< Psalms 48 >

1 A song or Psalme committed to the sonnes of Korah. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praysed, in the Citie of our God, euen vpon his holy Mountaine.
He waiata, he himene ma nga tama a Koraha. He nui a Ihowa, kia nui hoki te whakamoemiti ki a ia i te pa o to tatou Atua, i te maunga o tona tapu.
2 Mount Zion, lying Northwarde, is faire in situation: it is the ioy of the whole earth, and the Citie of the great King.
Ataahua ana te tairanga o Maunga Hiona, ko ta te ao katoa e koa ai: kei te taha ki te raki te pa o te Kingi nui.
3 In the palaces thereof God is knowen for a refuge.
E matauria ana te Atua i roto i ona whare papai hei piringa.
4 For lo, the Kings were gathered, and went together.
Na, huihui tahi mai ana nga kingi haere tahi atu ana ratou.
5 When they sawe it, they marueiled: they were astonied, and suddenly driuen backe.
I kite ratou, miharo iho: raruraru ana, hohoro tonu atu.
6 Feare came there vpon them, and sorowe, as vpon a woman in trauaile.
Pa ana te wehi ki a ratou i reira, te mamae, ano he wahine e whanau ana.
7 As with an East winde thou breakest the shippes of Tarshish, so were they destroyed.
E wahia ana e koe nga kaipuke o Tarahihi ki te marangai.
8 As we haue heard, so haue we seene in the citie of the Lord of hostes, in the Citie of our God: God will stablish it for euer. (Selah)
Rite tonu ki ta matou i rongo ai, ta matou i kite ai i roto i te pa o Ihowa o nga mano, i te pa o to tatou Atua: ma te Atua e whakapumau ake ake. (Hera)
9 We waite for thy louing kindnes, O God, in the middes of thy Temple.
I whakaaroaro matou ki tou atawhai, e te Atua, i waenganui o tou temepara.
10 O God, according vnto thy Name, so is thy prayse vnto the worlds end: thy right hand is full of righteousnes.
E te Atua, rite tahi ki tou ingoa te whakamoemiti mou, tae noa atu ki nga pito o te whenua: ki tonu tou matau i te tika.
11 Let mount Zion reioyce, and the daughters of Iudah be glad, because of thy iudgements.
Kia hari a Maunga Hiona, kia koa nga tamahine a Hura i au whakaritenga.
12 Compasse about Zion, and goe round about it, and tell the towres thereof.
Taiawhiotia a Hiona, haere, a kopiko noa mai: taua ona pourewa.
13 Marke well the wall thereof: beholde her towres, that ye may tell your posteritie.
Maharatia ona pekerangi, tirohia ona whare papai; hei korerotanga ma koutou ki enei ake whakatupuranga.
14 For this God is our God for euer and euer: he shall be our guide vnto the death.
Ko tenei Atua hoki te Atua mo tatou ake ake: ko ia hei kaiarahi i a tatou a mate noa.

< Psalms 48 >