< Psalms 140 >

1 To him that excelleth. A Psalme of David. Deliuer me, O Lord, from the euill man: preserue me from the cruel man:
Ho a i Talè, Sabo’ i Davide. Avotsoro am’ ondaty lo-tserekeo iraho, ry Iehovà; arovo am’ondaty piaroteñeo;
2 Which imagine euill things in their heart, and make warre continually.
o mikilily añ’arofo’e ao naho mikitrok’aly lomoñandroo.
3 They haue sharpened their tongues like a serpent: adders poyson is vnder their lips. (Selah)
Nisioñe’ iereo ty famele’ iareo hoe mereñe; an-tsoñi’iareo ty vorem-pandrefeala. Selà
4 Keepe mee, O Lord, from the handes of the wicked: preserue mee from the cruell man, which purposeth to cause my steppes to slide.
Arovo tsy ho am-pità’ o lo-tserekeo iraho ry Iehovà; arovo amy ‘ndaty mitrotrofiakey, ty mikinia hampidorasitse o liakoo.
5 The proude haue layde a snare for me, and spred a nette with cordes in my pathway, and set grennes for me. (Selah)
Nañetake fandrike ho ahy o mpikavokavokeo; naho taly; naho namelara’ iareo harato añ’olon-dalañeo vaho nampibitsoke fandri-boñe amako. Selà
6 Therefore I saide vnto the Lord, Thou art my God: heare, O Lord, the voyce of my prayers.
Hoe iraho am’ Iehovà, Ihe ro Andrianañahareko. Janjiño, ry Iehovà, o feon-kalalikoo.
7 O Lord God the strength of my saluation, thou hast couered mine head in the day of battel.
Ry Iehovà Talè, faozaram-pandrombahañe ahiko, Mpanaroñe ty lohako añ-andron-kotakotake.
8 Let not the wicked haue his desire, O Lord: performe not his wicked thought, least they be proude. (Selah)
Ko toiñe’o, ry Iehovà, ty fisalalà’ o tsy vokatseo, ko osihe’o ty fikililia’iareo tsy mone hirohake. Selà
9 As for the chiefe of them, that compasse me about, let the mischiefe of their owne lippes come vpon them.
Le ty loha’ o miarikoboñ’ ahikoo: ho rongoñeñe ty fikotrihan-tsoñi’iareo,
10 Let coles fal vpon them: let him cast them into the fire, and into the deepe pits, that they rise not.
naho hararadrarak’ am’ iereo ty foroha mirekake; vaho havokovoko añ’afo an-koboñe ao, tsy hitroatse ka.
11 For the backbiter shall not be established vpon the earth: euill shall hunt the cruell man to destruction.
Tsy hitoera’ ty mpikatramo ty tane toy; ho vandroñen-doza ondaty mpiloa-tiñakeo.
12 I know that the Lord will auenge the afflicted, and iudge the poore.
Fantako te mpanozañe o misotrio t’Iehovà, naho ty zo’ o rarakeo.
13 Surely the righteous shall prayse thy Name, and the iust shall dwell in thy presence.
Toe mañandriañe ty tahina’o o vantañeo, vaho himoneñe añatrefa’o eo o vañoñeo.

< Psalms 140 >