< Psalms 7 >

1 Shigaion of Dauid, which he sang unto the Lord, concerning the wordes of Chush the sonne of Iemini. O Lord my God, in thee I put my trust: saue me from all that persecute me, and deliuer me,
Ra Anumzana nagri Anumzamoka, kagripi fra nekuanki, nahenaku'ma navrarizama ne-esagenka nagu'vazinka naza huo.
2 Least he deuoure my soule like a lion, and teare it in pieces, while there is none to helpe.
Ana'ma osnankeno'a laionimo'ma nehiaza hu'za nahe'za tagna taganu vazisageno mago vahe'mo'e huno eme naza huno nagura ovazigahie.
3 O Lord my God, if I haue done this thing, if there be any wickednes in mine handes,
Ra Anumzana nagri Anumzamoka, nagrama vahe'ma zamazeri haviza huge, nzampima hazenke'zama mege,
4 If I haue rewarded euill vnto him that had peace with mee, (yea I haue deliuered him that vexed me without cause)
hazenke'a omne vahe kefo avu'ava huntege, agafa'a omne zante ha' vahe'ni'amofo feno rohumare'na erige'ma hu'nenuana geno'a,
5 Then let the enemie persecute my soule and take it: yea, let him treade my life downe vpon the earth, and lay mine honour in the dust. (Selah)
zamatrege'za ha' vahe'nimo'za narotgo hu'za nazeri'za zamaga kanonu kugusopafi nahetrenage'na ra nagigura nagesa ontahi'na frineno.
6 Arise, O Lord, in thy wrath, and lift vp thy selfe against the rage of mine enemies, and awake for mee according to the iudgement that thou hast appointed.
Ra Anumzamoka krimpa hezmantenka otinka, ha' vahe'niaramina kasi vazizana eri zamaveri huo. Otinka zamarimpama ahenenantaza ha' vaheni'a fatgo kavukva hunka refko huzmantenka knazana zamio.
7 So shall the Congregation of the people compasse thee about: for their sakes therefore returne on hie.
Atrege'za maka vahera emeri atru hu'za manigagisagenka, kagra manisga hunka mani'nenka kegava huzmanto.
8 The Lord shall iudge the people: Iudge thou me, O Lord, according to my righteousnesse, and according to mine innocencie, that is in mee.
Ra Anumzana maka vahe'ma refko nehia Anumzamo nagrira refko huno keana, nagra fatgo hu'noe. Fatgo navu'nava'ene knare navu'nava hugeno, hazenke zani'a omane'neanki, marerisa Anumzamoka nagrira refko hunanto.
9 Oh let the malice of the wicked come to an ende: but guide thou the iust: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reines.
Fatgo Anumzamoka kagra vahe'mofo antahintahine, tumo'enena negana Anumza mani'nananki, atregeno kefo zamavu'zmavama nehaza vahe'mokizmi kefo zamavu'zmava'mo'a vaganerena, fatgo avu'ava'ma nehaza vahera zamaza huge'za hankaveti'za maniho.
10 My defence is in God, who preserueth the vpright in heart.
Marerifa Anumzana agra hankoni'agino, agra tumo'amo'ma fatgoma hu'nea vahera zamagu'nevazie.
11 God iudgeth the righteous, and him that contemneth God euery day.
Anumzamo'a fatgo huno keaga refko nehia Anumzankino, maka kna arimpa ahenezmante.
12 Except he turne, he hath whet his sword: he hath bent his bowe and made it readie.
Hanki mago vahe'mo'ma agu'ama rukrahe osigeno'a, Anumzamo'a kazima'a kume neganeno, ati'a refagigino karina negreno retrotrara nehie.
13 Hee hath also prepared him deadly weapons: hee will ordeine his arrowes for them that persecute me.
Vahe'ma ahe fri ha' zama'a retro hunenteno, teve nefa'ane kevea'aramina retro hunente.
14 Beholde, hee shall trauaile with wickednes: for he hath conceiued mischiefe, but he shall bring foorth a lye.
Kefo zamavu'zmava'zama nehaza vahe'mo'za kefo avu'ava zamo zamagu'afina avitege'za, a'nemo'za zamu'ene hazaza hu'za hazenke avu'ava zana zamu'ene hu'za krunagema hu'za kasenentaze.
15 Hee hath made a pitte and digged it, and is fallen into the pit that he made.
Hagi iza'o vahe'moma taminogu'ma kerima kafintenimo'a, agra'a ana kerima kafintenia kerifi tamigahie.
16 His mischiefe shall returne vpon his owne head, and his crueltie shall fall vpon his owne pate.
Vahe'ma hazenkema hunte'nia hazenkemo'a rukrahe huno agri asenire ne-enigeno, vahe'ma azeri haviza hunaku retro'ma hania havizamo'a ete rukrahe huno agri kokovite egahie.
17 I wil praise the Lord according to his righteousnes, and will sing praise to the Name of the Lord most high.
Fatgo avu'ava zama'agura Ra Anumzamofona susu hunente'na, muse zagame hu'na Ra Anumzana Marerifa Anumzamofona agia erisga hugahue.

< Psalms 7 >