< Romans 1 >

1 Paul a seruant of Iesus Christ called to be an Apostle, put apart to preache the Gospel of God,
PAVLEC Iesus Christen cerbitzariac Apostolu içatera deithuac, Iaincoaren Euangelioaren predicatzeco bereciac.
2 (Which he had promised afore by his Prophetes in the holy Scriptures)
(Cein lehendanic bere Prophetéz Scriptura sainduetan Iaincoac promettatu vkan baitzuen)
3 Concerning his Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord (which was made of the seede of Dauid according to the flesh,
Bere Seme haraguiaz den becembatean Dauid-en hacitic eguinaz,
4 And declared mightily to be the Sonne of God, touching the Spirit of sanctification by the resurrection from the dead)
Sanctificationetaco Spirituaz den becembatean hiletarico resuscitatzez Iaincoaren Seme botheretsuqui declaratuaz, Iesus Christ gure Iaunaz:
5 By whom we haue receiued grace and Apostleship (that obedience might be giuen vnto ye faith) for his Name among al ye Gentiles,
Ceinaganic recebitu baitugu gratia eta Apostolutassuna fedea obedi dadinçát, Gentil guciac baithan haren icenean:
6 Among whom ye be also the called of Iesus Christ:
Ceinén artean çuec-ere deithu içan baitzarete Iesus Christgana.
7 To all you that be at Rome beloued of God, called to be Saints: Grace be with you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Iesus Christ.
Roman çareten guciey, Iaincoaren onhetsiey, saindu içatera deithuey: Gracia dela çuequin eta baquea gure Iainco Aitaganic, eta Iesus Christ Iaunaganic.
8 First I thanke my God through Iesus Christ for you all, because your faith is published throughout the whole world.
Lehenic behinçát esquer draucat neure Iaincoari Iesus Christez çuen guciocgatic, ceren çuen fedea famatzen baita mundu orotan.
9 For God is my witnesse (whom I serue in my spirit in the Gospel of his Sonne) that without ceasing I make mention of you
Ecen Iaincoa dut testimonio (cein cerbitzatzen baitut neure spirituan bere Semearen Euangelioan) ecen paussu gabe çueçaz memorio eguiten dudala:
10 Alwayes in my prayers, beseeching that by some meanes, one time or other I might haue a prosperous iourney by the will of God, to come vnto you.
Bethiere neure orationetan othoitz eguinez, baldin cerbait maneraz noizpait-ere bide moldezcoric eman badaquit Iaincoaren vorondatez, çuetara ethor nadin.
11 For I long to see you, that I might bestowe among you some spirituall gift, that you might be strengthened:
Ecen çuen ikusteco desir handia dut, cembeit dohain spirituál parti dieçaçuedançát, çuen confirmatzeco:
12 That is, that I might be comforted together with you, through our mutuall faith, both yours and mine.
Erran nahi dut, çuen eta ene elkarrequilaco fedeaz consola nadinçát.
13 Now my brethren, I would that ye should not be ignorant, how that I haue oftentimes purposed to come vnto you (but haue bene let hitherto) that I might haue some fruite also among you, as I haue among the other Gentiles.
Eztut bada nahi ignora deçaçuen, anayeác, ecen anhitzetan çuetara ethortera deliberatu dudala (baina empatchatu içan naiz oraindrano) cembeit fructu nuençát çuetan-ere, berce Gentiletan-ere beçala.
14 I am detter both to the Grecians, and to the Barbarians, both to the wise men and vnto the vnwise.
Çordun naiz hambat Grecoetara nola Barbaroetara, hambat çuhurretara nola ignorantetara.
15 Therefore, as much as in me is, I am readie to preach ye Gospel to you also that are at Rome.
Bada, nitan den becembatean prest naiz çuey Roman çaretenoy-ere euangelizatzera.
16 For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God vnto saluation to euery one that beleeueth, to the Iewe first, and also to the Grecian.
Ecen eznaiz ahalque Christen Euangelioaz: ceren Iaincoaren botherea baita, sinhesten duen guciaren saluamendutan, Iuduaren lehenic eta guero Grecoaren.
17 For by it the righteousnesse of God is reueiled from faith to faith: as it is written, The iust shall liue by faith.
Ecen Iaincoaren iustitiá hartan eracusten da fedetic federa: scribatua den beçala, Iustoa fedez vicico da.
18 For the wrath of God is reueiled from heauen against all vngodlinesse, and vnrighteousnesse of men, which withhold the trueth in vnrighteousnesse.
