< Psalms 19 >

1 To him that excelleth. A Psalme of Dauid. The heauens declare the glory of God, and the firmament sheweth ye worke of his hands.
Pou chèf sanba yo. Se yon sòm David. Syèl la fè parèt aklè pouvwa Bondye a. Li fè wè tou sa Bondye te fè ak men l'.
2 Day vnto day vttereth the same, and night vnto night teacheth knowledge.
Jounen jòdi a rakonte koze sa a bay jounen denmen k'ap vini an. Lannwit sa a repete l' bay lannwit ki vin apre a.
3 There is no speach nor language, where their voyce is not heard.
Yo pa pale, yo pa di yon mo. Ou pa tande yon ti bwi.
4 Their line is gone forth through all the earth, and their words into the endes of the world: in them hath he set a tabernacle for the sunne.
Men, sa yo di a mache ale toupatou sou latè. Mesaj y'ap bay la rive jouk nan dènye bout latè. Bondye moute yon kay nan syèl la pou solèy la.
5 Which commeth forth as a bridegrome out of his chamber, and reioyceth like a mightie man to runne his race.
Solèy la menm soti tankou yon nonm ki fèk marye k'ap soti anndan chanm li. Li kontan, l'ap kouri tankou yon gwonèg ki konnen li deja genyen kous la.
6 His going out is from the ende of the heauen, and his compasse is vnto the endes of ye same, and none is hid from the heate thereof.
Solèy la leve nan yon bout syèl la, li kouche nan lòt bout la. Chalè li bat sou tout bagay.
7 The Lawe of the Lord is perfite, conuerting the soule: the testimonie of the Lord is sure, and giueth wisedome vnto the simple.
Lalwa Seyè a bon sou tout pwen. Li moutre nou jan pou nou viv. Nou mèt gen konfyans nan kòmandman Seyè a. Tout moun ki pa gen konprann, l'ap ba yo konprann.
8 The statutes of the Lord are right and reioyce the heart: the commandement of the Lord is pure, and giueth light vnto the eyes.
Regleman Seyè a se bagay ki dwat. Moun ki swiv yo ap gen kè kontan. Kòmandman li yo klè. Yo louvri je moun.
9 The feare of the Lord is cleane, and indureth for euer: the iudgements of the Lord are trueth: they are righteous altogether,
Se pou nou gen krentif pou Seyè a yon jan ki san repwòch. Epi se tout tan pou nou gen krentif sa a. Jijman Seyè a se verite, yo pa janm nan patipri.
10 And more to be desired then golde, yea, then much fine golde: sweeter also then honie and the honie combe.
Moun ap kouri dèyè yo pi rèd pase dèyè lò, menm pase lò ki pi bon an. Yo pi dous pase siwo myèl, menm pase siwo k'ap degoute nan gato myèl.
11 Moreouer by them is thy seruant made circumspect, and in keeping of them there is great reward.
Mwen menm k'ap sèvi ou la, yo ban m' anpil konesans. Gen gwo rekonpans pou moun k'ap obeyi yo.
12 Who can vnderstand his faultes? clense me from secret fautes.
Ki moun ki konnen tou sa li fè ki mal? Tanpri, Seyè, delivre m' anba sa mwen fè ki mal san m' pa konnen!
13 Keepe thy seruant also from presumptuous sinnes: let them not reigne ouer me: so shall I be vpright, and made cleane from much wickednes.
Mwen menm k'ap sèvi ou la, pwoteje m' tou anba peche mwen fè ak tout konesans mwen. Pa kite yo pran pye sou mwen. Se lè sa a m'a san repwòch. Se lè sa a m'a delivre anba gwo peche a.
14 Let the wordes of my mouth, and the meditation of mine heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.
Seyè, se ou ki twou wòch kote m' kache a, se ou ki delivrans mwen, mwen mande ou pou pawòl ki soti nan bouch mwen, ak lide k'ap travay nan tèt mwen fè ou plezi.

< Psalms 19 >