< Proverbs 9 >

1 Wisedome hath built her house, and hewen out her seuen pillars.
Ũũgĩ nĩakĩte nyũmba yake; nĩaicũhĩtie itugĩ ciayo mũgwanja.
2 She hath killed her vitailes, drawen her wine, and prepared her table.
Nĩahaarĩirie nyama, na akahaarĩria ndibei, o na akaara metha yake.
3 She hath sent forth her maydens and cryeth vpon the highest places of the citie, saying,
Nĩatũmĩte ndungata ciake cia airĩtu nja, na nĩaretana arĩ harĩa hatũũgĩru mũno itũũra-inĩ rĩrĩa inene, akoiga atĩrĩ:
4 Who so is simple, let him come hither, and to him that is destitute of wisedome, she sayth,
“Andũ arĩa othe matarĩ na ũũgĩ nĩmoke gũkũ!” Ningĩ akeera andũ arĩa maagĩĩte ũtaũku atĩrĩ,
5 Come, and eate of my meate, and drinke of the wine that I haue drawen.
Ũkai mũrĩe irio ciakwa, na mũnyue ndibei ĩrĩa ndĩmũthondekeire.
6 Forsake your way, ye foolish, and ye shall liue: and walke in the way of vnderstanding.
Tiganai na mĩthiĩre yanyu ĩtarĩ ya ũũgĩ, na nĩmũgũtũũra muoyo; cookai gũthiiaga na njĩra ya ũtaũku.
7 He that reproueth a scorner, purchaseth to himselfe shame: and he that rebuketh the wicked, getteth himselfe a blot.
“Ũrĩa wothe ũtaaraga mũnyũrũrania eĩtagĩria irumi; na ũrĩa wothe ũkaanagia mũndũ mwaganu egĩĩragĩra njono.
8 Rebuke not a scorner, least he hate thee: but rebuke a wise man, and he will loue thee.
Ndũkanataare mũnyũrũrania, nĩguo ndagagũthũũre; kaania mũndũ mũũgĩ, nake nĩegũkwenda.
9 Giue admonition to the wise, and he will be the wiser: teache a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.
Taara mũndũ mũũgĩ na nĩegũkĩrĩrĩria kũũhĩga; mũndũ mũthingu mũrute, na nĩekuongerera ũũgĩ wake.
10 The beginning of wisedome is the feare of the Lord, and the knowledge of holy things, is vnderstanding.
“Kĩambĩrĩria kĩa ũũgĩ nĩ gwĩtigĩra Jehova, na kũmenya Ũrĩa Mũtheru nĩkuo gũtaũkĩrwo.
11 For thy dayes shalbe multiplied by me, and the yeeres of thy life shalbe augmented.
Nĩgũkorwo nĩ ũndũ wakwa matukũ maku nĩmakaingĩha, na wongererwo mĩaka ya gũtũũra muoyo.
12 If thou be wise, thou shalt be wise for thy selfe, and if thou be a scorner, thou alone shalt suffer.
Ũngĩkorwo ũrĩ mũũgĩ-rĩ, ũũgĩ waku nĩũgakũguna; na ũngĩkorwo ũrĩ mũnyũrũrania-rĩ, we nowe ũkaanyariirĩka.”
13 A foolish woman is troublesome: she is ignorant, and knoweth nothing.
Mũndũ-wa-nja ũrĩa wĩtagwo Mũkĩĩgu nĩ wa inegene; we ndarĩ mũtugo, na ndarĩ ũmenyo.
14 But she sitteth at the doore of her house on a seate in the hie places of the citie,
Aikaraga thĩ mũrango-inĩ wa nyũmba yake, agaikarĩra gĩtĩ harĩa hatũũgĩru mũno itũũra-inĩ rĩrĩa inene,
15 To call them that passe by the way, that go right on their way, saying,
ageetaga arĩa marehĩtũkĩra, arĩa marethiĩra na njĩra ciao.
16 Who so is simple, let him come hither, and to him that is destitute of wisedome, shee sayth also,
Ameeraga atĩrĩ, “Andũ arĩa othe matarĩ na ũũgĩ nĩmoke gũkũ!” Nao arĩa maagĩĩte ũtaũku akameera atĩrĩ:
17 Stollen waters are sweete, and hid bread is pleasant.
“Maaĩ ma kũiya marĩ mũrĩo; o na irio iria irĩĩagĩrwo hitho-inĩ irĩ cama!”
18 But he knoweth not, that ye dead are there, and that her ghestes are in the depth of hell. (Sheol h7585)
No andũ acio matikoragwo makĩmenya atĩ arĩa akuũ marĩ kũu, na atĩ ageni ake marĩ o kũrĩa kũriku mbĩrĩra-inĩ. (Sheol h7585)

< Proverbs 9 >