Ecen Iaincoaren hirá claroqui eracusten da cerutic, eguiá iniustitiatan daducaten guiçonén infidelitate eta iniustitia ororen contra:
19 Forasmuch as that, which may be knowe of God, is manifest in them: for God hath shewed it vnto them.
Ceren Iaincoaz eçagut ahal daitena manifest baita hetan: ecen Iaincoac hæy manifestatu vkan draue.
20 For the inuisible things of him, that is, his eternal power and Godhead, are seene by ye creation of the worlde, being considered in his workes, to the intent that they should be without excuse: (aïdios g126)
Ecen haren gauça inuisibleac (hala nola haren bothere eternala eta diuinitatea) munduaren creationetic ikusten dirade, gauça creatu hautaric consideratzen diradenean: excusa gabe diradençát. (aïdios g126)
21 Because that when they knewe God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankefull, but became vaine in their thoughtes, and their foolish heart was full of darkenesse.
Ceren Iaincoa eçagutu vkan dutenaren gainean, ezpaitute Iainco beçala glorificatu, ez regratiatu: baina vano eguin içan dirade bere discursuetan, eta hayén bihotz adimendu gabea ilhumbez bethe içan da.
22 When they professed themselues to be wise, they became fooles.
Bere buruäc çuhur eguiten cituztelaric erho eguin içan dirade.
23 For they turned the glorie of the incorruptible God to the similitude of the image of a corruptible man, and of birdes, and foure footed beastes, and of creeping things.
Ecen cambiatu vkan duté Iainco incorruptiblearen gloriá, guiçon corruptiblearen imaginatara, eta hegaztinén, eta laur oinetaco bestién, eta herrestez ebilten diradenén imaginatara.
24 Wherefore also God gaue them vp to their hearts lusts, vnto vncleannesse, to defile their owne bodies betweene themselues:
Halacotz Iaincoac-ere abandonnatu vkan ditu hec berén bihotzetaco guthicietara, satsutassunera, bere gorputz propriey itsusgoa eguitera elkarren artean:
25 Which turned the trueth of God vnto a lie, and worshipped and serued the creature, forsaking the Creator, which is blessed for euer, Amen. (aiōn g165)
Nola Iaincoaren eguiá gueçurretara cambiatu vkan baituté, eta adoratu baitituzté eta cerbitzatu creaturác, vtziric Creaçalea cein baita eternalqui benedicatua, Amen. (aiōn g165)
26 For this cause God gaue them vp vnto vile affections: for euen their women did change the naturall vse into that which is against nature.
Halacotz bada abandonnatu vkan ditu Iaincoac itsusgoataco affectionetara: ecen hayén emaztec-ere cambiatu vkan duté vsança naturala natura contra denera:
27 And likewise also the men left the naturall vse of the woman, and burned in their lust one toward another, and man with man wrought filthinesse, and receiued in themselues such recompence of their errour, as was meete.
Eta halaber arrac-ere, vtziric emaztén vsança naturala, berotu içan dirade bere guthicián bata berceagana, arrac arrarequin infamiataco gauçác eguiten cituztela, eta berac baithan recebitzen lutela bere hoguenaren recompensa behar cen beçalacoa.
28 For as they regarded not to acknowledge God, euen so God deliuered them vp vnto a reprobate minde, to doe those things which are not conuenient,
Eta nola ezpaituté conturic eguin Iaincoaren eçagutzetan eduquitera: hala abandonnatu vkan ditu Iaincoac iugemendu guciren falta den spiritu batetara: bide eztiraden gaucén eguitera:
29 Being full of all vnrighteousnesse, fornication, wickednes, couetousnes, maliciousnes, full of enuie, of murder, of debate, of deceit, taking all things in the euill part, whisperers,
Iniustitia guciaz betheac, paillardiçaz, gaichtaqueriaz, auaritiaz, malitiaz: inuidiaz betheac, guicerhaitecaz, guduz, enganioz, conditione gaichtoz:
30 Backbiters, haters of God, doers of wrong, proude, boasters, inuenters of euil things, disobedient to parents,
Rapportari, gaitzerraile, Iaincoaren gaitzesle, iniuriaçale, vrgulutsu, vantari, gaitz-erideile, aitamén desobedient:
31 without vnderstanding, couenant breakers, without naturall affection, such as can neuer be appeased, mercilesse.
Adimendu gabe, pactoén hautsle, affectione natural gabe, appacega ecin daitezquen beçalaco, misericordia gabe.
32 Which men, though they knew ye Lawe of God, how that they which comit such things are worthie of death, yet not onely do the same, but also fauour them that doe them.
Ceinéc Iaincoaren çucena eçagutu badute-ere (nola halaco gauçác eguiten dituztenéc, herio mereci dutén) eztituzté eguiten solament, baina are halacoric eguiten dutenac fauoratzen dituzté.

< Romans 1 >