< Song of Solomon 8 >

1 Oh that thou werest as my brother that sucked the brestes of my mother: I would finde thee without, I would kisse thee, then they should not despise thee.
Nenrera amima nenka ra hunka nagri nensarogama mani'nantesina, knare hisine. Na'ankure vahe'mo'za nenagazage'na korora osu, amne kagira antako nehuge'za mago kea osazasine.
2 I will leade thee and bring thee into my mothers house: there thou shalt teache me: and I will cause thee to drinke spiced wine, and newe wine of the pomegranate.
Nagra kavre'na rempima hunami'nea a' nenrera nompinka vusine. Haganentake mnazanteti eri havia hu'nea waini tina kamugenka nenanke'na, haganentake pomigreneti tinena kamugenka nasine.
3 His left hand shalbe vnder mine head, and his right hand shall embrace me.
Hoga kazanu naseni fitara ante harage hunenka, tamaga kazanu nanuki fanki hasine.
4 I charge you, O daughters of Ierusale, that you stir not vp, nor waken my loue, vntil she please.
Jerusalemi kumate a'nemota veamo'ma aravema hu antahintahia tazeri o'otinenunkeno kna fatgo'are egahie huta huvempa hiho.
5 (Who is this that commeth vp out of the wildernesse, leaning vpon her welbeloued?) I raysed thee vp vnder an apple tree: there thy mother conceiued thee: there she coceiued that bare thee.
Ina mofamo ka'ma kokana atreno ne-eno, avesima nentea ne'mofo asumpina maserino ne-e? Mofamo'a huno, Negrera'ma atagu'ma nehuno kasegante'nea epoli zafa agafafima mani'nankena kavufga kazeri oti'noe.
6 Set mee as a seale on thine heart, and as a signet vpon thine arme: for loue is strong as death: ielousie is cruel as the graue: the coles thereof are fierie coles, and a vehement flame. (Sheol h7585)
Taferomofo avaza'a erigiankna hunka, tumoka'amofo agofetu navrenentenka asama nehiaza hunka kazampasanafina nagrike navrento. Na'ankure navesizamofo hankanavemo'a frizamofo hankavemo'ma hiaza huno tusi hankanaveti'ne. Navesizamo'a tusi hankanavetino matipima vahe'ma asenenteankna hu'ne. Navesizamo'a teve anefamo'ma hagana hagana'ma hiaza huno hagana hagana huno marenerie. (Sheol h7585)
7 Much water can not quench loue, neither can the floods drowne it: If a man should giue all the substance of his house for loue, they would greatly contemne it.
Avesizamofo tevea rama'a timo'a resura osuge, tima hageno esia timo'a avesizana erino vugara osu'ne. Hagi mago ne'mo'ma avesizama mika zago fenonteti'ma tesi'zama hanige'za, vahe'mo'za tusi kiza zokago ke huntegahaze.
8 Wee haue a litle sister, and she hath no breastes: what shall we do for our sister when she shalbe spoken for?
Nerasaro'a osi mofa mani'negeno, amima'amo'a oharage'ne. Hagi mago'a vahe'mo'zama a' erintegahune hu'zama hanageta, tagra nerasarona na'a huntegahune?
9 If shee be a wall, we will builde vpon her a siluer palace: and if she be a doore, we wil keepe her in with bordes of cedar.
Hagi nersaro'ma kuma keginagna'ma huno maniresina, ana kegina agofetura silvareti zaza nona kita manineta kegava huntosine. Hagi agrama kafama maniresina, tagra sida zafagna huneta, kahantera ahekanirentosine.
10 I am a wall, and my breasts are as towres: then was I in his eyes as one that findeth peace.
Nagra kuma keginagna hu'nogeno, amini'amo'a za'za nonkna hu'ne. Hagi navesimanentoa ne'mo'a agrama nenageno'a tusiza huno ananke nakrura nehuno avesinante'ne.
11 Salomon had a vine in Baal-hamon: hee gaue the vineyarde vnto keepers: euery one bringeth for ye fruite thereof a thousand pieces of siluer.
Solomoni'a Ba'al-hamoni kumatera waini hoza ante'neanagi, ana waini hoza vahe'mo'za kegava hu'naze. Hagi ana hozama kegavama hu'neza zagoma troma nehaza vahe'mo'za hozama ante'za zafa rgama tagiza nona'a 1tauseni'a silva zago eme amitere hu'naze.
12 But my vineyarde which is mine, is before me: to thee, O Salomon appertaineth a thousand pieces of siluer, and two hundreth to them that keepe the fruite thereof.
Hianagi nagri waini hoza nagri su'ankina amigahuankino, Solomoni'a 1tausenia silva zagoa miza osegahie. Hianagi 200'a sekeli zagoreti hozama kegavama nehaza vahera mizana zamigahue.
13 O thou that dwellest in the gardens, the companions hearken vnto thy voyce: cause me to heare it.
Hozafima mani'namoka, nagrane nemaniza vahe'mo'za kagri kagerukura zamagesa ante'za nentahize. Hagi natrege'na kagerura antahi'neno.
14 O my welbeloued, flee away, and be like vnto the roe, or to the yong harte vpon ye mountaines of spices.
Navesima negantomoka gezeriema nehaza afi ve dia afumo'ma nehiaza nehunka, kasefa afi ve dia afumo'ma mananentake zama me'nea agonaramimpima vanoma nehiaza hunka ame hunka nagritega eno.

< Song of Solomon 8 >