< Psalms 55 >

1 To him that excelleth on Neginoth. A Psalme of David to give instruction. Heare my prayer, O God, and hide not thy selfe from my supplication.
MAIN Kot, kom kotin ereki ai kapakap, o kom der rirwei jan mon ai nidinid.
2 Hearken vnto me, and answere me: I mourne in my prayer, and make a noyse,
Kom kotin mani ia o kotin japen ia. Pwe i kin janjalon jili o janejanki,
3 For the voyce of the enemie, and for the vexation of ye wicked, because they haue brought iniquitie vpon me, and furiously hate me.
Pwe nil en ai imwintiti kin kainjenjued ia o me doo jan Kot akan kin pakipaki ia; pwe re kin men wia jued on ia, o re kin kailon kin ia.
4 Mine heart trembleth within mee, and the terrours of death are fallen vpon me.
Monion i majapwekada nan kapek i, o majak en mela lel on ia.
5 Feare and trembling are come vpon mee, and an horrible feare hath couered me.
Majak o rerer lel don ia; wapon kadupal ia di.
6 And I said, Oh that I had wings like a doue: then would I flie away and rest.
I apindada: O ma pa I ka dueta pa en muroi, pwen pirwei o mi ekij waja.
7 Beholde, I woulde take my flight farre off, and lodge in the wildernes. (Selah)
I ap pan pirla waja doo, o kaukajon jap tan.
8 Hee would make haste for my deliuerance from the stormie winde and tempest.
I pan madanlan wajan moleilei mon melimel o katau.
9 Destroy, O Lord, and deuide their tongues: for I haue seene crueltie and strife in the citie.
Main Ieowa, kom kotin kawuk pajan lo arail, o kotin kajore ir ala, pwe i kilekilan, me toun kanim o kin weit o Akamai pena.
10 Day and night they goe about it vpon the walles thereof: both iniquitie and mischiefe are in the middes of it.
Mepukat kin wiaui ni ran o ni pon pon arail kel takai, o a dir en apwal o dodok kan.
11 Wickednes is in the middes thereof: deceit and guile depart not from her streetes.
Me jued akan kin kaunda kanim o; o tou a kan jota kin muei jan likam o kotaue.
12 Surely mine enemie did not defame mee: for I could haue borne it: neither did mine aduersarie exalt himselfe against mee: for I would haue hid me from him.
Ma ai imwintiti pan wia jued on ia, I jota pan injenoki, o ma me kailon kin ia pan pei on ia, I pan ruki jan mo a.
13 But it was thou, O man, euen my companion, my guide and my familiar:
A koe, ai warok, o kompole pa I o kij ai.
14 Which delited in consulting together, and went into the House of God as companions.
Pwe kitail minimin penaer nan pun atail, Kitail wiaki eu nan pun en pokon nan tanpaj en Kot.
15 Let death sense vpon them: let them goe downe quicke into the graue: for wickednes is in their dwellings, euen in the middes of them. (Sheol h7585)
Mela en madan lel won irail, pwe ren lokidokila nan wajan mela ni ar memaur; pwe im arail o lol arail me dir en morjued. (Sheol h7585)
16 But I will call vnto God, and the Lord will saue me.
A I pan likwir on Kot, o Ieowa pan kotin jauaja ia.
17 Euening and morning, and at noone will I pray, and make a noyse, and he wil heare my voice.
Nin jautik, o ni manjan, o nin jauaj I pan janejan o weiwer, a ap pan kotin mani nil ai.
18 He hath deliuered my soule in peace from the battel, that was against me: for many were with me.
A pan kotin dorela nen i jan ren me men palian ia, o pan kotin kamoleilei ia; pwe ir me toto, me u on ia.
19 God shall heare and afflict them, euen hee that reigneth of olde, (Selah) because they haue no changes, therefore they feare not God.
Kot pan kotin ereki o kanamenok ir ala, pwe a kotikot eta jan tapin kaua.
20 Hee layed his hande vpon such, as be at peace with him, and he brake his couenant.
A jaikidi japwilim a popol akan, o a kawela a inau.
21 The wordes of his mouth were softer then butter, yet warre was in his heart: his words were more gentle then oyle, yet they were swordes.
Au a me kitentel jan wi, ap lamelame duen mauin, a lokaia me muterok jan le, ap rajon kodlaj kon, me onopa dan pei.
22 Cast thy burden vpon the Lord, and hee shall nourish thee: he wil not suffer the righteous to fall for euer.
Mueid on Ieowa, me koe inon ion, a pan apwali uk ada, a jota pan kotin mueid on me pun kan en wukiwuk jili.
23 And thou, O God, shalt bring them downe into the pitte of corruption: the bloudie, and deceitfull men shall not liue halfe their dayes: but I will trust in thee.
Main Kot, kom pan kotin kaje ir Ion on nan por lol en me jued o; me inon ion nta o likam kan jota pan lel on apali en maur arail. A i pan kaporoporeki komui.

< Psalms 55 >