< Numbers 5 >

1 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
BAWIPA ni Mosi a pato teh,
2 Commaund the children of Israel that they put out of the hoste euery leper, and euery one that hath an issue, and whosoeuer is defiled by the dead.
Isarel catounnaw ka hrikbeinaw hoi moihnakathout hoi tami ro kâbet e hoi kakhin e napui tongpa naw hah roenae rim hloilah tâco sak hanelah kâ a poe.
3 Both male and female shall ye put out: out of the hoste shall yee put them, that they defile not their tentes among whome I dwell.
A lungui vah, ka onae roenae hmuen hah a khin sak awh hoeh nahanelah, napui tongpa roenae hmuen lawilah na tâco sak han.
4 And the children of Israel did so, and put them out of the host, euen as the Lord had commanded Moses, so did the children of Israel.
Isarel catounnaw ni hot patetlah a sak awh teh, roenae hmuen alawilah ouk a tâco sak awh. BAWIPA ni Mosi koe a dei e patetlah Isarel catounnaw ni a sak awh.
5 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
BAWIPA ni Mosi hah a pato teh,
6 Speake vnto the children of Israel, When a man or woman shall commit any sinne that men commit, and transgresse against the Lord, when that person shall trespasse,
Isarel catounnaw koe dei pouh loe. Tongpa thoseh, napui thoseh, BAWIPA taranlahoi yon bang patet e a sak awh teh yon pen e lah ao toteh,
7 Then they shall confesse their sinne which they haue done, and shall restore the domage thereof with his principall, and put the fift part of it more thereto, and shall giue it vnto him, against whom he hath trespassed.
a sak awh e yonnae hah pankângai hoi a kâhei awh han. Hahoi a sakpayon e yonnae phu teh ka kuepcalah a patho han. Hahoi a tak dawk hawihoehnae a sak e hah pung panga touh dawk pueng touh a thap han.
8 But if the man haue no kinseman, to whom he shoulde restore the domage, the domage shall be restored to the Lord for the Priests vse besides the ramme of the atonement, whereby hee shall make atonement for him.
Hatei, yon phu kacoekung ni a hmaunawngha tawn hoehpawiteh, BAWIPA koe thueng e yon phu teh vaihma koe a poe han. Yontha nahanlah tutan a thueng e touksin laipalah yonthanae alouke a sak han.
9 And euery offring of all the holy thinges of the children of Israel, which they bring vnto the Priest, shalbe his.
Hahoi Isarel catounnaw ni a poe awh e pueng Isarelnaw hno kathoung pueng vaihma koe a thokhai e pueng teh amae lah ao han.
10 And euery mans halowed things shall bee his: that is, whatsoeuer any man giueth the Priest, it shalbe his.
Tami tangkuem ni a poe awh e hno kathoung poung hah a ahnimae lah ao han. Tami pueng ni vaihma koe a poe awh e teh ahnimae lah ao han, telah a ti.
11 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
BAWIPA ni Mosi hah a pato teh,
12 Speake vnto the children of Israel, and say vnto them, If any mans wife turne to euill, and commit a trespasse against him,
Isarel catounnaw koe dei pouh loe. Ahnimouh koe, apipatet e a yu nakunghai, a vâ koe yuemkamcu lah awm laipalah alouke a ngai e awm pawiteh,
13 So that an other man lie with her fleshly, and it bee hid from the eyes of her husband, and kept close, and yet she be defiled, and there be no witnesse against her, neither she taken with the maner,
a payon lahun nah ayâ ni hmawt hoeh, kapanuekkhaikung awm hoeh eiteh, hote hah a pâpha teh, a vâ ni panue hoeh nakunghai thoseh,
14 If he be moued with a ielous minde, so that he is ielous ouer his wife, which is defiled, or if he haue a ielous minde, so that he is ielous ouer his wife, which is not defiled,
ahni lathueng dipmanae muitha a pha hai thoseh, a yu a dipma nakunghai thoseh, hahoi napui a kamhnawng teh dipmanae muitha tongpa koe a tho hai thoseh, a yu hah a dipma ei, a yu kamhnawng hoeh pawiteh,
15 Then shall the man bring his wife to the Priest, and bring her offering with her, the tenth part of an Ephah of barly meale, but he shall not powre oyle vpon it, nor put incense thereon: for it is an offring of ielousie, an offring for a remembrance, calling the sinne to minde:
tongpa ni a yu hah vaihma koe a thokhai han, napui hanlah a panki e poehno catun ephah pung hra pung touh dawk buet touh, satui awi mahoeh, hmuitui hai kalawt mahoeh. Bangkongtetpawiteh, hethateh dipmanae canei thuengnae, pahnim hoeh nahan canei thuengnae, payonnae panue nahanelah pahnim hoeh nahane doeh.
16 And the Priest shall bring her, and set her before the Lord.
Vaihma ni napui hah a thokhai vaiteh, BAWIPA hmalah a kangdue sak han.
17 Then the Priest shall take the holy water in an earthen vessel, and of the dust that is in the floore of the Tabernacle, euen the Priest shall take it and put it into the water.
Vaihma ni talai hlaam dawk hoi tui kathoung a la vaiteh, lukkareiim khom koe e vaiphu a la vaiteh tui dawk a phuen han.
