< Psalms 9 >

1 To him that excelleth vpon Muth Laben. A Psalme of Dauid. I will praise the Lord with my whole heart: I will speake of all thy marueilous workes.
Rengeko an-kaliforan-troke irehe r’Iehovà; ho talilieko iaby o halatsa’oo.
2 I will bee glad, and reioyce in thee: I will sing praise to thy Name, O most High,
Hifaleako naho hirebehako, ho saboeko i tahina’oy, ry Andindimoneñe.
3 For that mine enemies are turned backe: they shall fall, and perish at thy presence.
Ie mimpoly o rafelahikoo, le mikorovoke vaho mibaibay añ’atrefa’o ey.
4 For thou hast maintained my right and my cause: thou art set in the throne, and iudgest right.
Fa nitohañe’o i naseseko mahitiy, ihe miambesatse am-piambesa’o eo, mizaka an-kavantañañe.
5 Thou hast rebuked the heathen: thou hast destroyed the wicked: thou hast put out their name for euer and euer.
Nendaha’o o kilakila ‘ndatio, rinotsa’o o lo-tserekeo; finaopao’o kitro katroke ty añara’ iareo.
6 O enemie, destructions are come to a perpetual end, and thou hast destroyed the cities: their memoriall is perished with them.
O ry rafelahio, fa nampigadoñeñe an-koak’ao kitro katroke; fa nombota’o o rovao, fa momoke ty fitiahiañe iareo.
7 But the Lord shall sit for euer: hee hath prepared his throne for iudgement.
Toe am-piambesa’e eo nainai’e t’Iehovà, fa nihentseña’e ho an-jaka i fiambesa’ey;
8 For he shall iudge the worlde in righteousnes, and shall iudge the people with equitie.
an-katò ty fizaka’e ty voatse toy, ho zakae’e an-kahiti’e ondatio.
9 The Lord also wil be a refuge for the poore, a refuge in due time, euen in affliction.
Kijoly abo te amo forekekeñeo t’Iehovà, fitsolohañe an-tsan-kasotriañe;
10 And they that know thy Name, will trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not failed them that seeke thee.
Hiantok’ azo o mahafohiñe ty tahina’oo, amy te tsy aforintse’o ze mipay Azo, ry Iehovà,
11 Sing praises to the Lord, which dwelleth in Zion: shewe the people his workes.
Misaboa am’ Iehovà ry mpimoneñe e Tsiône ao! tseizo am’ ondatio o fitoloña’eo!
12 For whe he maketh inquisition for blood, hee remembreth it, and forgetteth not the complaint of the poore.
Toe ihaoñe’ i Mpamale Fatey; tsy haliño’e ty fikoiaha’ o mpisotrio.
13 Haue mercie vpon mee, O Lord: consider my trouble which I suffer of them that hate mee, thou that liftest me vp from the gates of death,
Isoho iraho, ry Iehovà! Vazohò ty haoreako am-pità’ o malaiñe ahio; Ihe Mpañonjoñe ahy boak’ an- dalam-bein-kavilasy ao,
14 That I may shewe all thy praises within the gates of the daughter of Zion, and reioyce in thy saluation.
ho talilieko iaby ty enge’o amo lalam-bei’ i anak-ampela’ i Tsiôneio, hirebehako o fandrombaha’oo.
15 The heathen are sunken downe in the pit that they made: in the nette that they hid, is their foote taken.
Nijoroboñe amy koboñe hinali’iereoy o fifeheañeo; finandri’ ty harato naeta’iareo o fandia’iareoo.
16 The Lord is knowen by executing iudgement: the wicked is snared in the worke of his owne handes. (Higgaion, Selah)
Fa nampandrendre-batañe t’Iehovà fa nametsake zaka: tsepaheñ’ amo satan-taña’eo avao ty lo-tsereke. [mahantseñantseñe, Selà]
17 The wicked shall turne into hell, and all nations that forget God. (Sheol h7585)
Himpoly mb’an-tsikeokoek’ ao o tsivokatseo, ze kilakila’ ondaty mandikok’ an’Andrianañahare. (Sheol h7585)
18 For the poore shall not bee alway forgotten: the hope of the afflicted shall not perish for euer.
Fe tsy ho haliño nainai’e o rarakeo vaho tsy ho modo kitro añ’afe’e ty fisalalà’ o mpisotrio.
19 Vp Lord: let not man preuaile: let the heathen be iudged in thy sight.
Miongaha ry Iehovà, ko anga’o handrekets’ ondatio; Ho zakaeñe am-pivazohoa’o eo o fifeheañeo!
20 Put them in feare, O Lord, that the heathen may knowe that they are but men. (Selah)
Apoho am’ iareo ty fangebahebahañe, ry Iehovà ampahafohino o kilakila’ndatio t’ie ondaty avao! Selà

< Psalms 9 >