< Psalms 10 >

1 Why standest thou farre off, O Lord, and hidest thee in due time, euen in affliction?
Nkosi, umeleni khatshana? Ucatshelani ezikhathini zokuhlupheka?
2 The wicked with pride doeth persecute the poore: let them be taken in the craftes that they haue imagined.
Omubi ekuzigqajeni uyamzingelisisa umyanga; kababanjwe ngamagobe abawacebileyo.
3 For the wicked hath made boast of his owne heartes desire, and the couetous blesseth himselfe: he contemneth the Lord.
Ngoba omubi uyazikhukhumeza ngesifiso somphefumulo wakhe, uyasibusisa isihwaba, ayeyise iNkosi.
4 The wicked is so proude that hee seeketh not for God: hee thinketh alwayes, There is no God.
Omubi, ngokuzigqaja kobuso bakhe uthi: Kakubizi; kakho uNkulunkulu emicabangweni yakhe yonke.
5 His wayes alway prosper: thy iudgements are hie aboue his sight: therefore defieth he all his enemies.
Indlela zakhe ziqinile isikhathi sonke; izahlulelo zakho ziphakeme zikhatshana laye; izitha zakhe zonke uyazivuthela.
6 He saith in his heart, I shall neuer be moued, nor be in danger.
Uthi enhliziyweni yakhe: Kangiyikunyikinywa; ngoba esizukulwaneni lesizukulwana kangiyikuba sebunzimeni.
7 His mouth is full of cursing and deceite and fraude: vnder his tongue is mischiefe and iniquitie.
Umlomo wakhe ugcwele ukuthuka lezinkohliso lobuqili; ngaphansi kolimi lwakhe kukhona ukona lobubi.
8 He lieth in waite in the villages: in the secret places doeth hee murder the innocent: his eyes are bent against the poore.
Uhlezi endaweni yokucathama yemizi, ezindaweni ezisithekileyo ubulala ongelacala; amehlo akhe akhangele othithibeleyo ngasese.
9 He lyeth in waite secretly, euen as a lyon in his denne: he lyeth in waite to spoyle the poore: he doeth spoyle the poore, when he draweth him into his net.
Uyacatsha ekusithekeni njengesilwane ebhalwini lwaso; ucatshela ukumbamba ongumyanga, uyabamba ongumyanga ngokumhudulela embuleni lakhe.
10 He croucheth and boweth: therefore heaps of the poore doe fall by his might.
Uyaqutha, uyakhothama, njalo umyanga awe ngokulamandla kwakhe.
11 He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten, he hideth away his face, and will neuer see.
Uthi enhliziyweni yakhe: UNkulunkulu ukhohliwe, ufihle ubuso bakhe, kasoze abone lanini.
12 Arise, O Lord God: lift vp thine hande: forget not the poore.
Sukuma, Nkosi! Nkulunkulu, phakamisa isandla sakho, ungabakhohlwa abahluphekayo.
13 Wherefore doeth the wicked contemne God? he saith in his heart, Thou wilt not regard.
Kungani omubi edelela uNkulunkulu? Uthi enhliziyweni yakhe: Kawuyikukubiza.
14 Yet thou hast seene it: for thou beholdest mischiefe and wrong, that thou mayest take it into thine handes: the poore committeth himselfe vnto thee: for thou art the helper of the fatherlesse.
Uyabona, ngoba wena uyakhangela ububi lenhlupheko, ukukubeka esandleni sakho. Umyanga uyazinikela kuwe; wena ungumsizi wezintandane.
15 Breake thou the arme of the wicked and malicious: searche his wickednes, and thou shalt finde none.
Yephula ingalo yokhohlakeleyo lomubi; dinga inkohlakalo yakhe ukuze ungabe usayithola.
16 The Lord is King for euer and euer: the heathen are destroyed foorth of his land.
UJehova yiNkosi kuze kube nini lanini; izizwe zibhubhile elizweni layo.
17 Lord, thou hast heard the desire of the poore: thou preparest their heart: thou bendest thine eare to them,
Nkosi, uzwile isifiso sabathobekileyo, uzaqinisa inhliziyo yabo, wenze indlebe yakho izwe,
18 To iudge the fatherlesse and poore, that earthly man cause to feare no more.
ukwahlulela intandane locindezelweyo, ukuze umuntu wasemhlabeni angabe esesabeka.

< Psalms 10 >