< Psalms 48 >

1 A song or Psalme committed to the sonnes of Korah. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praysed, in the Citie of our God, euen vpon his holy Mountaine.
Naindaklan ni Yahweh ket maikari unay a mapadayawan, idiay siudad ti Diostayo iti nasantoan a bantayna.
2 Mount Zion, lying Northwarde, is faire in situation: it is the ioy of the whole earth, and the Citie of the great King.
Napintas ti kinangatona, ti ragsak ti entero a daga, ket ti bantay Sion, ti akin-amianan a paset, ti siudad ti naindaklan nga Ari.
3 In the palaces thereof God is knowen for a refuge.
Impakaammo ti Dios ti bagina kadagiti palasiona kas maysa a pagkamangan.
4 For lo, the Kings were gathered, and went together.
Ta kitaenyo, dagiti ari ket inummongda dagiti bagbagida; naggigiddanda a limmabas.
5 When they sawe it, they marueiled: they were astonied, and suddenly driuen backe.
Nakitada daytoy, ket nasdaawda; naupayda, ket nagdardarasda a pimmanaw.
6 Feare came there vpon them, and sorowe, as vpon a woman in trauaile.
Panagbuteng ti nanglapped kadakuada sadiay, sakit a kas iti marikna iti agpaspasikal a babai.
7 As with an East winde thou breakest the shippes of Tarshish, so were they destroyed.
Babaen iti angin a naggapu ti daya, dinadaelmo dagiti bangka a naaramid manipud Tarsis.
8 As we haue heard, so haue we seene in the citie of the Lord of hostes, in the Citie of our God: God will stablish it for euer. (Selah)
Kas nangngeganmi, isu ti nakitami iti siudad ni Yahweh a mannakabalin amin, iti siudad ti Diostayo; salimetmetanna daytoy iti agnanyon. (Selah)
9 We waite for thy louing kindnes, O God, in the middes of thy Temple.
Pinanunotmi ti kinapudnom iti tulagmo, O Dios, iti tengnga ti templom.
10 O God, according vnto thy Name, so is thy prayse vnto the worlds end: thy right hand is full of righteousnes.
Kas iti naganmo, O Dios, kastanto met ti pannakaidayawmo agingga kadagiti nagpatinggaan ti daga; ti makannawan nga imam ket napnoan kinalinteg.
11 Let mount Zion reioyce, and the daughters of Iudah be glad, because of thy iudgements.
Agragsak koma ti Bantay Sion, ken agrag-o koma dagiti annak a babbai ti Juda gapu kadagiti nalinteg a pangngeddengmo.
12 Compasse about Zion, and goe round about it, and tell the towres thereof.
Likawenyo ti Bantay Sion, likmutenyo isuna; bilangenyo dagiti torrena;
13 Marke well the wall thereof: beholde her towres, that ye may tell your posteritie.
kitaenyo a naimbag dagiti bakudna, ken kitaenyo dagiti palasiona tapno maibagayonto daytoy iti sumaruno a kaputotan.
14 For this God is our God for euer and euer: he shall be our guide vnto the death.
Ta daytoy a Dios ket isu ti Diostayo iti agnanayon ken awan patinggana; isuna ti mangidalanto kadatayo agingga iti patay.

< Psalms 48 >