumamoka kafanka'a anagi'negeno tevemo'a sida zafaka'a teno eri hana hino.
2 Houle, firre trees: for the cedar is fallen, because all the mightie are destroyed: houle ye, O okes of Bashan, for ye defesed forest is cut downe.
Saiprisi zafamota zavi krafa hiho, na'ankure sida zafamo'za evuramize. Knare'nare zafaramimo'za mopafinke'za masaze. Basanima me'nana oki zafamoka, zavi krafa huo, na'ankure zafa tanopaka'a ahe huti namati hu'naze.
3 There is the voyce of the houling of the shepherdes: for their glorie is destroyed: the voyce of ye roaring of lyons whelpes: for the pride of Iorden is destroyed.
Sipisipi afu kva vahetmimo'zama zavi krafagema nehazana antahio, na'ankure sipisipi afu'ma kegavama nehaza avonona eri havizantfa nehazageno, kasefa laionimo'za krafage nehaze. Na'ankure Jodani vahe'mo'zama zamavufaga rama nehaza zamo'a haviza hie.
4 Thus sayeth the Lord my God, Feede the sheepe of the slaughter.
Ra Anumzana nagri Anumzamo'a amanage hie, Zamaheginaku'ma avame'zama anteterema hu'naza sipisipi afutamina vunka ome kegava huo.
5 They that possesse them, slay them and sinne not: and they that sell them, say, Blessed be the Lord: for I am riche, and their owne shepherds spare them not.
Ana sipisipi afutamima tesite'za hegi'za eri'zama vaza vahe'mo'za afu'ma ahegi'za zantera zamarimpamo'a kna osige'za ahegiza eri'za vu'naze. Hagi ana sipisipi afutmima zagore'ma atre'za zagoma eriza vahe'mo'za hu'za, Ra Anumzamo'a ra agi erisie, na'ankure tagra zago feno vahe fore hune hu'za nehaze. Hagi sipisipi kva vahe'mo'za ana sipisipigura zamasunkura huozmante'naze.
6 Surely I wil no more spare those that dwell in the land, sayth the Lord: but loe, I will deliuer the men euery one into his neighbours hand, and into the hand of his King: and they shall smite the land, and out of their hands I wil not deliuer them.
Anahukna hu'na ama mopafi vahekura nasunkura osugahue, huno Ra Anumzamo'a nehie. Nagra zamatrenuge'za zamagra zamagra ohefri ahefri nehanageno, zamagri'a kini ne'mo'enena zamahe frigahie. Nagra zamaza hu'na ozamavaresuge'za zamahe hana hanageno mopazmimo'a ka'ma mopa megahie.
7 For I fed the sheepe of slaughter, euen the poore of the flocke, and I tooke vnto me two staues: the one I called Beautie, and the other I called Bandes, and I fed the sheepe.
Ana hazage'na zamahenaku'ma huhamprinte'neza, knazama zami'za zamazeri havizama nehaza sipisipi afu kevumofo kva vahe nagra mani'noe. Ana nehu'na sipisipi kva vahe'mo'zama eneriza azompa tare erite'na, mago azompagura Asunku zane hu'na agia nente'na, mago azompagura Erimago hanune hu'na agi'a antemi'noe.
8 Three shepherdes also I cut off in one moneth, and my soule lothed them, and their soule abhorred me.
Mago ikamofo agu'afi 3'a sipisipi kva vahetmina erizazmifintira zamazeri tre'noe. Na'ankure nagra ana sipisipi kva vahetaminkura mago narimpa huozmantoge'za zamagra zamagote'nante'naze.
9 Then said I, I will not feede you: that that dyeth, let it dye: and that that perisheth, let it perish: and let the remnant eate, euery one the flesh of his neighbour.
Ana hazage'na amanage hu'na zamasmi'noe, Nagra sipisipi kva vahera mani'na tamagrira kegava osugahue. Iza'oma frinaku'ma hanimo'a frisigeno, ahenaku'ma hanaza su'ana ahegahaze. Hagi mani'nazama'amo'za zamagra zamagra ohe ahe hu'za zamavufaga traga hu'za negahaze.
10 And I tooke my staffe, euen Beautie, and brake it, that I might disanull my couenant, which I had made with all people.
Anante Asunkure hu'nama agima antemi'noa azompa amu'nompinti ruhanentagi'na, kokankoka vahetaminema huhagerafi huvempagema hu'noana anante ruhantagi'noe.
11 And it was broken in that day: and so the poore of the sheepe that waited vpon me, knew that it was the worde of the Lord.
Zamagri'enema huhagerafi huvempagema hu'noana e'i ana knare eme vagare'ne. Hagi knazampima mani'naza sipisipi afutamimo'zama ana zama hugezama nege'za, Ra Anumzamo'a amama hia avu'ava zampi huvazino naneke nerasamie hu'za keza antahiza hu'naze.
12 And I said vnto them, If ye thinke it good, giue me my wages: and if no, leaue off: so they weighed for my wages thirtie pieces of siluer.
Anante amanage hu'na zamasami'noe, Tamagrama antahisageno knare'ma hanigeta mizani'a namiho, hagi knare'ma osanigeta azeriho. Anage huge'za kna'a erinte'za kete'za 30'a silva zago nami'naze. (Exodus-Uti 21:32)
13 And the Lord said vnto me, Cast it vnto the potter: a goodly price, that I was valued at of them. And I tooke the thirtie pieces of siluer, and cast them to the potter in the house of the Lord.
Ra Anumzamo'a amanage huno nasami'ne, Ama marerisa zagoma nagri'ma mizama saza zagoa erinka mopa kavoma tro'ma nehia ne' matevunka amio. Anage hige'na ana zagoa eri'na mono nontega vu'na mopa kavoma tro'ma nehia ne' ome mate vumi'noe.
14 Then brake I mine other staffe, euen the Bandes, that I might dissolue the brotherhood betweene Iudah and Israel.
Ana hute'na Juda vahe'ene Israeli vahe'mo'zama koganama huza magopima mani'naza zana ama ruhantague hu'na nehu'na, Erimago hanune hu'nama agima ante'noa azompa eri'na amu'nompinti ruhantagi'noe.
15 And the Lord said vnto me, Take to thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepheard.
Anante Ra Anumzamo'a amanage huno nasami'ne, Ete mago'ene neginagi sipisipi kva vahe'mofo eriza zantamina erio.
16 For loe, I will rayse vp a shepheard in the land, which shall not looke for the thing, that is lost, nor seeke the tender lambes, nor heale that that is hurt, nor feede that that standeth vp: but he shall eate the flesh of the fat, and teare their clawes in pieces.
Hagi keho, menina sipisipi kva vahera kefo sipisipi afu kva vahe azeri oti'za nehue. Ana sipisipi afu kva vahe'mo'a hazenkema eri'nesia sipisipi afu'ene, anenta sipisipi afu'ene, krima eri'nesaza sipisipi afutamina kegava nosuno, knare'ma hu'za mani'naza sipisipi afutaminena ne'zana ozamigahie. Anara osugosianki, afovage sipisipi afutaminke ahegino neno eri hana nehuno agigo azanko'age atregahie.
17 O idole shepheard that leaueth the flocke: the sword shalbe vpon his arme, and vpon his right eye. His arme shall be cleane dryed vp, and his right eye shall be vtterly darkened.
E'inahu kefo sipisipi afu kva vahe'mo'a ra hazenkefi ufregahianki kva hino. Bainati kazinteti aheza azana runekafri'za, tamaga kaziga avurga repro hugahaze.

< Zechariah 11 >