18 After, the Priest shall set the woman before the Lord, and vncouer the womans head, and put the offring of the memorial in her hands: it is the ielousie offering, and the Priest shall haue bitter and cursed water in his hand,
Vaihma ni napui hah BAWIPA hmalah a kangdue sak vaiteh, a sam a rathap sak han. Yu dipmanae tavai thuengnae kâhruetcuet poe nahanelah thuengnae hah a kut dawk a sin sak han. Hahoi vaihma ni thoebonae tui kakhat e hah a sin han.
19 And the Priest shall charge her by an othe, and say vnto the woman, If no man haue lien with thee, neither thou hast turned to vncleannesse from thine husband, be free from this bitter and cursed water.
Vaihma ni napui hah lawk a kam sak vaiteh, napui koe na vâ e kâtawnnae dawk na 0 navah, ayâ ni na ipkhai hoehpawiteh, na kamhnawngnae lam dawk na dawn hoeh boum teh hete thoebonae kaphawtkung kakhat e tui dawk hoi na hlout han.
20 But if thou hast turned from thine husband, and so art defiled, and some man hath lyen with thee beside thine husband,
Hatei, na vâ e kâtawnnae dawk na o navah, nama na kamhnawng teh ayâ ni na ipkhai boipawiteh telah na ti vaiteh,
21 (Then the Priest shall charge the woman with an othe of cursing, and the Priest shall say vnto the woman) The Lord make thee to be accursed, and detestable for the othe among thy people, and the Lord cause thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell:
vaihma ni napui hah thoebonae lawkkam rahim vah ao sak vaiteh, napui koe BAWIPA ni na phai a kamsoe sak teh na von a phing sak toteh, BAWIPA ni na miphunnaw thung dawk thoebonae kaphawtkung lah na awm naseh.
22 And that this cursed water may goe into thy bowels, to cause thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot. Then the woman shall answere, Amen, Amen.
Hahoi, thoebonae kaphawtkung hete tui ni na ruen dawk a kâen vaiteh, na von a phing sak vaiteh, na phai a kamsoe sak han, telah ati han. Hahoi napui ni teh, Amen, hot patetlah thoseh ati han.
23 After, the Priest shall write these curses in a booke, and shall blot them out with the bitter water,
Vaihma ni thoebonae lawk hah cauk dawk a thut vaiteh, kakhat e tui dawk a phum han.
24 And shall cause the woman to drinke ye bitter and cursed water, and the cursed water, turned into bitternesse, shall enter into her.
Hahoi thoebonae kaphawtkung kakhat e tui hah, napui hah a pânei han. Hot patetlah thoebonae kaphawtkung a von thung a kâen vaiteh a kha han.
25 Then the Priest shall take the ielousie offring out of the womans hand, and shall shake the offring before the Lord, and offer it vpon ye altar.
Hot patetlah vaihma ni dipmanae canei thuengnae a kahek vaiteh, a poe e napui e kut dawk hoi a la vaiteh, BAWIPA hmalah tavai thuengnae a sin pouh vaiteh, thuengnae khoungroe koe a ceikhai han.
26 And the Priest shall take an handfull of the offring for a memorial thereof, and burne it vpon the altar, and afterwarde make the woman drinke the water.
Vaihma ni panuenae tavai thuengnae hah kutvang touh a la vaiteh, khoungroe dawk a sawi han. Hathnukkhu, kakhat e tui hah napui a pânei han.
27 When yee haue made her drinke the water, (if she bee defiled and haue trespassed against her husband) then shall the cursed water, turned into bitternesse, enter into her, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot, and the woman shall be accursed among her people.
Tui a nei sak toteh, hettelah han doeh. A la kamhnawng teh a vâ koe yonnae sak boipawiteh, thoebonae kaphawtkung lah ao dawk kakhat e tui teh a von thung a kâen vaiteh a kha han. A von a phing vaiteh, a phai hah a kamsoe han. Hahoi teh, hote napui teh a miphunnaw thung dawkvah, thoebo e lah ao han.
28 But if the woman bee not defiled, but bee cleane, she shalbe free and shall conceiue and beare.
Hatei, napui teh kamhnawng hoeh lah thoung boipawiteh, a hlout vaiteh, camo ka vawn thai e lah ao han.
29 This is the law of ielousie, when a wife turneth from her husband and is defiled,
Hete napui ni a vâ e kâtawnnae rahim ao navah, kho louk lah radoung hoi a vâ hoeh e tami alouke hoi koe ka kamhnawng e thoseh,
30 Or when a man is moued with a ielous minde being ielous ouer his wife then shall he bring the woman before the Lord, and the Priest shall do to her according to al this lawe,
tongpa ni dipmanae lungthin ueue tawn pawiteh, a yu a dipma dawkvah, dipmanae kâlawk lah ao han. Hahoi teh napui hah BAWIPA hmalah a ceikhai vaiteh, vaihma ni hete kâlawknaw pueng a tak dawk a sak pouh han.
31 And the man shalbe free from sinne, but this woman shall beare her iniquitie.
Hottelah, tongpa teh payonpakainae koehoi a hlout han. Hatei, hete napui ni yonpennae naw heh a khang han, atipouh.

< Numbers 5 >