< Psalms 54 >

1 To him that excelleth on Neginoth. A Psalme of David, to give instruction. When the Ziphims came and said unto Saul, Is not David hid among us? Save mee, O God, by thy Name, and by thy power iudge me.
Pou chèf sanba yo. Se yon chante David te ekri lè moun peyi Zif yo te al di Sayil men David kache lakay yo. Bondye, delivre m' non avèk pouvwa ou! Fè m' jistis avèk fòs kouraj ou!
2 O God, heare my prayer: hearken vnto the wordes of my mouth.
Bondye, koute m' non lè m'ap lapriyè! Panche zòrèy ou pou tande pawòl k'ap soti nan bouch mwen!
3 For strangers are risen vp against me, and tyrants seeke my soule: they haue not set God before them. (Selah)
Paske gen yon seri moun awogan ki leve dèyè m', yon bann mechan ki soti pou touye m'! Yo pa menm chonje si gen Bondye!
4 Beholde, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that vpholde my soule.
Men, Bondye ap vin ede m'. Seyè a ap pran defans mwen.
5 He shall rewarde euill vnto mine enemies: Oh cut them off in thy trueth!
L'ap fè mechanste moun ki pa vle wè m' yo tonbe sou tèt yo; l'ap fini nèt ak yo paske l'ap toujou kenbe pawòl li.
6 Then I will sacrifice freely vnto thee: I wil praise thy Name, O Lord, because it is good.
Seyè, m'a ofri bèt pou yo touye pou ou ak kè kontan, m'a fè lwanj ou, paske ou bon pou mwen.
7 For he hath deliuered me out of al trouble, and mine eye hath seene my desire vpon mine enemies.
Ou delivre m' anba tray mwen te ye a; ou fè m' wè lènmi m' yo pèdi batay la.

< Psalms 54 >