< Proverbs 10 >

1 THE PARABLE OF SALOMON. A wise sonne maketh a glad father: but a foolish sonne is an heauines to his mother.
Men pwovèb wa Salomon yo: Yon pitit ki gen bon konprann fè kè papa l' kontan. Men, yon pitit san konprann bay manman l' lapenn.
2 The treasures of wickednesse profite nothing: but righteousnesse deliuereth from death.
Byen ou rive fè nan move kondisyon p'ap rapòte ou anyen. Men, lè ou serye, ou sove lavi ou.
3 The Lord will not famish the soule of the righteous: but he casteth away the substance of the wicked.
Seyè a p'ap kite moun ki mache dwat soufri grangou. Men, l'ap anpeche mechan an jwenn sa li anvi a.
4 A slouthfull hand maketh poore: but the hand of the diligent maketh riche.
Parese fè ou pòv, men travay di fè ou rich.
5 He that gathereth in sommer, is the sonne of wisdome: but he that sleepeth in haruest, is the sonne of confusion.
Yon nonm ki wè lwen ranmase rekòt li lè rekòt la pare. Men, se yon wont pou moun ki pase tou tan rekòt la ap dòmi.
6 Blessings are vpon the head of the righteous: but iniquitie shall couer the mouth of the wicked.
benediksyon Bondye ap chita sou yon nonm debyen. Pawòl yon moun mechan p'ap janm kite ou wè jan l' mechan.
7 The memoriall of the iust shalbe blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rotte.
Y'ap toujou chonje yon nonm debyen, y'a fè lwanj pou li. Men, talè konsa non mechan an ap sèvi jouman.
8 The wise in heart will receiue commandements: but the foolish in talke shalbe beaten.
Moun ki gen bon konprann koute konsèy yo ba li. Men, moun k'ap pale tankou moun fou pa lwen mouri.
9 He that walketh vprightly, walketh boldely: but he that peruerteth his wayes, shalbe knowen.
Yon nonm serye pa janm bezwen pe anyen. Men, yo gen pou yo bare moun k'ap fè vis.
10 He that winketh with the eye, worketh sorowe, and he yet is foolish in talke, shalbe beaten.
Moun k'ap twenzi je yo sou moun, se moun k'ap voye wòch kache men. Men, moun ki pale kare anpeche kont.
11 The mouth of a righteous man is a welspring of life: but iniquitie couereth the mouth of the wicked.
Pawòl ki soti nan bouch moun k'ap mache dwat yo bay lavi. Men, pawòl yon moun mechan p'ap janm kite ou wè jan l' mechan.
12 Hatred stirreth vp contentions: but loue couereth all trespasses.
Lè ou gen renmen nan kè ou, ou padonnen tout peche. Men, lè ou rayi moun, ou toujou ap chache kont.
13 In the lippes of him that hath vnderstanding wisdome is founde, and a rod shalbe for the backe of him that is destitute of wisedome.
Moun lespri pale bon pawòl. Men, pou moun san konprann, se baton nan dèyè yo.
14 Wise men lay vp knowledge: but ye mouth of the foole is a present destruction.
Moun ki gen bon konprann toujou ap aprann. Men, lè moun san konprann ap pale, malè pa lwen.
15 The riche mans goodes are his strong citie: but the feare of the needie is their pouertie.
Byen yon moun rich, se pwoteksyon li. Men, depi yon nonm pòv, nanpwen pwoteksyon pou li.
16 The labour of the righteous tendeth to life: but the reuenues of the wicked to sinne.
Travay moun k'ap mache dwat yo bay lavi. Lajan moun k'ap fe sa ki mal yo se pou malè yo.
17 He that regardeth instruction, is in the way of life: but he that refuseth correction, goeth out of the way.
Moun ki koute lè yo rale zòrèy yo ap jwenn chemen lavi. Men, moun ki refize admèt lè yo antò pèdi chemen yo.
18 He that dissembleth hatred with lying lips, and he that inuenteth slaunder, is a foole.
Moun ki rayi moun nan kè yo, se moun ou pa ka fye. Tout moun k'ap mache fè tripotay se moun san konprann.
19 In many wordes there cannot want iniquitie: but he that refrayneth his lippes, is wise.
Plis ou pale anpil, plis ou ka rive fè peche. Lè ou gen bonjan konprann ou kenbe bouch ou fèmen.
20 The tongue of the iust man is as fined siluer: but the heart of the wicked is litle worth.
Pawòl ki soti nan bouch moun k'ap mache dwat, se lò. Men, lide k'ap travay nan tèt yon mechan pa vo anyen.
21 The lippes of the righteous doe feede many: but fooles shall die for want of wisedome.
Pawòl ki soti nan bouch moun k'ap mache dwat ap pwofite anpil moun. Men, moun sòt yo ap mouri, paske yo pa gen konprann.
22 The blessing of the Lord, it maketh riche, and he doeth adde no sorowes with it.
benediksyon Bondye bay moun richès. Ou te mèt travay di ou pa ka mete anyen sou li.
23 It is as a pastime to a foole to doe wickedly: but wisedome is vnderstanding to a man.
Lè moun san konprann ap fè sa ki mal, se tankou yon jwèt pou yo. Men, yon moun lespri pran plezi l' nan chache gen bon konprann.
24 That which the wicked feareth, shall come vpon him: but God wil graunt the desire of the righteous.
Yon moun ki mache dwat, Bondye va ba li tou sa l' ta renmen genyen. Men mechan an, se sa l' pè rive l' la k'ap rive l'.
25 As the whirlewinde passeth, so is the wicked no more: but the righteous is as an euerlasting foundation.
Depi move tan pase, mechan yo disparèt lamenm. Men, moun k'ap mache dwat yo ap toujou kanpe fèm.
26 As vineger is to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the slouthful to them that send him.
Pa janm voye parese fè komisyon pou ou. L'ap ennève ou menm jan sitwon fè dan moun gasi, menm jan lafimen fè je moun koule dlo.
27 The feare of the Lord increaseth the dayes: but the yeeres of the wicked shalbe diminished.
Krentif pou Bondye fè moun viv lontan. Men, mechan yo mouri anvan lè yo.
28 The patient abiding of the righteous shall be gladnesse: but the hope of the wicked shall perish.
Sa moun k'ap mache dwat yo ap tann lan va rive vre. Men, mechan yo p'ap janm jwenn sa y'ap tann lan.
29 The way of the Lord is strength to the vpright man: but feare shall be for the workers of iniquitie.
Chemen Bondye se yon pwoteksyon pou moun ki serye. Men, l'ap detwi moun k'ap fè mal yo.
30 The righteous shall neuer be remooued: but the wicked shall not dwell in the land.
Yo p'ap janm ka fè moun k'ap mache dwat yo brannen. Men, mechan yo ap disparèt nan peyi a.
31 The mouth of the iust shall be fruitfull in wisdome: but the tongue of the froward shall be cut out.
Lè moun k'ap mache dwat yo ap pale, se bon koze yo bay. Men, moun k'ap pale mal yo ap disparèt.
32 The lips of the righteous knowe what is acceptable: but the mouth of the wicked speaketh froward things.
Moun k'ap mache dwat yo konn bèl pawòl pou yo di. Men, lang mechan yo, se kouto de bò.

< Proverbs 10 >