< Psalms 73 >

1 A Psalme committed to Asaph. Yet God is good to Israel: euen, to the pure in heart.
Qotho uNkulunkulu ulungile kuIsrayeli, kulabo abahlambulukileyo enhliziyweni.
2 As for me, my feete were almost gone: my steps had well neere slipt.
Kodwa mina inyawo zami zaphose zasuka, izinyathelo zami zaphose zatshelela.
3 For I feared at the foolish, when I sawe the prosperitie of the wicked.
Ngoba ngaba lomhawu ngabazikhukhumezayo, ngibona ukuphumelela kwababi.
4 For there are no bandes in their death, but they are lustie and strong.
Ngoba kakulazibopho ekufeni kwabo, kodwa amandla abo aqinile.
5 They are not in trouble as other men, neither are they plagued with other men.
Kabakho enhluphekweni njengabanye abantu, njalo kabahlutshwa njengabanye abantu.
6 Therefore pride is as a chayne vnto them, and crueltie couereth them as a garment.
Ngakho-ke ukuzigqaja kuyabazungeza njengeketane, udlame luyabasibekela njengesembatho.
7 Their eyes stande out for fatnesse: they haue more then heart can wish.
Amehlo abo aqumbile ngamafutha; iminakano yenhliziyo iyaphuphuma.
8 They are licentious, and speake wickedly of their oppression: they talke presumptuously.
Bayakloloda, bakhulume ngobubi ngocindezelo; bakhuluma besekuphakameni.
9 They set their mouth against heauen, and their tongue walketh through the earth.
Bamisa umlomo wabo umelene lamazulu, lolimi lwabo luhamba emhlabeni.
10 Therefore his people turne hither: for waters of a full cup are wrung out to them.
Ngakho abantu bakhe bayaphendukela lapha, lamanzi enkezo egcweleyo akhanyelwa bona.
11 And they say, Howe doeth God know it? or is there knowledge in the most High?
Njalo bathi: UNkulunkulu wazi njani? Kukhona ulwazi yini koPhezukonke?
12 Lo, these are the wicked, yet prosper they alway, and increase in riches.
Khangela, laba ngabangelaNkulunkulu, kanti bayaphumelela elizweni, bandisa inotho.
13 Certainely I haue clensed mine heart in vaine, and washed mine hands in innocencie.
Isibili ngihlambulule inhliziyo yami ngeze, ngageza izandla zami ngokungelacala.
14 For dayly haue I bene punished, and chastened euery morning.
Ngoba ngihlutshiwe usuku lonke, lesijeziso sami sisekuseni yonke.
15 If I say, I will iudge thus, beholde the generation of thy children: I haue trespassed.
Uba bengingathi: Ngizakhuluma ngokunje, khangela, ngabe ngisikhohlisile isizukulwana sabantwana bakho.
16 Then thought I to know this, but it was too painefull for me,
Lapho nganakana ukwazi lokhu, kwakubuhlungu emehlweni ami,
17 Vntill I went into the Sanctuarie of God: then vnderstoode I their ende.
ngaze ngangena ezindlini ezingcwele zikaNkulunkulu; ngasengikuqedisisa ukuphela kwabo.
18 Surely thou hast set them in slipperie places, and castest them downe into desolation.
Isibili ubamisa endaweni ezitshelelayo, ubawisela ekubhujisweni.
19 How suddenly are they destroyed, perished and horribly consumed,
Yeka ukuchitheka kwabo njengokucwayiza kwelihlo! Baphela baqedwe ngokwesabisayo.
20 As a dreame when one awaketh! O Lord, when thou raisest vs vp, thou shalt make their image despised.
Njengephupho ekuphaphameni, Nkosi, nxa uvuka uzadelela umfanekiso wabo.
21 Certainely mine heart was vexed, and I was pricked in my reines:
Ngakho inhliziyo yami yaba buhlungu, ngahlatshwa ezinsweni zami.
22 So foolish was I and ignorant: I was a beast before thee.
Njalo ngaba yisiphukuphuku esingaziyo, ngaba njengenyamazana kuwe.
23 Yet I was alway with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand.
Kodwa mina ngihlezi ngilawe; ubambe isandla sami sokunene.
24 Thou wilt guide me by thy counsell, and afterward receiue me to glory.
Uzangikhokhela ngeseluleko sakho, lemva kwalokho ungemukele enkazimulweni.
25 Whom haue I in heauen but thee? and I haue desired none in the earth with thee.
Ngilobani emazulwini ngaphandle kwakho? Njalo kakukho engikufisayo emhlabeni ngaphandle kwakho.
26 My flesh fayleth and mine heart also: but God is the strength of mine heart, and my portion for euer.
Inyama yami lenhliziyo yami kuyaphela; uNkulunkulu ulidwala lenhliziyo yami lesabelo sami kuze kube nininini.
27 For loe, they that withdrawe themselues from thee, shall perish: thou destroyest all them that goe a whoring from thee.
Ngoba khangela, abakhatshana lawe bazabhubha; ubachithile bonke abaphingayo ngokusuka kuwe.
28 As for me, it is good for me to draw neere to God: therefore I haue put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy workes.
Kodwa mina kungilungele ukusondela kuNkulunkulu; ngibeke isiphephelo sami eNkosini uJehova, ukutshumayela zonke izenzo zakho.

< Psalms 73 >